Maybe eating isn't so bad...

Pumpkin Pancakes

"Jimin." He says in a deep, husky voice. I had woken up to someone poking my feet. I ignored it however, and kept my eyes shut, hoping he would give up and go back to sleep, but of course I'm wrong.


"Jimin!!!!" He whines, tugging on my arm. I try my best to not move, to show no signs of being awake, but when he pokes me hard in the stomach I can't stop the grunt from leaving my mouth.


"See I knew you were awake!!" He yells playfully. I open my eyes and give him the best glare I can muster, to which he just gives me a wink, pulling on my arm again.


"Yes Yes I'm awake what do you want Hobi?" I grumble, trying to pull my arm away from his, yawning.


"Breakfast." He says, too cheerful for this early in the morning, and goes to the end of the bed to tug at my feet.


I groan, pulling my legs to my chest, out of his reach and he chuckles, smiling at me.


"Come on~ Jin made some pancakes for all of us" his voice chimes. I peek up at him through my half closed eyes with a tired sigh. I don't move any though.


"Oh come on, the maknae will eat both of our pancakes if you don't hurry up!!" He says, spanking me through the blanket when I roll over into my stomach with a grumble.


"Go on without me" I groan into the pillow, but it comes out muffled. He continues to try to get me out of bed, tugging my feet, squeezing my cheeks and even sitting on my back (I'm laying on my stomach).


Finally, after about twenty minutes I actually do get annoyed and roll over on my back, throwing him off my back and next to me on the bed with a yawn. I glare at him, more awake now then I want to be, but he just smiles at me. That one smile, his hopeful smile is charming but very annoying at four Am.


"It's like 4 go back to sleep you." I grumble with my eyes closed, pointing at him. He chuckles and pulls my finger, causing me to grunt. I struggle to open my eyes to see him about to bite my finger. I yelp and pull my hand back, causing him to smirk.


"Why are you still here?!" I yell into the pillow, frustrated.


"Breakfast. Now." A voice growls from the doorway. Hoseoks hands retreat from my shoulder, and I can hear the bed creak as he gets up, walking past whoever's at the door.


It's silent except in the kitchen, where Taehyung and Kookie are fighting.




"WELL SO AM I!!!" 






"I SWEAR JEON JUNGKOOK IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME THE PANCAKE I'M GONNA SLAP YOU WITH IT!!" Taehyung hallers. A loud laugh bounces off the dorm rooms walls. I lay, face in the pillow, listening to the idiots I call my band members.




I'm to tired to laugh, starting to doze off again like no one ever interrupted me, but a loud cough comes from the doorway, preventing me from going asleep.


"Jimin. Get up." He says, and I groan. I know that voice. Of course it had to be him. Why him? Because the group knows he's the only one that will get aggressive if he has to. And the group knows that I'd rather skip a meal and get extra sleep then eat and gain weight. The boy standing in the doorway is probably the one in the group who's most upset by this.


"You are going to get up, " He says, coming over to me and grabbing my feet. "And your going to eat breakfast." He says, trying to pull me off the bed, but I grab the bed post and hold on for dear life.


"Why can't I.... pull" He says panting, wiping a bead of sweat that started forming on his brow.


I don't look at him when I answer, and I'm glad that I don't because I know He won't like what I've said. "Because I'm fat. Because I need to lose weight." 


"Jimin. Your not fat!!!" He yells, hitting me with the pillow. " Why don't you get that?!" 


"Hyung," I say, blocking my face with my arms. "Hyung." I say again, grabbing the pillow from him. He stops and looks at me for a moment, waiting.


"To you and the others I might not be fat, but to me I am. I'm obese, I eat to much, exercise to little. I'm fat hyung. I'm a pig. And if this is how I'm going to fix that, by not eating, I'm doing it." I say seriously, making sure to not break eye contact.


"Jimin Your not fat! Your not a pig! Your not-" 


"TAE!!!! THOSE ARE FOR JIMIN!!!!" I hear Namjoon yell, and smile slightly.


"Your not fat. Your not. Your perfect the way you are. You are not some pig. Your perfect In every way. Every way." He says. My cheeks go warm and I look at him.


"Hyung that's not true.." 


"Yes it is. Don't you ever tell me that your a pig again, or that your fat. I love you Jimin, and your perfect to me." He says, squeezing my hands that I hadn't realized at the time, but somehow he had managed to lace his fingers in mine without me noticing.


"I love you too..." I whisper, looking up at him. The room is dim, with the light barely shining through the windows. 


He smiles at me before shaking his head. "Oh and by the way, it's not four Am It's almost six thirty."


I open my mouth to say something, but my stomach interrupts me with a loud grumble. "What's for breakfast?" 


"Pumpkin pancakes. Don't worry they May sound bad but they're really good." He says, getting up and pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his tiny waist.


I guess eating one thing can't hurt....



Please please comment, subscribe and vote.  My main thing is comments though, so please do comment. If you have any requests on one you would like me to do for you please put it in the comments and I'll probably do it if I'm nof busy (Which I never really am!!) p.s I don't know if I'll be taking requests because I haven't written any so you guys probably won't like it but you can request it and I'll see.... 

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Chapter 1: Awhh...this is so cute....taekook are just u still taking request?
carelessLISPer #2
Chapter 1: Ahww.. Yoonmin is just the cutest~ Grar them morals in your story hahaha
Park12345 #3
Chapter 1: Aww it's so cute
Zelolovesme #4
Chapter 1: That was really sweet.