Final OO

Black Pearl: Return to the Sea

The moon has retired to its bed, the stars starting to fall asleep, and the sun has yet to rise. The calm ocean waves met with the warm sand before returning to where it came from and leaving behind a trail of foam and seashells.

In the distance, a figure clad in a simple white dress shirt and black trousers folded to the knees, strolled in the empty vicinity. His messy mop of brown curls covered the sleep-deprived doe eyes that used to glitter and smile.

Luhan stopped in his tracks as he felt the grains of sand in between his toes and the warm sea foams splash against his bare feet. The tranquility was something he was never used to and yet, here he was, spending the wee hours of the early morning strolling the, what seemed like to him, endless shores just before the people in his home start to stir from their sleep.

Inhaling the salty air around him, Luhan watched as the sun started to rise from the horizon. His eyes stayed glued to the point where the sky met the sea as if waiting for a certain ship to magically appear, its black mast and soot-colored sails gliding swiftly across the waters.

As the sun rose to its full height, Luhan found himself uttering a single name to the listening sea as a trickle of tear fell down his pale cheek.



The silent creak of the door made Luhan look back at the two figures sleeping soundly on the king-sized bed in the middle of the grand room. Their silent breathing made Luhan sigh and smile. He silently approached the bed and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the forehead of a child not older than six years.

“Good morning, Baekhyun.” Luhan silently whispered and the child smiled in his sleep.

“Where have you been?”

Luhan looked up to give a small smile to the owner of the raspy voice who was now sitting on the bed. Jongin yawned and scratched his sleepy eyes before returning a smile which made Luhan feel so guilty.



Luhan struggled against the pale hand that choked him tightly. The sadistic laughter that came from the onlookers who seemed to enjoy the torture he was going through rung loud in his ears. He grabbed the wrist of the hand around his neck and tried to pry it off when he was pulled closer, his face mere inches away from his captor’s.

“Listen, shrimp. You’re in my ship now and no one, I mean no one, ever talks back to me. You got it?”

Luhan didn’t know how to answer. He just can’t. Not with the hand around his neck cutting his supply of air and his ability to talk. He just continued to struggle against the other man’s grip while trying to think of a way to escape his current situation.

“Captain, we are ready to go.”

Luhan felt the tightness around his throat loosen before he was violently shoved away and left to crumple on the deck after feeling the excruciating pain in his ribs from hitting the pole. He coughed and tried to take in as much air as possible before he was lifted up on his feet by two men.

“Bring the ‘Prince’ to the brigs, men. He’ll be in cleaning duty until I find a better use for him.”

Luhan cast a last glance at the man whom he has come to realize as the captain of the ship, the moment he felt those long, slender fingers around his throat. He watched as the man’s pale brown eyes, emphasized by the thick brows, looked at him as if he was the lowest of the low.

And at that moment, Luhan felt like he really was.

“In you go!”

Luhan toppled to the ground as he was ruthlessly pushed inside one of the metal cages found below the ship. He heard the lock click and he glared back at the men who snickered at his current state.

“You lucky you! It’s a fine thing that the Captain didn’t have you shot yet!” one of the men snorted while spitting at Luhan’s feet.

“Captain Kris should just throw you in the depths of the sea. You’re just another mouth to feed. We’ll see you later then, Your Highness!” the other commented before breaking into a throaty laugh and disappearing up the stairs, leaving Luhan alone to wallow in his demise.

Luhan regretted running away. He regretted the idea of escaping which led him to end up in the hands of the savages of the sea – pirates.

As Luhan felt the big ship move against the current of the waves, he found himself curling up in the far corner of the cage as he eyes, through a small window, the disappearing island and his home.


Night started to roll in and Luhan opened his eyes to the sound of footsteps coming down. He didn’t move as he watched a figure clad in mostly black approached his cage and opened it, not even bothering to close it. Luhan watched as the stranger entered the cage and placed a tray of bread and wine at his feet. The stranger had platinum blonde hair that swept messily across his forehead and partly covered the stoic, dark brown eyes. His lean frame and very pale complexion made him look like he was not meant for the rowdy pirate life. He had a distinct jawline, Luhan noted, when he looked at Luhan straight in the eye before uttering a single word.


Luhan didn’t move. He didn’t want to move because this stranger just commanded him as if he were a dog waiting to be fed. Luhan did not take orders.  And as if  realizing that he won’t obey, the stranger sighed and stood up before exiting the cage and locking it once again.

“Please eat up.”

Luhan stared wide-eyed as the stranger disappeared before he could utter a word. The gentle voice surprised him. It was filled with a hint of pity and worry? Luhan was not sure. All he knew is that those words came from the mouth of a bloody pirate.


The moment dawn broke, Luhan found a new tray of bread with butter, a glass of juice by his feet, and the same stoic eyes looking at him as he woke up from his sleep.

