
Onkey Snippets




Jinki's attempt at being romantic and Kibum's a bit possessive.






AwKward silence.


"So..?" They asked simultaneously.


"You go first." Kibum offered.


"Well." Jinki laughed a little.

"I was wondering if you wanna come over and look out the window with ...me?"


"Jinki I can see the sunset from my own window you know.


"Kibum smiled. "Your room is literally next to mine."


Jinki stuttered an incoherent response which had Kibum silently erupting in peals of laughter at his cuteness.


"Ok." Jinki said solemnly.


 "Jongyhun doesn't have a window on this side so I'll ask him."


Kibum shot up from his bed and busted through Jinki's door within the following nanosecond causing Jinki to drop his phone in fright as the sudden thought of someone breaking in. He also might or might have not squealed like a girl.


"No." Kibum choked out between breaths. "Mine." 


He practically flung himself on the unsuspecting and apparently unprepared male because the next few minutes involved Jinki almost suffering from a mild concussion having banged his head on the window sill and Kibum worriedly thinking he almost killed him.


"Ugh" Jinki groaned , rubbing the back of his head. "You idiot." He said when he sat up, supporting himself with elbows propped behind.

He peered at Kibum who was situated on the lower half of his body.


"What did you call me?" Kibum eyes threatened Jinki to repeat himself. He then slithered upwards and braced his hand against Jinki's chest causing the latter to lie flat on his bed.


"On any other day I would be mad but seeing that your clumsiness flared up-"


"You almost killed me!" Jinki interjected.


Kibum scoffed and hit his chest lightly. 


"Can we have now?"



Jinki swore his heart almost stopped. Kibum must have noticed the other's brief paralysis and chuckled.


"I'm kidding." Kibum laughed louder and Jinki's breathing returned to normal.


Kibum shifted and rolled away to lie beside his boyfriend. 


The indentation of his jeans buttons were visible on Jinki's tummy.




He'd make up for that later.


"Go away." Jinki muttered and turned his back to Kibum. 


"Oh come on Jinki." An arm reached for his shoulder but Jinki flinched. 


"Jinkiiiiii." Kibum tried.


"Ah!" He shrieked when Kibum gently squeezed his backside.


"Is that a smile I see?" Kibum teased.


Jinki gave up and turned around.


"Here I am trying to be romantic, inviting you over to watch the sunset with me and you ruin it." He pouted.


Kibum smiled and pecked the pout off of Jinki's adorable face.


"I'm sorry. Let's savour the last of it." He conceded and glanced out the window to see the night rolling in from the hills.


Jinki sat up and grinned.


"Always like it your way, huh? Kibum grinned back and let Jinki settle between his legs whilst he enveloped him from behind.


"Feel better?" Kibum asked, his breath tickling the side of his neck.






 Kibum sabotages date night.



"Baby pass the popcorn, will you?"


Kibum wasn't planning on taking his eyes off the screen. He didn't want to miss the bloodletting when the female character got trapped in her room.

Jinki shoved the bowl in his chest causing him to splutter involuntarily.


"What the hell man?" Kibum choked out and Jinki hid his eyes behind one of the sofa's cushions.


Crunching was heard when Kibum stuffed his face with a handful of the trashy snack.

"How can you eat at a time like this?" Jinki asked when he finally decided to peak at the TV. His eyes caught the scene when the killer held at knife at the girl's neck.


Soon her scream ricocheted against the room walls which had Jinki cowering in fear. 


Kibum let out a laugh.


 A laugh for crying out loud. 


Talk about having a strong stomach and a sick sense of humour.


"Kibum I'm scared." Jinki murmured.


"Ugh." Kibum groaned and continued his munching." Don't eat it! Don't eat it! Gross! He ate it!" 


That's it.


Jinki was done playing cool. He scurried to his feet like a scared bunny and ran to the kitchen like the coward he was. Some ginger tea would do him good. Ginger always calmed his nerves.


As Jinki poured the steaming beverage into the cup Kibum barged in.




Jinki shook in fright resulting in the tea spilling on his hand.


"e!" He hissed and bit his lip.

"Yah what are you doing?" Kibum asked peering over his shoulder. "You and your ginger tea. So what am I ? Chopped liver?"


Jinki finished wiping the spillage and turned to face the other.


"Never again."


Kibum grinned.

"Say it." 


Jinki sighed because firstly he was going to admit defeat and secondly because the stupid tea scorched his poor tongue.


"You're the best boyfriend ever and your taste in movies are waaaaaay better than mine."

Kibum narrowed his eyes telling him to continue.


"Kibum rules, Jinki drools and Pickles is cute."


Pickles the little German Shepherd pup that Kibum had his eyes on at the shelter down the road.


"Yes so we can get him?" 


Kibum eyes brightened. Now how exactly can anyone say no to that face?


"Uh what the hell."


"Yes! Love you!" Kibum jumped and clapped.

Jinki took another sip more carefully this time.


"Jinki what's taking so long? Come on let's go.” Kibum called from the bedroom. Jinki hurried to see the problem.


Key stood with car key in hand and a carrier in the other?




"You bought the carrier already? Before I gave the OK to take in that... beast?"


"Take that back!" Kibum used the carrier to push Jinki aside ( ignoring the tea spilling off to the side.)


Jinki sighed and searched for his shoes. 


So much for date night. 




Kibum hated onions. Jinki loved them.



"That's it." He threw his arms up and screamed afterwords. The outburst resembled a hyena's outcry which had the hairs standing on Jinki's arm.


"I never thought it would come to this..." Kibum quickly looked up when Jinki took another bite of the snack. "It's me or the onion."


"You can't expect me to choose!" Jinki retorted at the incredulity. He had known the...vegetable or whatever the thing was for longer than Kibum. Plus he savoured its flavour. He couldn't eat a meal without it. Now how exactly could Kibum expect him to give up something so sumptuous.


" I feel like im being cheated on. I cant kiss you after you eat that.. that.." He pointed accusily at the onion flavoured snack which Jinki slowly broight closer to his chest. " 

Jinki kissed him anyway.



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Chapter 1: so cute and hilarious! LOL! XD
Chapter 1: Lol cuuuuuute!