where you been: an update

endless voyages // a graphic portfolio
a much-needed update
hello hello! it's been a while, hasn't it? I was recently looking through some past archives to look for things I could potentially publish on my website and I suddenly remembered aff, so I just had to come back and reactivate my account. I missed this! a lot has changed though, and a lot of my past aff friends have either deactivated/or are no longer active so I really want to interact with you lovely people and make some new friends! please talk to meee  I promise I won't bite. :-)

on a different note, college is kind of rough, but it's not keeping me as busy as I thought it would, so I really wanted to take the opportunity and make lots of art, which one of the only things that make me genuinely happy (plus it really helps pass the time whenever I'm in a slump). one of the upsides of college, however, is the fact that it really rekindled my appreciation for art; basically, I'm taking an 'intro to visual arts' course and my professor is really passionate about the subject so I love that class. it helps put a lot of famous works and genres into perspective and allows me to know more about the subject I love, so that's pretty awesome!

anyway, I haven't finished a lot of artwork these past couple years (mainly saying this because I'm completed a couple but trashed a lot of them because I thought they were incompetent or something?) but I did finish this one vector art piece of chai. it took me quite some time because I kept putting it off and retouching small details so it could be 'perfect.' I finally sat down one day and just finished the damn thing because it kept mocking me whenever I opened up photoshop, and I'm quite happy with the result!

let me know what you think of it! I know this isn't what you typically see here on aff, but I'm quite proud of it and would appreciate any constructive criticism you have! also, it's kind of the only thing worth sharing ;A; can't you just tell I'm the most productive graphic designer out there?

tl;dr basically I've barely made anything over my three-year hiatus but I'm back and I'm better!

so basically a brief blurb about this artwork: I really love lee soojung (also known by her stage name, chai) and I've loved her ever since she appeared on kpop star and sang 'part-time lover' with yoo jei. like seriously she is so freaking talented and also really goofy and crazy. I aspire to be as carefree and amazing as her honestly.

anyway, this piece was made in reference to one of her photoshoot sessions with a photography known as nolis on insta. as soon as I saw the portrait, I was like "omg I have to make a vector out of this. this is just superb" and so I did!

for three grueling months.


I'm really bad at managing my procrastination, as you have probably noticed by now. well, I hope you enjoyed looking at it! I know I enjoyed making it!

the photo I'm talking about
about the designer: emcee is a first-year college student and an avid hater of capital letters. she enjoys making art and interacting with friends in her free time, but if not, she's most likely laying in bed, scrolling through tumblr and instagram, looking for new sources of creative inspiration. she loves talking to new people, especially those interested in graphic design or those with an intense passion for the arts, and she hopes that you enjoy looking through her finished pieces!

"catch you on the flip side, doods" -- emcee
coded by aleric | client: overseas-
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oh wait, i just used upper case whoops
Chapter 7: dang that vector must have took a hell lot of time, especially the hair and her pants hahahahaha you still did great tho :))
seoulja #4
your layout is pretty .
Chapter 5: ahh thank you so much! : ) this helped a lot !
Chapter 2: just a question, how do you use topaz ? i've heard of it before but never knew aha
Chapter 3: happen to come across your thread and i saw my name here
/jumps a little in my tiny heart

thank you for liking what i make heh o u o

btw your layout is gorg
Chapter 2: omg
it looks so nice and tumblr-y :')))))
all the colors and stocks you used just go together really nicely ;A;