“Good morning.”   

Luhan stared at the pirate boy with a raised brow before letting his gaze drift to the platter of food in front of him. Feeling his stomach grumble, Luhan immediately dived into his meal, not noticing the small smile on his companion’s lips.

“Looks like you ate dinner.”

Luhan blushed and stopped eating as he gazed at the empty dinner tray he left in a corner last night. He heard the pirate chuckle and as much as he didn’t want to admit it, the sound of the laugh was pleasant to the ears. Luhan managed to crack a small smile at the pirate stranger.

“Hey, you finally smiled.”

Luhan slightly blushed at the statement. He just continued to eat and try to ignore the stranger who was intently staring at him.

“I’m Sehun. What’s your name?”

Luhan looked at Sehun shyly as he swallowed his food before answering softly.


“Is it true that you’re a Prince?”

Luhan nodded.

“What were you doing when my comrades captured you?”

“I was running away.”


“Because I didn’t like my life in the palace.”


“Because they were always making me do stuff I didn’t want to do!” Luhan half-shouted out of frustration.

“And now look where I am! Trapped! In this filthy cage with you, a pirate! Why am I even telling you all this?!” Luhan blabbered on as Sehun just stared at him.

“This is the worst decision I have made in my entire life!” Luhan groaned as he buried his face in his hands.

“I think it’s the best decision.”

Luhan stared at Sehun curiously, waiting for some kind of explanation but all he got was a small smile which made him blush. Sehun got up from his seat and took his empty tray before leaving the cage with a promise of bringing lunch later.

And all Luhan could do was nod because he realized that all that talk about pirates were not entirely true.

And Sehun was proof of that because no pirate can smile as sweet as he can.



The scent of newly-grilled tenderloins filled the air as Luhan and his family sat around the gigantic table in the palace’s dining room. The chandelier hanging in the center of the room shimmered when the rays of the midday sun struck it. The gold-rimmed white curtains danced with the soft, warm breeze that entered through the open balcony.

His Father, the king, sat at the center of the table next to him while his mother sat on his other side. Across Luhan sat Baekhyun who was busy trying to reach the silverware on the table while being fed by a chuckling Jongin. Luhan smiled as Baekhyun flashed a grin while holding a stabbed piece of meat at him.

“This good, Umma~! Umma should try!” Baekhyun giggled, making Luhan chuckle and take the piece of meat into his mouth.

“See? Umma has eaten the meat, now you eat these vegetables so that Umma won’t get mad.” Jongin coaxed as he tried to feed the little boy his salad.

Luhan smiled at the scene in front of him as Jongin tried to feed Baekhyun with vegetables while the child shook his head from side to side, mouth closed firmly. Baekhyun’s soft brown curls and adorable smile which made his eyes turn into full crescents reminded Luhan so much of him that he internally cried, missing him.

A soft clank broke Luhan out of his reverie as the fork landed on the carpeted floor. He bent down to reach for the silver object.



Loud huffs echoed through the cave as Luhan tried to regain his breath. He remains seated on the rocky sand floor as he eyes his competitor who stands confidently, not a trickle of sweat on his pale skin. Luhan reaches for his fallen sword before charging at Sehun headfirst.

Metal meets metal as Sehun deflected the strong blow from Luhan’s sword. He dodges another swing and hits the smaller boy in the side with the hilt of his sword. Luhan lets out a gasp as he crumples on his knees.

“I think that’s enough for toni-”

“No, not yet!”

Sehun watched as Luhan struggled to stand on his feet, making him smile at the latter’s determination. Sehun fixes his stance as Luhan comes charging at him one more time. Already familiar with Luhan’s tactic, Sehun tilts his sword at a certain angle to deflect the expecting blows.

“You’re tactics don’t wor-”

Sehun found himself dodging the blow which came from another direction. He ducks as another swift slash came from Luhan’s sword. Sehun immediately changed his stance and tried to block the new moves, his role in the fight quickly changing from offense to defense.

When Luhan found an opening in Sehun’s defense, he swung his sword to meet with Sehun’s throat. The taller gulped and smiled nervously, bringing the blade away from his throat. Luhan smiled in success and decided to let himself fall onto the ground out of exhaustion.

Luhan stared at the stalactites that seemed to glow in the darkness of the cave. He unconsciously held out his hand as if trying to grasp the shining roof.

“It looks like I’m seeing the galaxy from here.” Luhan quietly said.

“The galaxy, huh?”

He felt a weight lie next to him and as he turned his head, he sees Sehun staring at the same stalactites he was looking at. He felt his heart pound as he watched the platinum-haired male’s chest heave up and down with every breath and lips turn into a crooked smile.

“You’re right.” Sehun answers before turning to look at Luhan straight in the eye.

