Chapter 3: A Day of Hard work and Sleepiness

A Change that Lasts a Lifetime

 "You ready kid?" Screaming almost drowned out the announcer's voice.
"Bwa?" I could barely hear him over girls and the music starting up, but everyone rushed out leaving me to make my 'big entrance' in only a few moments. 
I heard the guys shouting out to the crowd, laughing and sending out hearts to everyone. My heart pounded as I stood, almost scared to go out, or that I would miss my cue. Make up artists kept patting my face with powder foundation and spraying my hair with hairspray. All of my gangster items were tight on me so they wouldn't fall off. 
"Are you ready," Fans screamed out in response, "to meet our new maknae?!" I took in a great gulp of of air, bounced up and down on my toes to get energized, and ran out shooting winks and kisses as the crowd became even louder. I quickly placed myself in position and dropped to my knees as our comeback song started to play.
I waited till the moment I'd say my line, "yeah, it's Bangtan Seonyeondan!" We all jumped up, started the dance, and Jungkook went to the front to perform a small solo rap. I had practiced everyday for 6 months to do my rap solo, since I was so terrible at it, I wanted to improve at least this much and keep time with the rest of the guys. My turn, we made it so everyone expected the refrain melody, but I broke out in front with fast English rap not missing a single beat. We all sang together with me in the front and soon the song ended and the crowd exploded. We completed three other songs with dances and 4 without dances before we ended; I was sweating terribly from all of the movement. 
It was the best feeling in the world though, being there with them. Performing with them was a dream come true and here I was, standing in the middle of it. I combed my hair with my hands and gasped for for breath. Even if I had more sweat than the others, we hugged and threw our sweat towels out into the crowd. Everything was perfect, we took pictures with the audience and left the stage. I was at my limit, but I was so happy, we were all ready to be done. 
"Encore! Encore! Encore!" Muffled chanting emanated fork. The stage and through the hall. Our manager stopped us and we were turned around to do an encore.
I froze with fear, "I don't think I can do this," I rubbed the tape that held my mic onto my face, Namjoon put his hand on my shoulder as we walked. 
"You'll be fine, just act cute and they'll love you," he gave me a pat and led on.
Outside again, we continued to "perform" 3 extra songs songs for the fans. We tried to interact a lot, but what was hard for me was the improvisation I had to do. Though I had practiced and listened to every one of their songs, I felt like a fan who had a language barrier and could easily mess up at any time. It was a weird feeling, I was so close yet so far from them all.
Breathless and tired, I forced my aching body to keep moving, 'is this what it's like? To be an idol in South Korea? Working hard every day to the point of collapse? And when a concert comes along, you have to conjure up energy you don't have'? By the end of it all, we were all drenched in sweat, our black outfits wet from perspiration. They were tight and uncomfortable on me, my hair plastered to my face, and feet too sore to comprehend, the crowd spun before my eyes as we finally started to end. All I could do was bow to our fans, I had no energy left to cater to them anymore. 
The rest of the night was a blur, after singing and dancing for so long, once we returned to our room backstage I was told I had collapsed and was barely conscious during hi touch. 
"Yah! Wake up! Hey! Get up now, you can't sleep in like this, Manager-nim will get angry." 
I felt hands shaking my shoulders, lightly slapping my face, and the voices calling me to consciousness. 
"What is it?" I spoke in English and opened my eyes to see V and Suga standing above me, trying to move my body out of bed. 
"You need to get up and come with to meet with manager-nim," Suga was blunt and very adult-like in the way he made himself look.
"Yoongi-ah, why do we have to meet manager-hyung so early in the morning?" 
"Come on Minnie, say it so we can understand you," V worked to prop up the top half of my body perpendicular to the bed.
"Uh... Sorry.. Why do we have to do this so early in the morning?" I remembered my Korean in the midst of my sleepiness. 
"It's not the morning Hiseumin-sshi, you slept in later than anyone here. It's 2pm," Suga flashed his watch on front of me so I could see the time.
"2... Pm?" I sighed, "why didn't anyone wake me up earlier then?" I felt my eyes drooping farther down my face the more I didn't move.
V pinched my cheek softly, "you looked so peaceful and cute sleeping so soundly, we didn't want to disturb you since you collapsed last night." 
"I collapsed? Ah..." I was exhausted, how did they live like this? I held onto their shoulders as I pulled myself out of bed. "Aoosh!" I winced in pain as I put pressure on my feet and felt almost a shock that ran through my whole body. I was in a black t-shirt and boxer shorts, unlike the others who donned jeans and designer shirts. I felt out of place, like they were a perfect picture and I was photoshopped in at the last minute. 
"Hiseumin you're late," Manager-nim scolded me when we entered the meeting room. 
"Sorry, I'm sorry," I bowed and took my seat, too tired to really care.
"We were talking about a few dates for photo shoots and a fan meet, an agency also called for an interview." Manager-nim folded his hands and rested them on his stomach. There were a few moments of silence before he spoke with a loud voice, startling us all, "Hiseumin!"
"Huh! What? Oh, for me?" I fixed my posture immediately.
