Some girls would have liked the feeling of being swept off of their feet but not me. Totally not me.. But with a certain obnoxious, flirty, witty and too-caring Shim Changmin around, I am bound to get in trouble and messed up again.
With a chubby physique and all, it was hard to trust someone else from yourself about being lifted off the ground. It's not that I'm not confident or anything. Trust me, I am way overconfident when it comes to my looks and all. It almost came to the point where my bestfriends would totally avoid complimenting me to avoid lifting my confidence higher than it already is right now.
So there's only 2 persons in the world that I trust when it comes to handling my weight, my sturdy younger brother and my beloved father who's a black-belter in Judo. I've come to trust the strong stable chest and the muscled hard arms with years of experience from all those times that we wrestled and almost ended up with someone on the ground in pain but still laughing nonetheless. That's why I'm more comfortable with the idea that I will be the one to carry heavy things than me being carried.
Having boys tease me about my weight was no help at all. Though I don't really mind nor really cared since boys are meant to be naughty and obnoxious when they're Slim and not to mention tall. I was willing and more okay to the fact that my classmates treated me more as a guy than as a girl. It was more comfortable for me that way, well, all my siblings are boys so there's no difference really. Not to mention, my brothers are much more annoying than my classmates so I'm pretty much already immune with the teasing. 
With the short and boyish haircut, many of my classmates first thought that I was a guy. I don't mind coz it's true. My mom hit me on the head because of it. But since, a lot of people, and I mean, A LOT had commented that I look 'impossibly' good with the new look, My mom had no choice but to let it slip. See? I told you, there's no way I need a confidence check.. I am way too narcissist already. Recently, I'm a little bit embarrassed about looking good for once in my life when one of my GUY classmates admitted that I'm a little bit more handsome that he was. Not to mention the embarrasment I felt when they took a notice and told me how cool I looked whenever I run my fingers through my hair.. Not the girly cool but the manly cool. It was really embarrassing hearing it from a guy. So I decided I'm never gonna cut my hair short again and be called 'Handsome' ever after my long hair revived.. It's a ing humiliation for a straight girl like me who likes and loves boys.. I feel like a freakin' gay man..
Then, it's almost as frustrating as being called 'handsome' when you know someone who's totally your type physically and mentally but an absolute socially..
The Snotty Shim Changmin.
Can you imagine the horror that crashed through me when I figured out that he's an ?
And no joke. He's the jerkest jerk, I've ever met.
If you know Changmin then asked me to describe what are my ideals to a guy, Don't be surprised if you think that I'm describing the prick. He's...... Well, aside from the witty, annoying, snotty, know-it-all attitude.. Shim Changmin looked like he came out of a fashion magazine every time he entered the classroom.  He's really gorgeous. Like out of this world gorgeous. Everything I've ever asked God what my Prince Charming should be all got bottled up inside him with that rotten attitude sadly. Impossibly tall, slim but muscled body, has the brains to surpass my dad, cute, adorable, good-looking, handsome face and chinky heart-melting smile. Did I mention how I love how his eyes are mismatched and looked so cute and infectious and squishabble whenever he smiled? And his pout, golly, you should see him when he's asking for free food or after you've given him free food. Those thick pink plump lips are bound to get me arrested for ual harrassment sooner or later. But those aren't the main reason why my EYES love him so much. There's so much more, I swear. His stance, his posture, his smoking hot body. The broad chest and shoulders, the muscled arms, the slim waist(I've always wondered if Changmin have abs and no, I'M NOT IMAGINING HIM W/O HIS SHIRT, kay?), the long legs and muscled thighs and I especially loved the wide back that my EYES loved abusing. Yep, My Eyes do love him that much. But for me he's got DANGEROUS written all over him and he's totally NOT-BOYFRIEND MATERIAL. 
I'm not denying Shim Changmin is HOT. It's just that he's attitude seriously stinks. If I needed a check up with a mental doctor for my head then he needs to get council for his attitude. Seriously, His attitude is the only thing that's keeping me from falling for him. Changmin's really confident about himself and most of the time, he's really rude to everyone too. I don't even want to get involved with me in a conversation. I love his body, I hate his attitude. Did I mention how I freakin hate how he smirks? And how irritating he is, every time he flaunted how atheletic and good he is? How he showed everyone that he's not only a good in academics but also in sports or anything athletic? How he made everyone feel that he's different because he's a freakin' genius. Now I felt how my friends feel whenever I practiced my confidence. 
There was one time when Jamie and Cherry hadn't arrived yet and we had a quiz on the first subject. Changmin just sat on his seat with his earphones plugged while everyone tried to review for the quiz. One of our classmates swallowed his pride and approached Changmin to ask something. 
"Hmp. Let's see." Changmin scoffed and took a look of the problem. A second after, he took the pen and started scribbling while mumbling something that only the guy beside him was able to hear. The boys at class kept on coming to him after that, asking him about things, asking him to tutor them and all he does is smirk and ask them to do something embarrassing for his amusement. It ticked me when someone had to throw a crumpled paper on my head because of Shim Changmin's wish. It was fine once, twice, thrice but when the in' 8th crumpled paper hit my forehead harder than the others. I turned to glared at them, especially at Shim Changmin's smug face when he realized that he pissed me off. With my knuckles clenched tight, I tried to even my breathing and shift my eyes, hearing Jamie and Cherry's voice that're trying to calm me.