Words could not register what Luhan was starting to feel for the pirate. Just a simple touch from the boy sends shivers down his spine and each sweet word that came out of his mouth has made butterflies flutter in Luhan’s stomach. If Luhan is not cleaning the deck, Sehun would spend time with him in his quarters telling stories about the adventures the pirate has gone through and he would find himself wanting to learn more of the young pirate boy. When Sehun snuck Luhan out of the ship to train in the cave, Luhan found himself enjoying the moments he spend with the young pirate more and more.

Luhan’s eyes started to get heavy. He was starting to doze off when he felt a hand touch his briefly before engulfing it entirely. Luhan turned to see Sehun with his eyes closed, and arm behind his head, and his left hand holding Luhan’s. Luhan could feel all the heat in his cheeks and he broke into a small smile as he tugged on Sehun’s hand lightly.

The feeling of having his small hand in Sehun’s larger ones was just perfect. With that final thought in mind, Luhan let himself be enveloped by darkness.

It only felt seconds when Luhan felt himself being stirred in his sleep. He opened his doe eyes to see Sehun’s face inches away from his. Luhan smiled as he watched Sehun’s lips move as if he was saying something.

“Wake up, Luhan. We have to go! It’s almost daybreak!” Sehun half-whispered, half- shouted.

Upon hearing those words, Luhan bolted up and quickly gathered his sword before breaking into a sprint with Sehun tightly holding his hand while leading the way. They arrived at the ship with no soul awake and they both released a sigh of relief. Luhan was accompanied by Sehun back to his quarters before bidding goodbye.

“I’ll see you later, Luhan. Goodnight.” Sehun whispered in his ear before letting go.

“Goodnight, Sehun.” Luhan mumbled as he watched Sehun’s disappearing shadow.

“You know, spending time with him will only bring you sadness.”

Luhan turned around to see his roommate and friend, Yixing, awake and sitting on his own bed while giving him a worried glance. Luhan only nodded and smiled back before retreating to his own bed.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Lu.”

“Don’t worry, Xing. I’ll be fine.” Luhan answered with a reassuring smile before lying down and facing the wall, not noticing the look of uncertainty in his friend’s eyes.



“On guard!”

Baekhyun held his small feet on the ground as he pointed his wooden sword at his tall, curly-haired playmate. The taller boy poked Baekhyun’s sword with his own before laughing and poking the sword again.

“Yah, Yeollie! Don’t poke! Fight!” Baekhyun whined as he took a light swing at Chanyeol who dodged.

Luhan was seating under the shade of a tree while reading a book. The sea breeze that came from the sea just at the edge of the garden helped Luhan clear his mind and relax. He and Baekhyun were lounging under the same tree in the palace’s garden earlier when Chanyeol suddenly arrived for a visit. Baekhyun then left his side to go play swords with Chanyeol who had grinned excitedly.

“On guard, you thavage!” Baekhyun shouted in his most arrogant while swinging his sword at Chanyeol who looked at him, confused, before lowering his own sword.


The sound of crying made Luhan jump to his feet and run towards where the two boys where at. Baekhyun was standing, hand gripping his wooden sword tightly while bawling his eyes out while Chanyeol was sitting on the ground.

“What happened, Baekkie?” Luhan tried to stop his son from crying.

Baekhyun pointed at Chanyeol who, Luhan finally noticed, was sporting an awful scrape on the knee and a small bump on the head.

“Oh my god, Chanyeol! What happened?!”

“H-he, he tr-tripped and I hit him on the head with my thowd! It wath an accident, pwomise!” Baekhyun explained while hiccupping and sniffling.

“You should have been careful, Baekhyun! Chanyeol is hurt! Look!” Luhan scolded his son softly and Baekhyun was starting to cry again.

“Aniya… I’m okay, Uncle. It didn’t hurt that much.” Chanyeol flashed one of his big, cheerful grins while rubbing his head.

“Are you sure?” Luhan asked, still worried, as he moved to check on the bump on Chanyeol’s head.

“Yup. Little bumps won’t hurt me. I have to be strong since I’ll be fighting pirates when I grow up!” Chanyeol excitedly said while smiling at Luhan.

Luhan’s smile vanished and he stared at Chanyeol. Baekhyun had stopped crying and was now sitting next to Chanyeol while looking for the bump on his friend’s head.

“Why would you want to fight pirates?” Luhan softly asked.

“I have to fight them or else they will steal Baekkie away from me.”

Luhan felt a pang in his heart at the answer and he could only stare silently as Chanyeol reached out to hug Baekhyun who happily hugged back.

“Baekkie is only mine. Right Baekkie?”

Baekhyun nodded and hugged Chanyeol on the neck while saying that Chanyeol was his best friend and that he will always play with Chanyeol.

Luhan could only stare at the boy’s smiling faces as his mind went elsewhere.

