Part 1

Back to You

Junhyung and Hara had been going out for three years now. One day, Junhyung took Hara to a very special restaurant. They were served champagne after their meal and Hara found a ring at the bottom of her glass. She looked at Junhyung, confused, and saw him going down on one knee.

"Hara, you mean the world to me. Will you marry me?"

There was a moment of silence that felt like an eternity to Junhyung.

"Yes, yes of course I will."


A week later a drunk driver turned the wrong way at an intersection at hit Hara head on. She was immediately rushed to the emergency room. Her surgery was successful, but she was left in a coma. Junhyung visited her everyday but one fateful day, Hara's heart stopped. The doctors used defibrillators on her to try and shock her back into life but unfortunately, this didn't work and Hara passed away.

Junhyung attended Hara's funeral and watched her sister give the eulogy. After the funeral, Junhyung stayed behind at the chapel. He prayed, asked, cursed, pleaded, begged God or anybody to bring Hara back. Later, when Junhyung finally went to sleep he had a dream of a bright light and a female voice telling him to wait at the Namsan Tower and ride the gondola by himself. Junhyung waited all day at the Namsan Tower until he was able to ride the gondola by himself. He got on and the ride started. Everything went normally until the gondola fell of the cable and Junhyung felt himself falling.


Junhyung woke up in a strange place where he could only see white for miles. He felt a pen and started to draw on the ground to see something other than white. After he drew a bird, the bird sprang into life and flew off. Seeing a bird with a pair of mismatched wings and a badly proportioned body fly made Junhyung smile for the first time since Hara died.

"I see you're enjoying yourself"

Junhyung leapt back in surprise and asked, "Who, who are you?"

"My name is Anahiel. I am a guardian of this world. Come walk with me"

"What is this world?"

"This is just the gateway to the Library."

"What is the library?"

"The Library is a place where stories are written by the Author. Stories of people in your world."

"So my story will be there."


"And Hara too?"

"Now this is where you must hurry. Once a person in your world dies, his or her story is finished. The Author will write the ending of their story; their burial and their legacy. Once this happens the story will be moved into the Author's storage where any chance of rescuing it will be gone. You will travel to the Library and find Hara's story. Take it and rewrite it. This map will take you to the Library. Three deserts and three rivers you must cross. You may create and draw, but not too much or the Author will take notice."

"Thank you for this. I'll repay you in any way I can."


So Junhyung sets off on his journey. He crosses the first desert and runs out of water, but finds a nearby town. However, the town is abandoned with the exception of a single old woman sitting near a well. Junhyung walks up to the woman and manages to croak out


The woman quickly fills up a cup and watches Junhyung drain it in a gulp. She takes the cup back, refills it, and hands it back. This goes on several more times until Junhyung replies

"Thank you"

There is still no answer from the old woman. She then motions that she cannot talk. Junhyung asks for her name and she points to a name tag on her frayed jacket that reads, Maggie.

"Thank you, Maggie."

Through her hand motions Junhyung learns that she is the only one in the village which was created to be the start place of the mysterious savior. The other villagers went to rebel against the Author and disappeared and she is the last one who still believes in the old prophecy. When Junhyung asks about the prophecy, she motions that the prophecy is written on a stone at the end of the second desert. Junhyung thanks her and goes on with her journey.

Junhyung goes through the second desert when he realizes that his water canteen had a leak and he is now stuck in the middle of the desert with no water He takes out his pen and draws a small oasis and watches it form. Smiling to himself, he drink and finds some cloth to block the hole in his canteen. Junhyung reaches the end of the desert and finds the stone, which turns out to be a boulder, where the prophecy is written. The stone reads:


During the sunless day and raging night

When all seems lost, and we are filled with fright

A mighty savior shall appear in a flash of light

Who through brightest day and darkest night

Will burn like the stars, for hope is bright


Junhyung reads this over and over and eventually memorizes the prophecy. He then crosses into the third desert where he meets a huge scorpion. The scorpion tries to kill him when Junhyung draws a wall of fire protecting him from the scorpion. He keeps drawing this until the scorpion is surrounded by a huge ring of flame. Junhyung quickly walks around it and advances. He sees his first city in this magical world and this time, there are people who inhabit it. However, there are not as many as he had hoped and everybody looked sad and downcast. While buying more supplies, Junhyung ask the store owner about the prophecy. The store owner replies that the prophecy had been there for ages and everybody had pretty much forgotten about the savior.

Junhyung then asks about the village in the desert. The store owner replies that two years ago, all of the soldiers of the deserts had joined together and gone to fight against the Author and his forces. They had all disappeared and the women and children and the elders of the village had joined together to come and protest against the Author. They too had disappeared and all talks of rebellion against the Author had ceased.

Junhyung advances and comes to the first river. He draws a bridge and easily crosses. He walks until he reaches the second river. He tries to build another bridge, but it gets quickly swept by the river's strong current. Junhyung then build a bridge with a higher arch and watches as a very strong wind comes and knocks the supports down with makes the rest of the bridge unstable and unfit for use. Junhyung then creates a hot air balloon that is strong enought to carry him over the river. However, he misjudges his weight and goes to far up into the sky before running out of fuel and crashing the balloon straight into the third river. Junhyung and his balloon get caught up in its current and  are about to go over a waterfall when Junhyung suddenly thinks fast and creates a hang glider which allows him soar and safely cross the other side of the river.


Junhyung walks for some time until he reaches it: the Library. With mixed emotions, he grabs the door handle and opens the door.



My cliffhanger moment.

Hoped you enjoyed the story so far

Part 2 will end the story so

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