"GET AWAY FROM ME, SHIM." I hissed at him, my voice dripped with danger and blood, another time Changmin decided to try out his luck in life and sat beside me. But like he didn't hear anything, Changmin grabbed his bag and prepared for the next subject. Digging a long inhale, I massaged my forehead to wind off the frown on my face. I pulled my chair away from him as much as possible and turned away from him. I figured that after that, everyone at class has taken a liking into teasing me.
To my remorse, Changmin is only a jerk to me. We don't talk without endangering each other's head. But Shim Changmin's super gentle and nice when it came to other girls. I really wanted to hit his head with a baseball bat whenever he talked to Jamie and Cherry like they're BFFs. Changmin alwayds tried to get me mad and I'm really really tempted to punch his handsome face whenever he did so.
"I don't get why you hate his attitude so much and love his physical appearance just as Much.." Jamie asked while I tried to pratice with the algebra problem at hand.
"You don't even try to talk to him." Cherry added.
"That's not true. I tried ONCE but the more seconds passed by the more my knuckles itched to break his beautiful face and I couldn't do that. My eyes would hate me." I answered them, my eyes still focused on the piece of paper with alien writings.
"He's not that bad if you get to know him.." Jamie told me.
"Yup.. And I'm not that arrogant either. Just.. A little bit.." I replied which caused them to scoff, knowing it was no where true.
"But you still like him, Yes?" Cherry asked me. My eyebrows cruled when I looked up to them, causing them to laugh.
"I'm really amazed at your eyebrows. Epic~! Really!" Jamie said still laughing.
"Not my fault, they're located too high for everyone's liking." I shrugged. I couldn't remember how many times I got the wrong impression from other people and got accused of being cold, rude, arrogant, bratty and all.
"So. Do you still like him?" Jamie asked me again. It wasn't a secret to them how I really liked Shim Changmin whenever he's away. He's like a famous Idol for me, I only like him when he's away but when he gets close, I doubt if there will ever be a time when I won't curse him in my head anymore nor plan his death secretly. 
"I like his face and his body.. The attitude? Nu-uh.. Not really." I told them with a scowl on my face, not bothering how rude I sounded. 
It's not like I'm searching for a boyfriend. Trust me when I say, I'm way too selfish and self-centered for that. But I won't lie if I say that I don't think 'What if's and the outcome when I confess to him. He'll laugh at me and say we don't match.. Then I'll kill him after school and throw his dead body at the nearest river. Or He'll accept my feelings, say he feels the same.. He'll change he's rotten attitude, we'll be together for how long then get tired of each other and break up. It's not really hard to imagine the both of us getting tired of one another. The two of us are more likely to fool around rather than get serious in a relationship. I'd be cool with that if Changmin and I met 3 years ago but I've stopped fooling around with relationships that time. I don't want to give Karma the chance to bite me back after all I did during my rebellion years. Even I still felt guilty to those people I've hurt.
The bell rang, signalling that lunch break is over and we have to get to the next subject which is for us is PE. Cherry, Jamie and I grabbed our bags and started walking towards the gym and sit on our usual places on the benches. Some boys are busying themselves on playing basketball while waiting for our teacher to arrive and to my eye's pleasure, Shim Changmin was playing too..
"Let me guess who are you staring at." Vivien suddenly asked me, sitting beside me on the bench.
"No need. There's only one guy on the court that is worth my eyes' UNDIVIDED ATTENTION." I told her, my eyes not leaving its favorite.
"Changmin?" She asked still..
"You got that right. Shim ing hot and y, not to mention good-looking, handsome and amazingly cute Changmin." I admitted. I heard them laugh while everyone had the urge to nudge me because of how I described him.
"Don't tell him I said that. I don't want him laughing his y off.." I told them..
"Changmin's not really that bad. He's pretty shy sometimes. It was really cute.. You should see it sometimes." Celine said and I couldn't stop myself from scoffing. Just as Shim Changmin decided to walk over to the bench and talk to the girls. He didn't bother talking to me cause all he'll ever hear from me is as short as my hair. I didn't bother hiding the pissed off aura, I emitted and plugged in my earphones.
I focused my eyes on the boys playing on the court. A yawn escaped my lips behind my hand and stretched my legs on the bars in front when the teacher arrive. A groan and a whine escaped my lips and I swear I didn't hear Shim Changmin laughing at me.
I'm not really athletic nore a sport-fanatic so it wasn't really that surprising when I'm always the first one out of the game. But today seemed to be an unlucky day for me since my defense ed-up for a second and another second after I'm on the floor holding my bleeding and possibly broken nose. If the crack I heard was any joke..
I was on my way to the bench after coach decided that I'm more of a burden than a help for the team when Siwon, another hot body but not so-nice face hit my nose with his elbow from trying to hit the volleyball. I'm not even sure if it was his elbow that hit me. It was so freakin' painful that I had to shut my eyes, trying to control the pain on my broken nose. I felt blood dripping on my hand and heard Cherry, Jamie, Angelica, celine and Vivien ask me if I'm okay.