He used to be mine, too.



Luhan staggers back as he holds his swollen cheek and stares at Kris’ darkening expression. The stinging pain in his face was tempting him to cry but he knew that he can’t. He can’t show any form of weakness on front of them. In front of Kris.

“Where is it, you useless bastard?!” Kris gritted as he grabbed Luhan by the collar of his shirt.

“I-I don’t know wh-what you’re talking about!” Luhan answered back as he tried to pry Kris’ hand from his shirt.

“Liar. You were the last one in my chambers. Now where is it? Where is my ring?!” Kris shouted and Luhan had to close his eyes to avoid looking at the angry, bloodlust glare of the Pirate Captain.

“I swear I didn’t take it!”

Luhan felt his back make contact with the ground as he was mercilessly thrown down. The spectators where now gathering around him and Kris and Luhan crawled back to try and escaped when a hand suddenly lifted him up from the ground. Luhan cried in pain when he felt his arm being twisted. Behind him, the tall black-haired man who was always with Kris tightened his grip on Luhan. Luhan could feel his bones crack and he stifled a cry.

“Now, where is it?”

Luhan held his breath as he felt the cold metal of the pistol touching his forehead. He stared at Kris’ deadly gaze as he cocked the gun and Luhan knew that any negative answer will get him killed but what was he to do?! He didn’t have the ring with him. Luhan desperately tried to search for those pale brown eyes in the crowd but Sehun was nowhere to be found.

Luhan felt hopeless.


Sehun emerged from behind the crowd, dragging along a young man in cuffs who was quivering in fear. Kris turned to Sehun and raised a suspecting brow.

“What do you want?”

“Luhan didn’t do it. This man stole your ring.” Sehun spoke in a monotonous voice as he pushed the cuffed man to the front.

Luhan watched as Kris looked down on the man as if he was eyeing a prey. The man in question was now shaking as he pulled out something from the pocket of his trousers. A big, red ruby ring. Kris snatched the ring from the man’s hands and held it high as he inspected it for any form of defect.

Luhan felt the hand behind him loosen and he almost toppled to the ground if not for Sehun who was suddenly by his side, supporting his weight. Luhan gave Sehun a small smile of gratitude as he turned his attention back to the suspect and Kris.

“I-I’m s-sorry, Captain. I didn’t know that it was imp-portant. I j-just saw i-”

What Luhan saw next made him scream so loud, he thought his throat would rip open.

With huge, unbelieving eyes, Luhan watched as the man fell on his knees before slumping forward in his own pool of blood. Luhan was quivering, not noticing how tight his grasp on Sehun’s arm was. The mental image of how life disappeared from the man’s eyes was enough to haunt Luhan’s dreams for endless nights.

“Clean this up.”

The command made Luhan flinch as he watched the body being taken away. He sneaked a glance at the killer to see him staring right back with the same bloodlust eyes. He buried his face in Sehun’s chest and let silent tears fall when he felt the latter lightly squeeze his hand. Luhan looked up to see Sehun giving him a small, tender smile as if saying everything was going to be alright.

“I’ll take you back to your chamber. You need rest.” Sehun whispered in Luhan’s ear and Luhan nodded as he clutched onto Sehun’s arm tighter.

Luhan stared at the wooden floor, not wanting any eye contact from the others, as he slowly walked together with Sehun through the dissipating crowd. Sehun’s arm was protectively wrapped around his shoulders, making him feel safe in the least.

Sehun could feel Luhan shiver against him as he accompanied the shorter boy away from the traumatic scene. As they walked, Sehun came to a short stop as he stared at Zitao, leaning back with arms crossed on one of the ship’s poles, whose looming gaze was directed towards him.


The sound of Luhan’s soft voice made him break eye contact with the black-haired man and gaze down at his companion with a reassuring smile. Luhan smiled back and Sehun’s heart fluttered as he continued to walk back to Luhan’s chambers.

“I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Sehun stopped next to Zitao and answered back.

“Believe me, I do.”



“This will only hurt a bit.”

Luhan warned as he softly dabbed the cotton soaked in medicine on Chanyeol’s injured knee. The injured boy let out a small choke before covering his mouth and trying hard not to shout from the stinging sensation. Chanyeol's brows furrowed in concentration and Luhan had to stifle his chuckle as he continued with his treatment.

“Umma, it hurth! Channie ith crying!” Baekhyun said, small voice laced with concern.

“A-ani, Baekkie, it doesn’t hurt.” Chanyeol replied while managing a wide grin which made Baekhyun relax and sit next to him.

“All done.” Luhan announced as he packed up the first-aid kit and handed a compress to Baekhyun.

“Keep this on Channie’s head, okay?”

