
Just one of them days

How's life treating everyone?


Mine, Buddha help please, It's hectic. Cherry on top fed up!


Remember the wild aunt that dumps her kids off? Well her kids grown, eldest son found a young minor who barely turned eighteen last year. Not even a half a year they end up expecting a child on the way and she dropped out of high school. Shuts eyes count backswords from ten. Nine months later the child was born, not even month old the girlfriend and aunt were bumping heads. The couple didn't want the cat that grew up with the family around no more. Aunt was going to comply and find a good family to have them,  that backfire from youngest brother who threw a fit wanted to keep the pets. The young mother being clueless out of spite or just slow complained about the smell. Sh-t. Don't just sit there like a effing princess get off your arse and clean up the place your damn self. We settled this for them.


No. Another week later the youngest brought his girlfriend home. This one is dream come true future-in-law. Cooks, work experience and drive. Willing to help the young couple out around since eldest boy didn't know how to drive yet. Everything was fine until the young mother opened . "You know I could of had both the brothers, easily. But I settled on the eldest brother." Towards the youngest girlfriend who's few years older than the young mother. 


Yes. She said that. What.The.F. Moment. Huh. Gross. Yes. 


Girlfriend just raised an eyebrow and relayed to Aunt. Everything settled until February. That's when things got complicated. Girls were mad they didn't get wined and dined out on Valentines Day. Brothers planned everything, but --- but--- aunt. ---- Aunt being ornery as usual threw a fit.. I forgot to mention she broke her foot. Youngest girlfriend and young mother got mad at the boys afterwords. Youngest brother  brought Pizza and Rose to his girlfriend. She wasn't too thrilled about it. My sisters said, "They'd appreciate that gift. Pizza is life." Huffs in pride sisters are raised right. Both girlfriends weren't working, cause the oldest girlfriend of the bunch couldn't by the youngest cousin refused her to work. Just wanted her to stay home in his room and wait for him.

I may wring his neck. The girl wants to work! WORK! What great catch you can come across that! At least she wants to work and not depend on her man. He'll lose her. Screw it up. I know it. 


Youngest fool of the bunch just sits there in room yapping around how her family members are criminals, gang members. Gang. I'm shocked. --- Not. That explains her lack of intelligent. After their first doctor visit check up, baby vaccination, blood test, whole shindig. Results came back back the baby has Chlamydia, both parents tested positive. What did the mother say about this. "I must of got it from sharing my underwear with my oldest sister." face palms is this girl serious. Please cousin tell me you didn't pick this girl because of . Aunt and Son bumped heads again. Outcome of the fight lead the young parents moving out in the middle of the night. Something is up this dumb girls sleeve. I knew it, sisters knew it. We were waiting for the day to come. Where she'll separate cousin from the family and control him. Yes, stood corrected. Dumbo started messaging my sisters asking for help watching the baby. Because they were tired. My sister being kind as she was agreed to this madness. I sat back and watched this. We showed the mother the ropes disinfecting the bottles, pacifiers, blankets, we looked them dead in the eyes told them. When Baby sleeps. One of you two sleep! She sleeps, one of you sleep. Got it. They nodded. Since the mother didn't get any sleep, cousin tried to hand her off to me when baby needed diaper change. I barked at him to get his over here and observe. After her second diaper change made him change his daughters diaper himself. He hesitated at first. We sent off the mother to bed upstairs. Cousin tried to follow nope. Kept his down here.  


Next week they stopped by during my sisters day off from watching our other cousin's baby. Yes it's supposed to be day off. But The young couple thought otherwise wanted to stay the weekend with us. F***! are they kidding me! They dumped off baby on my sister who planned on lounging around. Because she earned that right. Cousin went upstairs tried to sleep. Girlfriend left by herself with the baby half awake. Oh geez. Sister took baby off her hands and watched her. While I stormed upstairs yanked the blankets off him. "GET UP! GET UP! GET OFF YOUR GO BACK DOWN STAIRS!" Half conscious ready sleep mumbled he's tired. "I DON'T ING CARE! GET YOUR DOWN STAIRS WATCH YOUR ING BABY! NOW!!" He trailed behind me. I walked over to the couch started folding babies blankets he still stood behind me. I got in his personal space. "WHAT ARE YOU STANDING THERE FOR! SIT NEXT TO HER! THIS IS YOUR CHILD! YOU WATCH HER! IF YOU WANT SLEEP. GO BACK HOME!!" The girlfriend got tight lip, looked away when I looked at her. Cousin sat there with his baby pouting. Half an hour later they called for a ride and left. Sisters were amused by this and relieved at the same time. It's about time someone told them something. 


This wasn't the end of it. Dumbo kept messaging my sisters asking for help. Fate seemed otherwise because all us kept getting sick from our other cousin's baby. Her man kept getting sick! Man what the f does her man do. Kiss his co-workers who are males. He's always sick. I'm ready to slap on a face mask him. Also I don't like this guy because he trying to create distance between her and her five kids, biological father died tragically. New boyfriend just want party of  two and their baby. No other kids. Middle aunt didn't like this one bit, she's disappointed with her daughter choosing her man over her children. Guess what. Cousin is expecting  7th child. All the kids and two nephews told her, "NO MORE!" "Get fixed. Make him get fixed" 

Aside from that. Young couple came around when I was getting ready for work. They showed up on our doorstep. Dumb and dumber started talking, the girl tried to argue with him for leaving her. She turned around and shut her trap when I stepped inside the living room. Walked in the kitchen grabbing my stuff for work, grabbed my keys and walked out. She was gone before I came home. Sisters said, "She's scared of you" Oh me!? Muah? Huh. Good.