I heard Siwon continuously apologize while I tried to get back on my feet. My knees wobbled again and I was bound for another injury when someone, Siwon maybe, grabbed a hold of me and pulled me towards his warm and muscled(I'm quite interested to note) body. Siwon(?) was fast enough to give me his handkerchief to stop my broken nose from dripping more blood..
"Are you okay??" I heard a TOO-familiar voice ask me. I controlled my self not to flinch away from him since I'm aware that I won't be able to hold myself up. 
"I'm ing bleeding and You're asking if I'm okay? (scoff) Yeah sure. I'm absolutely fine. Siwon just broke my nose. Other than that. I'm absolutely fine.." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm..
"Changmin, Help her get to the Clinic. I'm pretty sure she can't go alone with a freshly broken nose. She must be in too much pain.." I swear coach flinched when he said 'freshly broken nose'. He must have experienced the same pain before too.
"No thanks. I'm pretty sure my nose is the only thing broken on me and not my skull and legs.. I can go there alone.. Thank you." I said and tried to break away from Changmin. But even before I got to step away from him, I saw the floor nearing my face again if only Changmin didn't grab my waist.
"Ugghh.. You're heavier than I thought..." I heard him complain and I frowned and hissed at him when I'm back on my feet.
"I'm not asking you to assist me, Shim. Thank You.. Jamie.." I called to Jamie and they quickly held my hand.
"Just let me sit down for awhile. My head is spinning." I admitted to them, clutching unto Jamie's hand.
"Hold on." 
My heart almost fell out of my chest as I gasped when someone swept my feet off the gorund. I had no choice but to use my left arm to grab that someone's neck to hold myself up, afraid to fall first on the ground.
"Put me down this instant, Shim if you don't want your head away from your body in a minute!!" I hissed at him and gripped on his shoulder a little harder with my left.. My nails digging onto his shoulder. He winced a little.
"Don't move too much.. As I've previously stated, You're REALLY HEAVY. Hold on tight." Changmin told me but I wasn't given the chance to say any retort or any threath since he had already started walking. I bit my lower lip in embarrassment and in pain. My left arm tensed around his shoulder, afraid that his arms might give out and I'll fall.
"Relax.. I'm not gonna let you fall. Don't worry.." I frowned when I sensed some gentleness and worry on his voice but decided it wasn't the right time for me to be delusional and assuming with the pain raking my nose and my head.
I felt how he quickened his pace when I groaned aloud, my pain. He adjusted me that my head could hide on his neck while I complained at how painful it was.
"We're almost there." 
"It hurts.. It ing hurts.. Aggh.. I'm dying.. If I don't make it, Please kill Siwon for me.." I expected him to laugh but instead his grip suddenly tightened, forcing me to wince.
"It's just a broken nose.. Don't talk like that." He told me, his jaw hard and his voice stern..
"Try getting kicked on the face by a horse and we'll see how you handle it." I tried joking again while trying to ease the pain on my face by putting pressure on the sides.
Changmin remained silent as we entered the clinic. The nurse saw us quickly and told him to lay me down on the empty bed. I tried not to curse Siwon with every possible curse on my mind as the doctor examined my nose.. I felt a bit bad for Changmin's arms since I squeezed the life out of it the whole time.. After a few more seconds of examination, it was official.. Siwon did broke my nose. The Doctor said that I needed an x-ray to know how much damage was made. They asked for my Mom's number before they gave me a sedative.. I fell asleep after a few seconds, still feeling Changmin's hand with mine..
I woke up to a hospital room alone and the first thing I said was. "K.." with a groan..Finally feeling my nose and almost crying because of the pain. My fingers dreaded through my scalp and pulled, trying to transfer some pain from my nose to my scalp. 
"Agggghh.." I groaned again as I heard someone open the door and immediately came to my side..
"Changmin.. It hurts.. It in' hurts.. Why does it hurt still? It hurts..." I grumbled to him and I felt him disengage my fingers off of my scalp and pulled me to his lap. He winced a little when my teeth found his left shoulder. I needed the pain to vanish.. He reached for something on the headboard while he tried to sooth my pain.. I gripped on his shoulders when he forced our forehead together..
"Jenby.. Breathe.. Breathe... Breathe.." He told me, grabbing my wrist so that I would stop hurting him or myself.. A few more breathes and I heard some nurses and the doctor enter the room.
"Jenby.. Relax your arm.. Relax." He commanded me again and I found myself nodding as someone pulled my arm and I felt the needle pierce on the skin.. I bit my lips until it bled while he tried to sooth my back..
"Breathe.. Breathe.. Relax.. I'm here.. You're not alone.." Those were the last things I heard him say before everything turned black once again..
When I woke up again, I found Jamie and the others inside my room.. I frowned, searching for Changmin but after realizing that he's nowhere near, I sighed and started to wonder if everything happened before was real or was I just hallucinating because of too much pain?? I didn't understand how the rotten Shim Changmin I knew somehow vanished and got replaced by a worrywart and gentle Changmin in my head. 
"Are you okay now?? Do you feel any pain??" I heard Jamie asked me..
"I'm okay.." I said, shutting my eyes close again..
"Sleep.. You must be tired." I couldn't remember who said it as I fell asleep again.
My whole family practically laughed at my face when I got home instead of worrying about me getting hurt. 
"HAHAHHHAHAHA!!!" I found myself too tired to even get angry and smack their heads that time so after rolling my eyes at them, I headed to my room.