Baekhyun nodded, smiling, before carefully placing the cold compress on the bump on Chanyeol’s head. Luhan left the two boys in the garden, watching, as they talked and laughed occasionally, Baekhyun’s smiling face bearing too much of a resemblance to him and it broke his heart.




“Quiet down and stop moving so that it won’t hurt!”

Luhan quietly stayed still on his bed as Sehun carefully dabbed the cold cloth on his bruised face. Sehun was in deep concentration that Luhan couldn’t help but take the opportunity to stare at the pirate’s handsome face. Sehun was pale despite having spent so much hours under the hot sun, his pale brown eyes which made the most adorable eye smile was currently in deep concentration, and his thin lips were drawn into a small frown. It wasn’t until Luhan felt Sehun’s treatment stop, did he notice that the other was also staring at him. Luhan quickly averted his gaze and tried hard to fight the blush slowly creeping to his cheeks.

“Thank you.” Luhan muttered.

“It was nothing. That’s what friends should do, right?”

Friends. Luhan had hoped it was something more. He couldn’t deny his feelings for the pirate boy anymore. He was in love.

Luhan was in love with Sehun.

And yet, Luhan did not want to risk being rejected and breaking their friendship, so he stayed quiet and instead decided to talk about another topic.

“Why did you become a pirate?”

“Why so curious?”

“I just am.”

Luhan watched as Sehun let out a deep sigh as he ran a hand through his platinum locks. He looked at Luhan and smiled.

“It’s because I love the sea.”

When Luhan didn’t answer, Sehun stood up and beckoned for him to follow. Luhan walked after Sehun to the top deck where the moon has started to peek from the vast sky that was bathed in a dark-tinted splash of orange and yellow.

Luhan stared at the border where the sea met the sky and he found himself admiring the scenery before him. And then Luhan saw him.

Standing a few feet from him, Sehun stood, hands in the pockets of his black breeches, head eyes trailed at the horizon. The setting sun set shadows around it, making Luhan think that what he was seeing was far from real.

“The sea is filled with unimaginable things; things I want to discover.” Sehun turned his head to look at Luhan.

Watching Sehun stare at him with a heart-melting smile spread across his face as the wind blew his hair and the sky as the background was like looking at a painting that held a million words.

Words that Luhan could never have the courage to say.

Luhan opened his mouth to say something but he ended up shutting it tight. He slowly walked to stand next to Sehun who was now leaning forward on the edge of the ship.

“Have you ever heard of the black pearl?”

Luhan whipped his head in surprise. The black pearl was a myth of old that spoke of a rare treasure that glistened as black as night. It was believed to be a gift from a sea nymph to a human lover who died in a shipwreck. The pearl sunk to the bottom of the deepest seas where it is said to be guarded by mermaids. Sailors and pirates have gone and back to search for the pearl with the belief of it granting one wish to its finder, but decades have passed and the pearl was never found and people started to forget.

“The black pearl – a long forgotten myth of forbidden love.” Luhan whispered.

“Is that why you became a pirate?” Luhan asked to which Sehun just chuckled.

“That’s part of it. The truth is, I became a pirate to escape and be free just like the sea. To be able to go on adventures and visit so many exotic places, to meet new people and get into trouble.” Sehun chuckled at the last part which made Luhan smile.

“Life as a pirate is hard! You could have just worked as a merchant, you know.”

Luhan stared at Sehun who shook his head and chuckled, eyes turning into that cute eye smile which made Luhan’s stomach flutter.

“That would mean that I have to be tied down to duties and responsibilities, and I don’t want that.”

Duties and responsibilities. Luhan stared far into the sea as he thought about his previous life. How was his family? Where they looking for him? Is he ever going to get home? Has three months been that long?

Sehun noticed Luhan’s silence.

“Hey, have you ever thought about getting home?” Sehun silently asked and Luhan looked at him shocked as if he just read the boy’s mind.

“Sometimes. But the pirate life isn’t so bad, especially since it means that I don’t have to be forced into an arranged marriage.” Luhan nervously chuckled.

“Is that why you ran away?”

Luhan stopped laughing and looked down, trying to hide the blush from his face. He was fiddling with the hem of his shirt when he felt Sehun’s gaze boring into him. He cleared his throat and tried to think of something to avoid the subject.

“It’s getting late and I’m tired. I should g-get to b-bed. G-goodnight.” Luhan stammered without looking up at Sehun as he bowed his head. He started to walk away when he felt Sehun’s grip on his wrist.


Luhan didn’t have time to ask any question as he felt Sehun’s soft lips on his untouched ones. Time seemed to freeze as Luhan felt Sehun’s lips move against his in a slow, gentle manner. His eyes fluttered shut as Sehun’s tongue the cut on his lower lip before separating from him.

“You should get some sleep.” Sehun spoke in a monotonous voice as he stared back at the sea.

