
Sunbaenim, Please Notice Me!

"Sunbaenim!" Stephanie runs up to Taehyung, one of the school's kingkas. "Hi there, Steph!" He flashed her a charming grin, and ruffled her hair. "Ah, sunbae, I made you a bento. Jungkook told me you forgot lunch today." She smiled at him sheepishly, before handing him the box. He took it and smiled, "Thanks, Steph. But Miyoon told me she wanted to bring me out for lunch today. Sorry!" Handing her back the box, he walked into the arms of his girlfriend.

Miyoon smirked and stuck her tongue out at Stephanie, who sighed and walked back to her class, to eat the bento. Jungkook was sitting at this desk, legs propped up onto his table. When he saw Stephanie walk in, he raised his eyebrows. "Hyung didn't want it?" The girl shook her head, sighing. "Miyoon sunbae is bringing him out for lunch." Jungkook rolled his eyes, and took the box from her hands. "Miyoon's gross. I'd rather you date hyung instead." Stephanie laughed and took out her own bento. "I'm glad someone's on my side." Jungkook smirked, and ate using the utensils in the bento. "I think everyone should be."

Jungkook walked into the sports hall after lunch, and put his stuff down on the bench. He saw Taehyung and Miyoon talking in a corner, and decided to interfere. "Taehyung hyung!" He ran over and sat down next to Taehyung. "Yes, Jungkook?" Taehyung blinked, and Miyoon looked visibly annoyed. Perfect. "I ate the bento, by the way. You missed out, she made your favourite. Anyway, what's she doing here? This area is for basketballers only. Sorry, but you're not one." Jungkook smirked at Miyoon, who scoffed. At that moment, Jin walked in and glared at Taehyung. "You should have known better than to bring this jinx here. Get lost, pest." Miyoon's face scrunched up as tears formed in her eyes, and she ran away, crying.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "C'mon hyung, you made my girl cry!" Jin waved his hand dismissively, and shrugged. "You have practise. Run out after her, and I'm gonna tell coach you came late. You know what he'll say to that." Taehyung sighed, and took out his water bottle. Jungkook snickered to himself as he ran off to change.

A while later, Stephanie was walking down the hall, and sighed. She'd just finished her class, and today was dessert making. She carried the bag containing the choclate mousse in her hands, hoping to find Jungkook and thank him for giving her support. She walked towards the sports hall, when she heard soft crying from the girls' toilet. Poking her head in, she put the choclate mousse on the sink counter. "Hello?"

"Just go away." Stephanie raised an eyebrow. The voice was clearly Miyoon's. "Miyoon sunbae, is that you?" "Go away, Stephanie. I know you don't like me, so leave me alone." Miyoon sobbed inside the cubicle. "I'm not that type of person, come out and talk to me, it might help." She heard a loud sigh, followed by a click, as the cubicle door opened. "Let's go outside, come on." Grabbing the mousse, she put an arm around Miyoon's shoulder and brought her to a nearby table.

Soon, Miyoon was spilling all her problems to Stephanie. "It's not Taehyung I love, it's Jin. Jin doesn't care about me, he thinks I'm a pest." She blew into the tissue Stephanie had given her. "Jin sunbae? Then why are you and Taehyung sunbae-" "I did it because I wanted to get closer to Jin, I want Jin to notice me!" Miyoon sobbed, laying her head on the table. "Maybe Jin sunbae isn't happy you're dating Taehyung, maybe he likes you." Stephanie grabbed Miyoon's hand, rubbing the back of it. "Don't cry, sunbae." Miyoon lifted her head up. "Do you really think he might.. Like me?" Stephanie shrugged. "Only one way to find out!"

Stephanie dragged Miyoon towards the sports hall, depsite the older girl's protests.

Stephanie pushed the doors to the sports hall open, and headed towards the bleachers. "Come on sunbae, don't be so stubborn!" She dragged Miyoon along, who was struggling. "I don't want to, what if he rejects me?" "You'll never know if you don't ask! Let's go!" "But Jin will be angry-" "Shut up, and let's go!" Miyoon shut and let herself be dragged by Stephanie.

The two sat on the bleachers and waited for the practise to be over, Miyoon had taken a long time to talk, after all.

"Jin sunbae!" Stephanie yelled, as soon as the coach left the hall after practise. Jin turned around and looked at the girl. It was quite the comical sight, Stephanie dragging Miyoon, who was struggling, over to Jin. He laughed and responded, "Yes?" "Miyoon sunbae would like to talk to you." Stephanie began shoving the two out the nearest exit.

Jungkook guffawed at this, rolling on the floor. He knew about Miyoon's crush on Jin, and Stephanie was just too adorable. Taehyung glared at Jin, clearly annoyed that his captain and girlfriend were going out to talk, alone. Stephanie ran over to Jungkook and handed him the bag. "Here, this is for you. The teacher asked us to make chocolate mousse, so I decided I should give this to you for helping." Jungkook got up, and took the bag. "Thanks, I bet this tastes amazing."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Since when did Stephanie and Jungkook get so close? If he thought about it, shouldn't the mousse be his? Taehyung shrugged, just as Miyoon and Jin made their appearance. Miyoon was smiling at Jin, and Jin was grinning at her. Miyoon walked over to Taehyung, and said, "Taehyung-ah, I'm sorry, but I'm not in love with you. I've been in love with Jin for the longest time, and I was kinda using you. I'm sorry, let's be friends?"