'Was it really Changmin? Or was I just hallucinating?' 
I couldn't bring myself to ask the girls who brought me to the clinic and who stayed with me. Partly afraid that the answer wouldn't be Changmin. Afraid that afterall, everything was simply a dream and the broken nose added up some illusion in my unstable mind.. Part of me hoped and wished that it really was Shim Changmin who carried me..
I didn't mind the stares I got when I went to school with a white plaster on my nose. I'm bound to keep it on for a week or so since my nose still needed some help to stay together.
"Hey.." I looked up and saw Siwon walk up to me. I couldn't ignore his swollen left eye and flinched..
"What happened to you, Siwon-ah?? Got in a fight?" I asked him, slightly frowning and disturbed about the fact that Siwon has a black eye.
"Uhmm.. A little.. I.. I just want to apologize for breaking your nose. I really don't mean to.." Siwon said handing me a chocolate drink after bowing a little..
"That's so sweet of you, Siwonnie.. But don't worry about it, accidents happen. I guess my stupidity that day was a bit higher than normal that I wasn't able to dodge you... So No worries, I'm sorry for putting you through this too, Wonnie.." I told him and sipped on to the drink.
"No.. You shouldn't apologize to me.. It was entirely my fault.. I shouldn't have been too excited about the game and got careless. I'm really sorry.." Siwon insisted and I'm not really in the mood to tell him otherwise so I just shrugged..
"You're forgiven then.. So... What happened with your eye??? I thought you do Taekwondo? Too strong for you??" I asked him with a teasing smile.. He bowed his head lower and blushed, rubbing his neck with his hand..
"Actually, Changmin-ssi did this to me yesterday after I broke your nose.." Siwon said. I froze..
"(chuckles) I understand why you're shocked.. I was shocked too.. At first, I didn't know that it was because of what I did to you. I thought I pissed him off or something. But when he told me to stay away from you, I pretty much got the idea.." Siwon said, pointing at his swollen and almost-purple-ish left eye..
I frowned, trying to stop all the 'assuming' ideas getting into my head. 
'That's impossible. Shim won't do that for me. It must be something else. Siwon must be wrong.' I told myself.
"Well, I'll get going now.. I wouldn't want Changmin-ssi to catch me talking to you after his threath.. I just really wanted to apologize to you.. See you at class.." Siwon bade goodbye and I was left shocked.. I shook my head harshly and decided to forget it. 
I got in the classroom after debating to myself that there's no way Changmin would have certain feelings for me and finished my chocolate drink before entering the room. I noticed a newly acquired bruise on Siwon's left cheek and noticed a still-bleeding cut on his lips. I frowned, I wanted to know how Siwon got his new injuries cause I'm pretty sure that it was only barely 15 minutes after Siwon finished talking to me earlier. I headed to my usual seat and sat beside Cherry..
"Oh my Golly.. What happened to Siwonnie??" I whispered to Cherry since our teacher just came in..
"He did something Changmin-ah told him not to do.. He got punished, that's all." Cherry said, I frowned a bit more..
"Stop frowning, I can't take your frown seriously.." Cherry held back her laugh, bitting her lower lip. I smiled widely and shook my head. I almost missed the teasing smiles that all my friends sent to me. A minute later and Shim Changmin entered the room too, looking pissed. So, I did what I thought was best.. I curled up next to Cherry and whispered..
"Changmin's pretty scary when he's mad.." 
I wouldn't lie if you ask me if I was disappointed when I felt no difference after my little nose accident. Changmin's still a rotten jerk towards me. But this time, I'm a little bit more pissed at him for letting me hope that he'll somehow change. After all I did believe the girls when they narrated how Shim Changmin punched Choi Siwon on the face and told him to get away from me. I really thought.. Sigh.. I really thought he'll somehow treat me special.. And now as he continued to piss me off again, I guess I expected too much from someone who's totally having fun with making fun of my broken nose.
A week later, my nose was back to normal. I was relieved to not wear the plaster anymore coz it
had been Changmin's little favorite tease subject. Not to mention, there had been a lot of times that Shim Changmin decided to be touchy. Grabbing the excess fat around my torso which was also a little bit sensitive because I'm ticklish there. I remember how my younger brother loved grabbing my belly. Changmin doesn't even bother to hide his amusement whenever I scowled at him. Not that he's the only one who teases me, everybody does actually even the girls.
I started stretching my legs and my arms since we are about to start jogging around the gym for warm up. 
"Why do I keep tripping over everything??" I groaned as I remembered how I tripped with my own feet while walking with the girls. I didn't react at first but the boys behind us saw it and started laughing.
"Ahahaha.. You and Jamie really are soulmates.. One keeps tripping over everything and the other one keeps on bumping at everything." Cherry laughed at us again..
"Yah! I haven't bumped at anything today!" Jamie complained.
"Doesn't change the fact that you bump at almost everything.. Especially to objects that doesn't move." Jaejoong, another hot classmate of ours commented.
"Look who's talking? Joongie.. As far as I remember, you're the only one here who can rival Jamie when it came to the level of clumsiness.." I , looking at Jamie..
"And this comes from someone who keeps on tripping over her own foot?? Yup.. I think we've got triple ties.." Jaejoong teased me back..
