Chapter 2

Mystery Hospital

"I can sense two people with Jiyeon." A man said.


I was eating when I heard walking, and looked at Nicole. She got up ran with a girl and looked at me. "I'm going to say here." I looked at Jiyeon, "I can't leave her." They nodded and ran. I sat back on the stairs and continued eating. 

"There you are." I looked up at them, and started losing my appetite. "We need to check Jiyeon." The man said to me, and I nodded. They picked her up and had dragged her away, Jiyeon looked like she was losing all her energy to walk. I stood up and started to walked back to a little room where we all usually met, but then I heard something. 

"You just got in here and you are passed out already. We are going to need to send you to a private hospital by yourself." I froze, but continued walking.

"Hey." Seung Ho said. I nodded softly, and sat down. A few seconds later Jiyeon came walking in and sat down next to me, looking sickly. She had a a bowl of food that looked like lasagna, as she was about to take a bite of it, I stopped her.

"Jiyeon you haven't been able to keep food down. You're just gonna throw it up."

"Shut up..." She said and she took the bite, but froze.

"See. You're gonna throw it up!" I stood up and pulled her up and lead her to the small trash can behind Seung Ho. I looked at him and he realized it. He grabbed the trash can and gave it to Jiyeon.

"Hey guys can we talk?" We turned to see Shi Yoon at the door, and walked out with him. Our whole group was here. All six of us. I knew what he was going to say.


I passed by a room and heard Shi Yoon with a nurse and a doctor. "Well Yoon Shi, I think you can leave in a couple of days."

"W-what about my friends?"

"They have to stay unforunately."

"Why were we brought here in the first place? None of us have problems. Not until we came here. I mean haven't you seen Jiyeon? She can barely eat anymore. What did you do to her?"

"I would like you to stop asking questions, and Jiyeon has always had that problem you just haven't noticed."

"No, she hasn't! Jiyeon has always had such a good appetite. She would eat anything. Now it's barely even a bite." Shi Yoon said to the doctor. He was right, Jiyeon always ate. She ate a lot... But now.. She's growing weaker... What are they doing to us? 

"Listen, you should be glad you are leaving. We will take god care of your friends, and they will met you one day when they can leave." I looked through the crack of the door and saw Shi Yoon's head drop. I closed my eyes and walked away. There has also been one thing I had always hid from him... Now he won't know it...

~~End Of Flashback~~ 

We all stood together and Shi Yoon in front of us. "Uhm..." I started to cry and hugged him. I pushed him to step back so we were far from the group. "Yun Hee-ah." He said surpirsed.

"Oppa listen, just because I know what you are going to say, you can't stop yourself from telling them." He looked at me surprised. Tears ran down my face. "I know you get to leave... But that means we are stuck here..." His eyes sadden, and I suddenly before I realized what I did, our lips touched... I kept my eyes closed and felt him kiss back. A few seconds later, I pulled away and looked at him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have.."

"It's fine." He interrupted me.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Jiyeon ran up to me and pulled me away from Shi Yoon's grip. Then, the rest of the group ran to him. "What was that about?" I was shocked and then looked at her, and smiled. We both squeled. Wait... Jiyeon looked fine right now... I looked back up over to Shi Yoon, and we walked over to the group.

"What? You're leaving?" He nodded softly. Everyone went back to get food to celebrate for him, and I was about to follow, but he caught my arm and I turned to look at him.

"Uhm... Can we talk?" I shyly looked at the ground and then nodded. "About the kiss.."

"I.. I really didn't mean to do that..."

"Yun Hee... Trust me... It's fine. I just want to clear something up."


"What was that about?"

"I... I don't know if I can tell you.."

"Tell me please." He said walking up to me as he put his hand on the side of my cheek.

Tears rolled down my face again. "I... I love you... And then I found out you were leaving... I didn't know what to do..." He looked at me shocked. 

"Why did you wait till now?"

"I wasn't planning on telling you anyway..."

"For how long?"

"Since... We were little... I've always had a crush on you."

"Yun Hee..." He suddenly closed the space between us and kissed me. I pushed away and looked at him surprised. 


"Yun Hee-ah... I have never told anyone about my feelings. Even to you guys, who are my best friends. But Park Yun Hee, I do love you." Tears continued to flow down my face, "And I will wait for you... I will wait till all of you guys are out of this damn place. Then, you and I will also be together."

"Oppa.." I sobbed into his shoulder, and the group had come back outside. 

"Yah! Shi Yoon, what did you do to Yun Hee?" Hyun Woo yelled. He just shook his head not saying anything. 

"Yun Hee come on." Nicole said pulling me away from him. I sniffed and looked up at everyone, while wiping my tears away.

"Guys.. We need to talk." We all sat at a table and I had Jiyeon and Shi Yoon sit on both sides of me. "Okay, we can clearly tell there's something going on with this place. I mean..." I looked at Jiyeon and grabbed some food. "Jiyeon try eating this please." She looked at me kinda unsure, but then she took a bite of the place of meat. She started to look sickly and almost threw up. I grabbed a napkin and put it over . Then I looked back at the other three across from us. "They are doing something to us... I mean look you know Jiyeon ate a lot before. Now she can't even hold down at least a bite of food? It doesn't make sense."

"And now we are losing one of our group members..." Seung Ho said sadly.

"Listen to me. You all need to keep a close watch on each other." Shi Yoon announced. 

"Jiyeon, have they been giving you anything weird?" Nicole asked her.

"Uhm... They've been giving my these weird looking tablets and some contant weird shots... They are even planning on moving me to a private hospital alone." I nodded at her. 

"I heard that eariler." I said. 

"Then.... What are we going to do? I mean we don't even know why we are in this hell hole anyway." Hyun Woo exclaimed annoyed.

"We need to figure that out..." I said quietly. I looked at Shi Yoon, "Oppa, you'll try doing research out there okay?" He nodded, "And in here we'll do the same, but listen to me... All four of you. If you get caught put the blame on me."

"What?!" They said at the same time.

"Don't even say anything... I know what I said... And there's no way I'm letting you guys go into trouble because of this." I explained. "Okay?" They didn't answer me. A few seconds later, the doctor came out. 

"Yoon Shi! It's time." We looked at him, and got up and followed him. Everyone said their goodbyes and hugged him, but I stood in the back. Afraid to say goodbye. He looked at me worriedly, and motioned me to go up to him. I shook my head, and Jiyeon and Nicole pushed me up to him. We looked at each other and I hugged him tightly.

"I love you.." I whispered to him.

"I love you too." I felt like crying but held it in. "I'll wait for you. I don't know who I'll hang with, without you all."

"You'll find some." I said quietly. We looked back into each other's eyes and the urge to cry kept coming. 

"Just kiss already!" Hyun Woo and Seung Ho yelled. My eyes watered and he leaned in and kissed me. Once he pulled away, the doctor came up behind him and said his ride was here. We watched as he slowly walked away and left through the doors, and we saw the doctors shut the hard metal door that went between us and the doors that lead to the outside. It was then that I finally let my tears go, and feel to my knees.

"Yun Hee!" They yelled as they asked me what was wrong.

"He.... He's gone...." Was my last words I said to them, when we found out we were being separated.

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