Luhan, embarrassed as he was, only nodded and ran past Sehun back to his room where he collapsed on his bed and clutched his chest to feel his fast-beating heart that sounded just like the pounding waves.

Sehun stood alone; staring far out at the dark waves as he unconsciously his lips to taste the kiss he had shared with Luhan earlier. Sehun was falling for the boy, a Prince to be more exact, and he didn’t even know if Luhan would reciprocate his feelings.

The kiss was an act on impulse.

Somehow, hearing Luhan was supposed to be engaged ticked something deep within Sehun and he responded by kissing the smaller boy then turning back into his stoic self.

Sehun was complicated. And he was jealous.

Sehun shook his head in frustration. In their crew, love was taboo and he was an outlaw – someone not worthy to stand, even talk, to royalty like Luhan, but Sehun was in love and he had no cure.

“Come out, Zitao. It’s no use trying to hide.” Sehun coldly called out.

A shadow appeared from behind a crate of boxes, his black hair seeming as a part of the sky and his piercing gaze that of a killer. Any normal person would cower at his presence but Sehun knew from all the years at sea together that Zitao was as harmless as a panda. And the mischievous smile on Zitao’s lips proved it all.

“Hunnie kissed a Prince! Hunnie kissed a Prince!” Zitao sang as he walked towards Sehun who was glaring.

“Stop calling me that. My name is Sehun, not Hunnie.”

“Whatever you say, Hunnie~!” Zitao snickered as he leaned back on the rail of the ship and stared at the sky.

“Hey, is he your black pearl?”

Sehun choked on air and looked at Zitao with a ridiculed expression but the red tint on his pale cheeks gave him away and Zitao laughed.

“Thut up!”

“Omo~ Your lisp! Ha! You’re embarrassed!” Zitao hollered.

Sehun cursed the lisp that would always appear when he was embarrassed or in denial. He just decided to let Zitao finish laughing and when Zitao did, his face turned serious as he looked at Sehun.

“But seriously, Sehun, you should be careful. If I were you, I’d run away and take the Prince, especially since Kris has something bad planned for him.” Zitao spoke softly.

“Sehun, he’s planning to sell Luhan as a slave in Tortuga.”



The cold night breeze and the sound of the waves seemed to beckon Luhan. Pushing aside the blanket that covered his body, he slowly got up from bed, occasionally turning around to check if Baekhyun or Jongin had stirred from their deep slumber.

The cold cemented floor of his balcony made Luhan’s feet shiver slightly. He breathes in the fresh night air and listens to the sound of the calm waves from his balcony. Luhan stares at the endless blanket of blackness in front of him when he unconsciously clutches the smooth black obsidian stone hanging around his neck in a chain.



“Luhan, wake up.”

Luhan stirred in his sleep as he felt someone shaking his shoulders. He opened his eyes to see Sehun’s handsome face a few centimeters away from his and he couldn’t help but smile.

“What are you doing in my dreams again?” Luhan asked and Sehun stopped shaking him.

“You dream about me?”

Luhan’s eyes widened at the question and he quickly hid flushed face behind his pillow. The kiss replayed in his mind and he mentally cursed himself for trying to even remember. He heard Sehun chuckle before feeling a tight grip on his wrist.

“Now’s not the time for this. I need to get you out of here.” Sehun whispered.

Luhan, not understanding what was happening, allowed himself to be pulled away by Sehun.

“Where are we going, Sehun?”

“Far from here where you will be safe.”

“Safe?” Luhan asked as he gave one last glance at his room and sleeping friend before being dragged to the top deck where a small boat was waiting for them next to a grinning Zitao.

“Hurry up!” Zitao whispered as he started to lower the boat.

Luhan looked at Sehun with confusion, but Sehun just nodded his head and Luhan could only follow as Sehun jumped onto the boat and held his arms out to Luhan.

“Come with me, Luhan. Let’s go far away.”

Luhan found himself smiling and nodding with enthusiasm at a smiling Sehun. He was about to jump when he heard the person beside him speak in a soft voice.

“Take care of Sehun, Prince. Treat him as you’re black pearl.”  Zitao smiled at Luhan and pushed him off the boat into Sehun’s arms before letting the boat splash onto the sea.

The sun was starting to rise and everyone from the ship was awakening. At the rail, Zitao stood smiling as he watched the disappearing boat. He would have to tell Kris later that Luhan had escaped and Sehun had gone after him.


Sehun watched as Luhan washed his face in the spring inside the cave they have found earlier. He was brandishing his sword and staring at his reflection in the blade when he felt a soft cloth touch his face. He turned to see Luhan blushing while offering him a towel to wipe with.

“Thank you.” He smiled in gratitude as he took the cloth and wiped his face.

Luhan fidgeted in his seat as he stared at Sehun who was wiping the back of his neck. He gulped and finally had the courage to ask.