"You do realize that you just admitted that you are clumsy right, Joongie??" I laughed a little when I saw his embarrassment.
"But still.. Nobody can surpass the clumsiness of the title holder.. We're not really of a match, Jae." I said finally and looked teasingly at Jamie..
"Yep.. No one's really up to par.." Jaejoong agreed with what I said and laughed with everyone much to Jamie's embarrassment and her tries to prove that she's not really THAT clumsy..
"Ten Minutes, Around the gym.. Start Now~!!" Coach announced and the first students started to run. While we run, I couldn't stop my eyes from searching for a certain guy and frowned/pouted when I failed to find him.
I listened to the group's conversation and commented a few times and laughed when they laughed. I almost tripped again when my eyes caught a sight of Changmin just behind me.. And silently, thanked God that I didn't say anything personal.
"You seriously have some equilibrium issues.."  I heard Changmin say and jogged beside me. I bit my lip in embarrassment and focused my eyes on the floor.
"Ow!" I collided with a hard back when I tried to climb a step and almost fell if not for the hand on my back..
"Sorry!!" I apologized and rubbed my forehead while I listened to everyone laugh at me..
"You just healed your nose and you're already too excited to acquire another injury??" Changmin snotted at me with an annoying smirk on his face..
"It was an accident, Shim.. I didn't see Yunnie, okay.." I told him, still rubbing my forehead since Yunho's back was really a bit hard..
"Let me see.." I forced myself not to look at him when he swatted my hands off my forehead and pulled me closer to inspect my forehead.. And I really, really wished I'm not blushing at the moment which was impossibly since I could feel warmth on my cheeks and neck. And that my friends didn't just make a run away from me and Changmin.
"(kiss) There.." I froze.. I swear my whole body stopped functioning when I realized what Shim Changmin just did..
He pulled away and continued jogging running closer to the others while I stood frozen there like a freakin' red statue..
"JUNG!!! START RUNNING IF YOU DON'T WANT A 5 ON YOUR CARD! NOW!" I heard Coach shout and I hurried to jog again. Why did Changmin do that?? Why? First he was acting like the usual jerk he is then a second later he pulls me closer then kisses my forehead? What's going on?? I really confused.
Maybe I was too confused that I tripped again over a wet leaf on a bump and dove on the stoned ground below. I really need new rubber shoes.. I felt a pair grab my elbow and helped me back on my feet.
"Are you okay??" I heard Junsu and Yoochun ask me, their voices sounded like they're torn between worrying and laughing at me right now. I nodded but winced when I tried stepping with my left foot.
"I think you sprained yourself.." Junsu said, bending down to take a look at my foot..
"I'll go tell Coach what happened.." Yoochun said and jogged away fast to where Coach was.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!!!!! Su!! That freakin' hurt!!!" I pulled my foot away from him after he grabbed it and tried twisting it.
"Sorry.. I'll help you get to the clinic, come on, 2 lefty.." Junsu said, pulling my left arm over his shoulder..
"Why am I so clumsy today, Su-ah??" I asked him, limping with my left foot as we slowly walked towards the building where the clinic was located.
"I just left you for a few second and you've got yourself in a accident already?? Tsk. Tsk.." I winced a little when I heard Changmin say that disapprovingly..
'Who's fault is it?? Acting so intimate suddenly! This is all your fault, you jerk!' I thought to myself as I frowned at him.. I felt Junsu pull his arm away from me and couldn't help but look at him confusingly. But then, I got carried off of the ground again..
"I'll carry you to the clinic.. That's much faster and easier.." Changmin informed me and I decided to shut my mouth. I looked at Junsu helplessly who just waved at me, shrugging with a teasing smile on his face..
"You really love embarrassing me, don't you Shim?" I asked him as I noticed all the students who're all staring at us..
"And you really love hurting yourself don't you?? How many fishes have you caught this time??" Changmin teased me..
"I caught nothing.. I'm bruised, my left foot got sprained and I'm pretty sure my brothers will be laughing at me again when I come home limping.. So pity me anyhow and stop teasing.." I scowled at him as we entered the clinic.
"Again??" I couldn't stop blushing and getting embarrassed as the doctor said that while Changmin laid me on the bed..
I gasped in pain when the doctor twisted my left foot on a painful angle, my hands flying to grab unto something which were Changmin's arms..
"Relax.." I looked up and saw how tensed Changmin was.
"I'm the one hurting why are you so tense-OW!! Ow! Ow!!" I abruptly pulled my foot away from the doctor when he pulled on it again painfully..
"I think you're going to have to make another trip to the hospital to get that x-rayed.. I don't think it's just a simple sprain.. The swelling is too much.. It might be a fracture.." The doctor explained with a smile..
"Aggghh.. I hate myself.." I groaned and felt bad for myself.. I'm never really this clumsy. I was really good at not being able to embarass myself without attracting too much reaction from other people. Now, I'm literally hopeless. I heard Changmin sigh and put the ice back on my ankle..
"I'm sorry.. I'm too troublesome aren't I?" I asked him, pout still on..
"Yes.. You are troublesome.. Always getting yourself hurt like this.. Are you sure you're 18 years old already? You act like a freakin' 8 yr old.. Always worrying everybody.. I can't even leave you for a minute without getting yourself hurt.. Tsk." He grumbled.. I felt really bad now. I'm too much trouble for everybody even though my parents just laughed at me when I told them how I broke my nose, they did look worried the first five seconds.