"I'm talking to you, since you're new it's only right that you'd be interviewed by some press." 
I kept quiet and slumped down a little bit again. All the other boys were looking away or discretely on their phones.
He put his elbows on the table as he addressed only me. "I want to make sure that you're prepared to answer any question that comes to you, just so that there isn't any trouble." 
"Oh, alright, I'll be careful, " though I wasn't absolutely sure what I was trying to be careful about, but I really hoped that I could go back to sleep again after this. 
"Just answer questions simply,"
"Don't give them any unnecessary information,"
"Are you listening Hiseumin!?" He shouted at me.
"Ah!" I jumped up in my seat, was I dozing off? "Uh... Sorry," I apologized in English.
"Sir, I don't think Hiseumin-hyung is fully recovered from last night, he passed out and even went through hi touch in that state, could he sleep more first so that he is more proficient later?" Rapmon cut in and posed the suggested to our manager. 
Our manager was a lot less scary than BangPDnim, he was very smart and hard working, you could tell he was well fed from his slightly bulging belly too. He considered the the suggestion, "he can sleep after doing some warm ups, he can't slack off, otherwise if he misses dinner then it's his fault. The interview is in 3 days, Tuesday, make sure you're prepared." 
I, out of the whole group, was most disappointed. It made sense though, I shouldn't get special treatment just because it was my first concert. It was an inevitable truth that it was going to happen again, so I should start now and get used to it... But I really was so very tired. Somehow I was able to listen to and keep awake during that meeting and afterwards with low levels of energy, I trudged back to the room to wash up and get dressed. I didn't want to think about the breakfast I was probably missing at that moment and kept to my sluggish routine. I tried to be very energetic normally, but after a concert, it was not so easy. 
"Hiseumin!" I was brushing my teeth as Jimin hugged me playfully from behind, "you missed breakfast."
"I know," I was hungry as well as tired.
"And lunch."
"I'm aware."
"Hiseumin, you're the only one who'll play with me, can we play later?" A big smile stretched across his face, he looked like a little kid. 
"Shhrr Zmin, I'll Pway wit u ater," I brushed once again, spit out my toothpaste, and rinsed out my mouth quickly, "ok?"
"Aww, ok... I wanted to now but that's alright, I guess I can wait," he hung his arms limply around my shoulders and made a pouty face.
"Ai... Ok, if you let me wear your SnapBack then I'll play right now," I submitted, Jimin was just too cute, and not many of the other members played with him, he was fun, did they not see it? 
I was dressed and ready to go, although I yawned a lot I kept on going with Jimin. We were in the dance studio, others were hanging around or not doing anything till practice, but Jimin was fully mobile. He did funny dances, I picked songs off of my iPod to dance with him to; a good number of them being girl songs that the others may or may not have joined in on. Otherwise he and I rolled around on the floor lazily, booping arms, legs, and noses, hugging and taking a nap. I once explained to Jimin what it was to have no jams and that took up all of our time. Not only our fun time, but we had our practice time, full on, hardcore and intense from the moment we'd start. 
At the end of the day's practice the majority of the boys got food to eat and went through fantail to pass time. RapMonster and Suga spent their time in front of the computer conjuring up majestic lyrics for new songs. For me however, I wasted no time to get to my bed. It was 5pm, dark enough to go to sleep early without eating dinner which many of my peers looked down upon. I had my head in between two pillows and I bunched up my body in the covers.
"Hiseumin..?" A small voiced called to me from outside the covers. 
"Who?" I reluctantly turned to see V kneeling next to my bed. "Oh V, what's up?" 
V made himself comfy on the end of my bed and he spoke quietly. "Are you ok Hiseumin?"
I was surprised, "why wouldn't I be ok? Do I look sick?" I checked my forehead.
"Oh... No, just that... I felt sick after my first concert and practice right afterwards, so I wanted to make sure you weren't puking by yourself," he smiled with such an innocent and kind smile.
Wow, he really was a strange kid, "oh, hahah no. I'm fine V, really," I'd be fine puking by myself, I wouldn't want people around for that. "Thanks, I'm going to sleep now, I'm really tired," I started to fall back down when he reached for my arm, "huh?"
"Can I sleep with you Hiseumin?" 
"Ah...." I got embarrassed, even though I knew he didn't mean it like that, "um.. Y-yeah, sure." I burrowed into the covers as V made his way into them too, wrapping his limbs around me as if he were holding a teddy bear. It was really warm, I felt happy, tired... But very happy. "Goodnight Hyung," I mumbled before dozing off, the next thing I knew, I was being swatted awake.

AUHTOR NOTE! Hello! Well I'm a procrastinating author aren't I? No, I'm very sorry for those who read this, I have trouble writing a lot of content at once, I have an idea and I go with it until I feel satisfied. Even though it's hard for me, I want to tell you all the story of Hiseumin, so thank you for bearing with me! Happy Holidays everyone! <3

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aiiecha #1
Chapter 3: Hi author-nin. Im ok. (apart from exams) I like the flow of the story currently.but wat nationality is she? American or korean. And did they just randomly grab som person off the street - why was she wearing the wig in the beginning? Sorry.......