ANother Week went by dumbo started messaging sisters again. Asking her to watch baby while she sleeps. Sisters were getting fed up with this told her, she needs to sleep when baby sleeps. Her reply, "I can't!" All of us including youngest nephew who has three nieces and three nephews under his belt says, "Watching baby is easy stage. Because they sleep most of the time. It's when they start crawling around is tough." Girl didn't cease her pestering each day. I was going to snatch the tablet and yell at her. Sister says, "Cool it. She's young. She's scared of you enough. Let me handle it." I gritted my teeth. "Then handle it!" 

The grand finale week came around, Dumbo messaged sisters asked if they can watch baby for a day because her hal-ah-bo-jee is sick and is in the hospital. They fell for it. When they dropped off baby, I looked at her. She wore heavy make-up and asked for $15.00 for gas. Now let me explain this. Trip down back to her hol-ah-bo-jee place takes up to two hours and back. She needs more than mer 15 dollar gas money. Because gas prices risen up. She ain't going to her hal-ah-bo-jee! She going out. She averted her eyes looking guilty. Next morning I woke up to my alarm. My door opens in steps in my sister. She asks me to speak with our cousin because he just got back, got into a fight with the mother and broke up. I scowled are you serious. I didn't get my drink yet. I sat down looked at him tell him to spill. Spilled he did. 


"She didn't go back home to her hal-ah-bo-jee like she said. When she picked him up from walking to our house after his work. She rolls up with some guy in shotgun both drunk. He asked her was she even down back south. The guy in shotgun blurted out, "No-Man. We've been out drinking all night! It was wild. Right, babe." ah sh** they argued and told her to drive him to our house. She tried defend her actions, she needed someone to talk to. Not him obviously. She needed to go out. Drink. Be advice she's still a minor. 19 years old. She held onto his phone whole time because she got no job still. He snatched the phone out of her grasp and threw it out the window. She got pissed and tried to get her new boy toy to beat him up. Guy said wisely this is between both of them. Leave him out of it. Wise dude, wise. He gave his girlfriend the ultimatum. Their daughter or the party life. She chose the party life and drove off on their kid." 

I've discovered more after driving over to our family members house they were staying at. Dumbo took off with his wallet. We advice him to report his card stolen. Lock it. He obliged. Apparently she treated herself and the loser to old town pump restaurant and McDonalds. After that no more. $50.00 lost Rest locked and will get a new card. Our other cousin who they were staying with said, "Last night she came back. Put on her make-up and got dressed up. She was in no hurry going down back home to see her hal-ah-bo-jee. If it was me I would hurry first thing in the morning. She even borrowed my daughters sandals I just bought her for her birthday." Okay. When she says borrow it means one way. When we got a hold of their baby's files. Turns out this b*** didn't even make it to their wic appointments. She always had the phone on her, was on it and had the car. She controlled the wallet. This whole time she talked him into letting her go out get wild. ! She spent his money on booze. She got jealous of her child because the father said, "Baby comes first. Money goes to baby." Because he kept buying their daughter stuff and not her. Face palms. As I looked around their room saw bunch of boxes of pregnancy tests inside the see through drawer. I raised my brow at it and look at him then towards the said object displayed out in the open. "Yeah, she's been buying whole bunch of pregnancy tests past week and we haven't been intimate since our daughters been born." Unfaithful. 

Sisters got a hold of his mother, shared the news while I spoke with our other family member. She asked if we're taking over on them. I guess. Since my sisters want them. Cousin said, "tramp couldn't stay with us because she couldn't get along with me." no news to me. Because I scared her and I didn't have to be home to do that. heh. I told cousin, I give this chic a week before she tries to crawl back to him. We just found out she already got ditched by her new boy toy second she ran out of money and gas. Two days later she showed at cousin's place to get her stuff under her supervision, she made the tramp hand over his wallet and her daughters sandals. Guess she took off with his weights and pawned them off. Then she had the nerve to message him. Tried reverse guilt trip cousin with her self-victimizing she tried to tell him she might be pregnant. He told her, that's her problem not his. She wen to different tactic, said she misses him and the baby. Until she blames him for walking out on her with their baby. I snorted and voiced out to him. "What the f*** is she talking about. She drove off on you guys. Don't fall for her bull. She's going around saying you left her with their child, she telling people you laid your hands on her. She's getting tired being judged as the high school drop out, no job, no money and a mom who abandon her baby. Stop talking to her, if she wants to desperately see her kid, she can settle this in court. She don't care about the baby. She wants money. She never touched babies stuff and just left it. She just now tried threatening you with her so-called- gang member family to commit homicide on your . She's trying to provoke you. Don't fall for it. Leave her alone. Court. Fill out the papers."  He's being reluctant about it. I swear. "THE MORE SHE SCREWS AROUND, HER IQ DROPS!" 


He's finally breaking into handling baby on his own. He now understand this is the easy stage. 


Aunt still annoys the sh** out of me. She cried around saying they denied her seeing her grandbaby. Now that they're back she don't want them. SHE WANTS US TO TAKE CARE OF THEM! 




I breathed through my gritted teeeth. She always does this sh** she dumps her two boys on us all the damn time what oldest son and grandbaby be any different. She says she's 'Too old to be watching her grandbaby.' What the hell is our other two aunts then, they watched their grandkids who are older than the youngest aunt! 

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