"I'm sorry.." I mumbled again, looking down.. We stayed like that for a few more minutes.. Changmin rubbing the side of my foot to ease some of the swelling and me staring at him. How I wished we can just stay like this. Even though he's really a jerk to me sometimes and teased me a lot, I feel that whenever I got in trouble he'd be more than willing to help me. I shook my head, trying to will off the feeling..
I'm not falling for him, am I?
"Stop staring at me like that. I know you're hungry but I'm not really that edible.. I'll go get you something to eat for a minute. I don't want to be your lunch.." Changmin smirked at me and stood up..
"You tired of living your life, Shim?? If you are, no need to annoy me. I'll rip your limbs off gladly one by one. Just ask.."I hissed at him but He only smiled and gave me the ice pack..
"I haven't even started living the life I wanted.. And I bet you can't hurt me the way you always say you would.." Changmin said smugly and turned for the door. I threw the ice pack hard and aimed on his head. But missed and hit his shoulder instead..
"Don't miss me..." He said lastly before going out and me finding something to throw at him.
'ARRGGHH~! So Annoying!!'
To my frustration, I decided to lie down on the bed for awhile since I couldn't do anything inside the clinic. I wonder why Jamie and the others didn't come to check me out. It didn't take long before my eyelids grew heavy and I slept while waiting for Changmin.
"Oww!" I groaned and woke up as a particular hard surface bumped on my forehead.. I opened my eyes and saw that I was actually inside a car.. 
"You awake now, sleeping beauty??? We're on the way to the hospital. I bought you some sandwiches, eat up.." Changmin said and handed me a plastic bag. I sat properly and looked around. The seatbelt infront of me was keeping me in place and my seat was slightly inclined for my comfort. I fixed my seat and yawned. The traffic light was on red and the sun was setting already..
"You carried me again while sleeping? Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked him. I didn't know that he could drive and he had his own car.
"I tried.. But you didn't wake up no matter what I did so I just carried you.." He said just in time as the traffic light turned green and he stepped on the pedal.. I looked around again and found my bag and his at the back of the car.
"I don't believe you.. I'm not a heavy sleeper when I'm not at my own room you know.." I told him but felt too tired to bicker with him so I just slumped on my seat and looked outside.
"Just get a freakin' wheel chair, Shim!" I hissed at him as he stood up in front of the passenger's door where I sat.
"You want me to go inside the hospital, ask some nurses for a wheel chair, get the wheel chair and comeback here for you only to go back inside the hospital?? Don't you think that's too demanding of you?? I've already offered to get you to the hospital.." He said, shaking his head.
"You're not carrying me, that's final.." I stated, crossing my arms.
"What's so embarrassing with me carrying you??? I'm not some weakling who couldn't take a little weight. Are you still gushing about when I told you, you were heavy??? I was just kidding, for Pete's sake! Take a joke, dammit." He raised his voice a little and I found myself wincing again. He must have noticed this that he crunched down and slid his arms under my legs and back.. I guess I'm a little bit scared at guys who're mad..
"I hate you.." I mumbled as I fought my tears not to fall feeling hopeless at the moment,...
Changmin carried me all the way from thecar to the orthopedics. He even glared at the nurse who offered a wheel chair. I didn't talk since he didn't and I admit that I feel like a angried my own dad so I'm shutting up right now..
After the x-ray and all, I didn't even get to hear what the doctor said. Changmin talked to the doctor. I didn't even hear how much he paid for the cast on my ankle. When I asked him about it, all he did was to ignore me.
"All done.. Mr. Shim.." The orthopedic who fixed the cast on my ankle called Changmin immediately after he was finished. 
"Thank You.. We'll be going now.." Changmin said and proceeded to carry me again..
"No problem. Remember not to strain her ankle so much.. Don't stand for too long, absolutely No running and as much as possible keep her from walking.." The orthopedic reminded..
"You heard that? No WALKING." He said and the doctor laughed..
"You two are so cute.. Don't be so hard on her.. Or she's gonna give you a hard time later.." The doctor said lastly and bade goodbye. With me safely on his arms, the guard in front of the hospital helped him open up the passenger door and laid me back carefully. I heard him say thanks to the guard before shutting my door and run to the driver's seat.
"Are you hungry?? I know a restaurant nearby. We'll stop by and grab something to eat before I send you home.." He asked me. Nope. I think he wasn't really waiting for my answer since he drove off to this restaurant and pulled me out of the car again. He sat beside me instead of across me in the restaurant and I decided to keep my mouth shut.
"You've got to tell me what you want to eat.. I'm not a mindreader though I'm pretty much sure that you'll eat anything edible.." Changmin said once again and I couldn't help but frown.. He's being a meanie again.
"My parents must be worried since its already dark.. I need to go home." I said, not looking at him.
"I already called your Dad and told him that I'll send you home after we eat. Your whole family already knows that you got your ankle fractured. Now, tell me what you want to eat or I'll pick something random for you.." He said and I was left no choice but to take a look at the menu.. And My eyes almost popped out seeing the prices..
"No way! Shim! I'm not going to eat here not unless my father is here! I didn't bring my extra money!" I told him, moving away from him as much as possible from the couch.