Taehyung sighed, before glaring at the two. "I'm sorry, but if you think I'll accept that crappy apology, you're wrong. I genuinely liked you, but I guess I wasn't good enough." He stomped off, as Miyoon grimaced and looked at Jin. "What are we going to do?"

Stephanie groaned. She wasn't going to further interfere in this mess. Jungkook had run after Taehyung, and she decided that she should wait for Jungkook, as they started walking back home together. Jin and Miyoon had left, with the two of them thanking her for helping them get together. She sat with the chocolate mousse, which amazingly had not melted yet. The rest of the basketball team was packing up, and leaving. They'd come back soon, she told herself. Soon enough.

When Jungkook came back, Stephanie was asleep, lying down on the bench. He laughed and shook her. "Wake up, hyung is here with us. Let's go!" Taehyung was standing off to the side, watching them. She flushed red, and stood up hurriedly. "A-ah! Let's get the chocolate mousse and go." Jungkook grinned and picked it up. "Let's go!" He grabbed Stephanie's hand and Taehyung's hand, dragging them out the hall.

Jungkook checked his watch as they left the school gates. "Aw crap, I'm gonna be late for my dance practise. Hyung, takecareofherIgottagobye!" And with that, Jungjook ran away, leaving the two left behind, speechless.

Taehyung grimaced and said, "Sorry about that kid. I'll take you home, lead the way." Stephanie smiled awkwardly, and walked in the direction of her house. Taehyung walked next to her, following her lead.

The two walked in awkward silence for a while, before Taehyung asked her. "So, Miyoon and Jin, yeah?" She nodded, "Miyoon sunbae told me she liked him. I don't know why she didn't just tell him." Taehyung sighed, "Would have saved me some trouble, I guess. Pity." Stephanie shrugged, and stared at the fence of her house. She opened the gate, and thanked him. "Thanks for walking me home, sunbaenim. You didn't have to." "It's okay. See you tomorrow, Stephanie."

She watched him walk away, and turned to enter her house.

The next day, Jungkook was walking down the hall, arm slung around Taehyung's shoulder. "Hey, Steph! Thanks for the chocolate mousse, it was great. Hyung said he wanted to try some." Jungkook nudged Taehyung. "What? I never-" "He'll come to your place and watch you make it!" Stephanie grinned, nodding her head. "Okay, I'll go pick up stuff after school then." She walked off, and Jungkook grinned at Taehyung. "Sorry hyung~ Have fun!" He sprinted off, before Taehyung could chase after him.

Taehyung was dragged to Stephanie's house by Jungkook, and dumped there the second the front door opened. Stephanie let him in, and he sat down at the kitchen counter, watching her prepare the mousse. She looks so adorable cooking, and I bet it tastes great. Taehyung thought to himself.

After she finished, she scooped it into two glass bowls, and handed one to Taehyung. "Oh, is this white chocolate instead?" He peered into the bowl. "Yeah, Jungkook said you might prefer this instead, so I made it." He nodded, taking a bite of the mousse. "It tastes great, thanks." "No problem, sunbaenim." Taehyung continued to eat the mousse, and at the same time, stared at Stephanie, who was eating her own choclate mousse. She was looking at the bowl, completely focused on the it. Taehyung smiled into his mousse, and swiped a bit of it on his finger.

Before she knew what was going on, Taehyung poked her face with his mousse-covered finger. He laughed as she frowned and slapped some onto his face. He grinned, tackled her, and applied more mousse onto her face. The two of them laughed, and rolled around on the floor until they realised what position they were in. Stephanie blushed red, and Taehyung smiled, pecking her cheek.

"Thanks for making me happy today, Steph. We should get cleaned up, come on." He got up and helped her get to her feet, and walked to the sink to wash his face. Stephanie grabbed a kitchen towel and wiped her face clean of the mousse, her face fading down to a light pink. Maybe she still had a chance with him, after all.

Taehyung said, "It's late, I'd better go, see you tomorrow?" She smiled, opening her door. "Sure, sunbaenim. See you tomorrow!"

He walked to the gate, before turning around and calling, "Call me oppa instead. Bye Steph!"

She grinned, as he left, smiling to himself.

Sunbaenim had finally noticed her.

[A/N: Yay, this is done! It's long, and there wasn't much elaboration on the romance factor, but this fanfic is about the OC getting the sunbae to notice her, even though Jungkook was just helping most of the time. So thanks for reading, and bye!]

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Chapter 1: Annyeong eomma,I'm reading it agaaaaaain. omo so in love with this. Sequel juseyo ahahahaha. xD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Awwww thank you eomma <3 Love you lots! Love the story too c: <3 Spazzingggggg~