“Why did we run? They might come look for us.”

“They won’t. Zitao would make sure about that.”

“Zitao… He’s the one who said those weird things.” Luhan mumbled but Sehun heard him crystal clear.

“What weird things?”



“He told me that I should take care of you and treat you as my black pearl.” Luhan whispered as he played with the hem of his shirt and bit on his lip to stop his nervousness.

Sehun, however, found his actions rather adorable and completely unable to hold himself any longer, he leaned in to plant a kiss on Luhan’s soft lips.

Luhan felt the same pair of lips on his and this time he closed his eyes and savored the feeling. Unlike the first one, this kiss was full of want and passion that made Luhan’s inside melt like butter. He found himself kissing Sehun back before pulling away for air.

“I love you, Luhan.”

Those simple words shook Luhan’s world and everything around him suddenly felt so surreal. He looked at Sehun’s face and instead of answering, he just kissed him with all the feelings he could muster.


It’s been a day since Luhan and Sehun sought refuge in the cave. Luckily enough, the cave was on an island where they had access to food and water. After Sehun’s confession, Luhan found himself not wanting to let go of the pirate’s hand and not wanting the kisses and hugs stop. He has never felt this happy before. Every minute was like a treasure for Luhan and he didn’t want it to end.

But like every other thing, time also comes to an end.

“I have to go back, Luhan.”


“To the ship.”

“Oh, when are you going to come back?” Luhan asked as he lied on his stomach, his bare feet swinging freely in the air while he played with some berries he picked earlier.

“I’m not coming back.”

Luhan stopped playing and stared at Sehun incredulously.

“W-what do you mean?”

“The only reason why Kris is not pursuing us is because Zitao told him that you had escaped and I came after you to bring you back.” Sehun sadly said, eyes downcast and unable to look at Luhan’s shocked eyes.

“B-but, you said w-we would be together! Sehun, don’t leave me here!” Luhan started to bawl as he stood up and grabbed Sehun’s shirt sleeve.

Sehun’s heart ached as he watched Luhan cry in his chest. How he wish they could be together but he knew he had to go back. He had to finish something.

“Luhan, please don’t cry. I promise that I’ll come back for you. I’ll roam the seven seas until we meet again, I promise. So don’t cry. I want you to go home. I sent a letter telling them you are here, so please stay here and wait for them. Please go home and live happily.” Sehun hugged Luhan tightly, not noticing the tears that now fell from his own eyes.

“I don’t want to go home! I want to stay with you! You said you love me! Sehun!” Luhan screamed in Sehun’s chest, not wanting to let go.

Sehun’s heart was breaking into a million pieces as he held onto Luhan as if he was the most delicate pearl in the sea. The sun was setting and fireflies started to dance, giving the cave a bright glow.

“Luhan, look.” Sehun said.

“When these fireflies dance, it’ll mean that I’m nearby, waiting for you. Don’t worry, Luhan, I promise you. I won’t stop at anything to find you again.” Sehun softly said as he hummed and Luhan soon fell into a deep sleep in his arms.


When dawn broke out, Luhan found himself alone inside the cave.


Luhan notices a parchment by his side and he opened it to see a note and a black obsidian stone that shone under the sunlight.

Keep this as a reminder of me. I love you.

Luhan wept as he hugged the stone close to his heart and repeatedly called out to Sehun’s name. He remained like that until he heard voices outside and saw his Father, the King, looking for him.

Luhan burst into tears and wailed his heart out.

Sehun was gone. And he was alone.



“Sehun, where are you?” Luhan asked the stars in the sky as he clutched his necklace closer.

A faint spark of light floated past Luhan and he had to squint his eyes to see what it was when he saw another from his side. Fireflies. Soon enough, a hundred fireflies were dancing in front of him and he couldn’t help but smile as tears started to fall. He was here.

Not bothering to even change or put on any shoes, Luhan dashed out and followed the trail of light. Luhan was running and he didn’t care if his white garments got dirty. He didn’t care if his feet ached. All Luhan could think about was Sehun.

Sehun. Sehun. Sehun.

Luhan stopped running when he reached the dock. The fireflies disappeared and he turned his head from left to right, trying to find at least his shadow in the empty, dark place.

Luhan saw him standing alone on the beach.

The moonlight cast and eerie glow on his pale skin. He was still wearing the same black pirate clothes he had with the addition of a black coat with golden ts which seemed to make him look more daunting. He was staring far out into the ocean when Luhan walked silently towards him, sand rough beneath his bare feet.

“I made a promise that I won’t stop until I find him again. It took me three long years in sea to be able to see him again.”

Luhan froze in his spot when Sehun spoke.

“The black pearl was never real. What the nymph gave to his human lover was her heart that he took with him to the depths of the sea. The pearl was never a thing. It was a person’s heart.” Sehun turned around and smiled lovingly at Luhan.