"Who said I'll make you pay? Think of this as a date and get it over with.. Now choose so that we can eat and go home.." He said carelessly. I would've blushed at the thought of having a date with him but the way he said it flushed all the sweet feelings away..
Our order arrived in a few minutes, and I almost vomitted the first spoonful I tried to eat.. I looked at Changmin and he looked okay with his food, carbonara.. My pasta tasted gross.. I mean, fishy gross.. It tastes like raw fish.. I pushed my plate away from me causing Changmin to look up..
"What's wrong?" He asked me. I shook my head with a pout on my lips..
"It tastes gross.." I told him, he used his own fork and tried my food. I watched him chew it for a second before he spit it out on a tissue.. He called the waiter and told them about the food.
"Here.. Try mine while they get us a new one.." He pushed his plate closer to me..
"No.. I'll just wait for the new one.." I insisted, pushing the plate back to him. I thought he was going to continue eating when he forked the pasta and rolled it neatly then shove it to my face suddenly..
"AHhhh.." Even with that, his commanding tone was still there so I just pouted but opened my mouth, careful not to create any mess..I chewed on my food slowly and watched him eat too. I didn't try resisting anymore when he placed the fork with the pasta in front of my mouth. I looked around while I chewed, noticing that some customers and waiters/ress were looking at us like we're the most adorable things on earth. I figured we might have looked like a cute couple since he's feeding me and he's seating beside me and not across so the couch across us is pretty empty. I'm trapped between him and the window of the restaurant, no where really to run. When the new food came, he didn't let me ask for a new pair of spoon and fork and started feeding me without my consent.
"As far as I can remember, Shim.. My ankle got fractured, not my wrist. You don't have to feed me.." I told him and tried to snatch the fork away from him..
"I like feeding you, okay?? Just consider this as a payment of this dinner.. Let me feed you.." He said and grabbed a tissue to wipe something on my lips. I grabbed the tissue and wiped it myself..
"You're treating me like a kid.." I told him a matter-of-factly..
"You love being treated like a kid so stop whining.." 
I really can't understand Shim Changmin. He's really a meanie whenever he talks but somehow the way he takes good care of me is a complete opposite of it. And yes, he takes good care of me. Remember when the doctor said about not letting me walk? He freakin' got mad at me when he saw me walking towards the gate, walking.. Come on! How does he think I'm supposed to get to class? Is he expecting me to fly?? But then again, I didn't even had the time to explain myself before he grabbed me after I got passed the ID scanner and carried me to class. I blushed RED when I noticed the students stare at us. When we entered the room, almost everyone whooped and called me Princess after that and called Changmin Prince. I dreaded the end of class since I know Changmin wouldn't let me walk. He grabbed my backpack and threw it to Yunho then carried me again.. It's not like I didn't try to bargain my way out of it, I really tried..
"You wanna be carried like a sack of rice??" He asked me suddenly.
"HUh?" No . 
"I'm going to carry you like a sack of rice if you don't stop complaining about me carrying you.. You're not the one carrying the load.." He told me with his commanding tone again and I couldn't do anything else aside from pouting.. Coz really, It's Princess or Sack of rice..
The next few days were pretty much the same with him bugging me all day.. He even got to meet everyone in the family once he sent me home. My dad liked him at once after he confessed that his IQ is a hundred and fifty or so and after he was able to dodge the hit that my dad sent him.. Even my annoying brothers liked him and teased me about having him as my boyfriend.
"I thought You don't want me to get a boyfriend before I finish College!!?!?" I complained to them wide-eyed after I heard them giving Changmin the permission to actually date me.
"Changmin's a specialy case, my dear.. I don't mind him taking care of you.. Besides, with the rate of your clumsiness at school lately, we need someone who can actually protect and guard you there.." My Dad said and my jaw dropped on the floor.
"I'm not gonna kill myself at school! I'm okay by myself and I don't need some bodyguard to bug me! And besides! Shim's not even courting me!!!" I told them which earned a bunch of gasps from them..
"Forgive my daughter.. She's quite dim and dumb sometimes.. Please continue to guide her.." My Mom said and shaked hands with him.. My nose flared as I watched him smile that infectious chinky smile of his and did not even try to correct my parents.. 
Another thing disturbed me a lot.. I hated seeing Changmin talking to other girls. Even though I've told myself for thousand times that I'm in no position to be possessive. That I should be thankful he's willing to help me. But my heart and my mind malfunctioned every time I see him leaving me just to talk to some girl. 
"Is today that time of the month?? Why are you PMSing on me???" He asked me again as I continued to ignore him. When I didn't answer him, He pulled me up to sit on a low wall only up to his stomach and cornered me..
"Hey.. Hey... Jenby.. I'm talking to you.. At least look at me.." He said with a defeated sigh and I looked at him, expressionless but kept my mouth shut.
"What's the matter? Have I done something wrong? Why are you not talking to me? Did I do something grave and unforgiveable?" He asked, cupping my face with his hands.. But I still didn't answer, instead I pushed his hands off my face and looked away..
"Changmin-ah!!!" My head snapped at the girl who owned that voice and my lips twitched in irritation. For sure, Changmin's gonna leave me alone again to entertain her. He always does.
"Not now, SIS! I'm busy!" He turned to her and I never thought my eyes could expand any wider..
