


class dismiss


"guys, i gotta go at the library, where is the library?" sungmin asked

"i'll show you, come with me" donghae said


as they  walk


"sungmin-ah, make sure you don't go home late" donghae said

"okay, i'll make sure" sungmin said

"there's the library" donghae pointed at the library

"thanks" sungmin walks toward the library

"make sure? okay?" donghae asked

"ookay boss~" sungmin smiled


"wooah~ this library is so biig!" sungmin looked around

and went to the librarian

"excuse me mam, can I ask where is the section i can find korean histories?" sungmin asked

"oh, sure, follow me" the librarian stood up


while they were walking


"you're a new student, right?" she asked


"well, our rules are like the same as other libraries. no borrowing books unless you have a library card, silence, and writing something nonsense on books is not allowed" she looked at sungmin

"arraseo" he gulped

"here's the section" she showed the section

"thank you" he said with a bit smile and bowed his head


"now....." sungmin walks toward and find the book he need


after some minutes


"here is it" he picks the book


he sat at the table and started taking notes


hours pass....


he looked at the time, 5:00pm


"uh oh, i gotta go!" he grabs his things and ran


he saw no students, no teachers, only him


heart pumps faster as sweat falls down to his face


it was dark then, lights start flickering


he ran as fast as he can


"hey" a guy approached him

he looked back


"why are you still here?" it was the janitor

"oh, i had a long time writing notes, mianhe" he gave him a 90degree bow when he stood up again


the janitor was gone


"ahjusshi?" he yelled, only he hears is the echo of his voice


he again thought what eunhyuk told him


he ran again, he bumped into a girl

the girl fell at the floor


"oh, sorry" sungmin grabs the girl's hand to help her stand

"it's okay.... hey. your the new student right?" she asked

"yes" he answered capturing his breath

"oh, I'm han-ah"

"i'm sungmin"

"nice to meet you, are you going home now?" she asked

"yes" sungmin

"then let's go home together" she smiled

"okay" sungmin sighed in relief


as they walk




they turned back, there's no one




turned back again, there's no one



they reached the ground floor by 7:00pm


"why you're still here when you bumped me, don't you know the school's history?" han-ah asked sungmin

"i know, and i had a long time taking notes at the library" he answered




then suddenly






the two of them looked back and saw chairs falling down the stairs, they were on their way to the gate when a lady wearing white with long hair appeared


"what the? what is that?" sungmin widened his eyes

 the lady was floating


"i-i-i-its a-a-a-a gho-gho-gho-ghost!" han-ah grabs sungmin's hand and ran towards the gate


they passed the gate and stopped at front of it


"that was close" han-ah catching her breath


then the two of them went home on their own




second chappie for the day, hehehe!

gotta go now, bye


thanks for reading

and sorry again if wrong grammar =)))))))))))

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 4: ghost at school, interesting. can't wait for the next update
saff_h #2
good start! i'll be waiting! :-)
What will happen to them? Update it soon! Nice start! :D