“I’m here to fulfill my promise, my Prince.”

Luhan couldn’t control the tears that escaped his eyes as he ran and enveloped Sehun in a tight embrace that made up for the three painful and lonesome years. Sehun hushed the crying boy and raked his brown curls with his fingers.

“Don’t cry. I’m here.” Sehun cooed as he planted soft kisses on Luhan’s face before taking his lips in a deep kiss.

They spent the night walking hand in hand along the shorelines of the beach, catching up on what has happened in the span of three years.

“I’m the Captain of the ship now.” Sehun suddenly said and Luhan’s eyes widened.


“That time I left you? I went back and raised a mutiny against Kris. We had a duel and I won and took over the Dauntless.” Sehun smiled softly.

“It was the only way so I could find my way back to you.” Sehun whispered and Luhan felt like crying.

Sehun sacrificed so much to find him again.

The sound of a boat made Luhan turn to the sea where the Dauntless lay afloat, its dark mast and soot-colored sails seeming invisible in the night. Luhan crooned his neck to look at Sehun who was frowning while looking at the ship.

“I guess time’s up. Goodbye, Luhan.” Sehun placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Wait, when are you coming back?” Luhan asked, feeling a certain déjà vu happening, as he clutched onto Sehun’s sleeve.

Sehun smiled sadly before kissing Luhan one last time.

“This will be my first and last visit, Luhan.” Sehun whispered as he looked at Luhan with tear-stained eyes.

“Wait, why?” Luhan’s head was aching. It was happening all over again.

“Luhan, I love you. You are my black pearl.” Sehun placed his forehead on top of Luhan’s and touched the black stone around Luhan’s neck.

“Sehun, why are you leaving me again?” Luhan cried.

Sehun let go of Luhan and started to walk towards the ocean. Luhan watched as Sehun walked further into the deeper part of the sea before he ran after him, the water soaking his clothes as he tried to reach for Sehun’s hand.

“Sehun!” Luhan grabbed Sehun’s hand.

But he can’t.

Luhan stood horrified as Sehun looked at him with a shocked expression before his eyes turned into those of sadness.

“I’m sorry, Luhan. I should have told you.” Sehun’s tears fell and Luhan felt his heart shatter at the sight.

“It was three months ago during a raid. My crew and I didn’t notice a bomb being planted as we fought them off.”

Sehun’s words didn’t register in Luhan’s mind as he continued to stare at the hand he used to grab Sehun.

“I’m dead, Luhan. I’m so sorry…”

Luhan finally lifted his head to look at Sehun before fighting over the current towards him.

“No, that’s not true! You’re here! You’re ali-”

Luhan cried as he watched himself unable to hug the person he loved so much. His hands went through the ghostly appearance that cried in pain.

“I’m sorry, Luhan. I’m sorry.”

“Sehun, Sehun. Why?” Luhan cried as he looked at Sehun’s disappearing form.

“Sehun! Wait! Sehun!” Luhan tried to desperately grab onto Sehun without success.

“I love you, Luhan.” Sehun whispered.

“I love you too.” Luhan whispered back through tears and Sehun smiled that perfect eye smile of his.

“I’m glad that you’re safe. Goodbye.”

And Sehun was gone forever.

Luhan watched as fireflies floated in the spot where Sehun was. Luhan couldn’t move. The waves were thrashing against his legs and he gave in as he let himself drown in the dark sea.



Luhan woke up to find himself in his bed with Baekhyun holding sleeping next to him and Jongin holding his hand tightly.

“Jongin…” Luhan spoke as he got up.

Jongin assisted him and Baekhyun stirred from his sleep only to smile.

“Mama, you’re awake!” Baekhyun hugged him around the neck and Luhan smiled softly.

“Luhan, what happened? You could have died…” Jongin spoke as tears started to fall from his eyes. Luhan felt guilty and he gently Jongin’s dark curls.

“Mama, Papa thaid that you went thwimming lath night. Why you not let me come?” Baekhyun pouted and Luhan just smiled.

“Mianhe. I’ll go swimming with you tomorrow, okay?”

Baekhyun broke into a big grin and his eyes turned into full crescents before he kissed Luhan on the cheek and jumped off the bed to play. Luhan felt tears in his eyes.

Baekhyun’s smile was Sehun’s.


Luhan turned to Jongin and smiled.

“I’m not going anywhere, Jongin, I promise.”

Luhan was enveloped in an embrace and he cried as he looked out at the balcony. He clutched the necklace around his neck.

Sehun had left.

But in his place, he had left two new people that would make life worth living for.

Sehun had left him two black pearls. 

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I'll be rewriting this soon. ^^ Maybe make it longer. Haha.


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Chapter 1: So, I got a little confused - in the end Luhan is together with Kai? =)