"S-s-sis??" I finally asked him..
"Why?? Is something wrong with your girlfriend?? What did you do, Min??" The girl smacked his head and looked up to me. I've never been embarrassed my whole life.. Especially when Changmin figured out what was happening..
"We're here.." I snapped out of my dreamland when Changmin turned off the engine of his car and slipped off his seatbelt. He took his keys and got out quickly then got to my side of the car. After slipping off the seatbelt around me, I waited for him to carry me.. I'd lie if I said that I didn't became a little more spoiled and lazy after the past few weeks that we've been stucked with each other.. He loves spoiling me and I love being spoiled. We're pretty much made for each other..
He carried me to the same orthopedic that had treated me 2 weeks ago to get the cast off of my ankle since I'm pretty sure my ankle had been fine after the first week but Changmin wanted to drag it longer and I'm not really complaining.. I realized I couldn't fall for him anymore since I've already fallen for him the moment he first carried me. It came to the point that I've trusted him so much. We've been really close to each other that his annoying teasings doesn't bother me that much anymore, we bickered every single time like it was the most natural thing for the two of us to do.
I stared at his face and wondered if he's going to stay beside me after the cast is gone and I'm free to move again. I've taken into consideration the option of getting injured again so that Changmin wouldn't have to leave..
"Hey, Changminnie-ah.. What would you do if I got injured again?" I asked him but knew the answer already when he glared at me and said.
"Don't even think about it Jung.." So getting injured again was really not a choice..... I don't even know why I asked him that and he used his commanding tone again on me, forcing me to shut up.
I knocked on the door of the orthopedic since Changmin's hands were full of me. I turned the knob when I heard a calm 'Come In' from inside..
"Hi,Doc!" I greeted the guy who was sitting behind the table..
"Hello.. Ready to get your feet back, Little mermaid?" He asked me and Changmin laid me on the sofa.. The doctor asked us to wait for a minute to get the things needed then asked Changmin to get me to the operation room. You can imagine the horror I experienced when the doctor actually brought up the saw he was to use.. I practically clung tighter on Changmin..
"Relax... And stay still.. If you don't want your foot cut off.." Changmin scolded me.. I didn't want to lose my foot so I tried not moving my foot and looked away..
"Don't bite me again okay? It'll be fine.." He assured me and forced me to look away while the doctor did his thing. 
"Have I bitten you before?" I asked him suddenly when I realized what he just said..
"Yeah, the anesthesia the doctor used on you faded and when you woke up you were almost crying because of the pain.. I tried to comfort you but failed then you started hurting yourself. So I hugged you then you bit my shoulder.. I was relieved you got vaccined before you bit me.." He joked so to get back at him, I opened my mouth wide but even before I got to bite on his shoulder blade..
"Don't even think about it, Jung.." He said again with the same commanding voice.. After a few more minutes and my foot was free again.. The doctor massaged it a bit before Changmin gave me a pair of slippers..
I somehow wished that something was still wrong with my ankle but when I tried walking, it was completely fine. Meaning, Changmin have no more reasons to stay with me.. I stayed silent the whole ride home and didn't want to ask about what will happen the next day later.. 
When I got to school, I somehow got disappointed when I remembered that I can walk freely now and Changmin won't be coming in a hurry just to sweep me off of my feet again. I walked alone to class and missed the times when Changmin had always carried me up the stairs..
"So slow.. Is your ankle still hurting??" I whipped my head up when I heard someone talk behind me..
"Changmin.." I watched him bend down and examine my ankle, twisting it and waiting for my gasp or whimper or whine that would indicate that I'm hurting.. I crouched down in level with him and looked on the floor..
"What is it? Is something bothering you?" I heard him ask, worry and gentle etched on his tone..
"Are you going to leave me?" I asked him in a small voice.. Not knowing if he got what I said or not..
"What? I can't understand what you're saying, Jenby.." He said, swatting my bangs off my eyes..
"I don't want you to leave.. I want you to stay with me, Shim Changmin.." I asked fiddled with my fingers but still not looking up.
"You're pretty selfish aren't you? Don't you think other girls might need my help?" He asked me and I couldn't help but flinch imagining him with another girl.. I curled up myself smaller and heard him chuckle..
"But if you want to.. I don't mind staying.. Coz I really.. Really like you.." He confessed. I froze and looked up quick.. My eyes round and wide in shock..
"Don't just look at me like that.. I just confessed to you and I'm expecting an answer.." He said with his loving smile and scooted closer to me..
"I really really like you too.."
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Chapter 1: its too obv he likes her hahaha
kyyyyyyaaaa I just found your fic in my favorites and realized I didn't even take the time to read it !! Fatal error !! Your story is awesome !! I really love the relationship between the two main characters !! I laughed a lot attheir bickering and my heart melted at Changmin's cuteness !!
Thanks for this story !
bubblybubble #3
i can't help but to smile while reading ^_________________^<br />
she is so clumsy lol<br />
btw, such a goooooood story!!
This is so cuteeeee!<br />
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~<br />
couldn't help but grinning from ear to ear! >.<
yuiko_rj96 #5
kyaaaaaaaaaa!~~~~~~~~~~~ so cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!! my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!
This was such a cute story!!! I love it!<br />
Thank you for writing such an awesome story that I neglected my homework for it! :P