
Braving The Wild

♥ recommended song for this chapter ; Love by Cody Simpson


Jinyoung would be lying if he’ll say that he’s not thinking about his buddy. After what happened last night, the kiss and the sudden confession, all he can ever think about is Mark. He was resting on the couch as he stares at the blank ceiling. Call him weird but his unconscious smiles were the result of stealing a random kiss from the boy that he likes. The brunette closed his eyes as he reminisced how soft Mark’s skin is against his lips. It was just magical.

It was really fulfilling for Jinyoung’s part that their lips almost met. Honestly, Jinyoung can always aim for Mark’s plump lips but the younger would prefer to taste them when they’re both awake and aware of it. Not knowing, the blush on the younger’s face bloomed badly. Good thing, Mark went out for a basketball game that day. It’s been 30 minutes since Mark left and for the whole 1800 seconds, the red-haired kept on running in his mind.

The whole idea of confessing sounds really good but Jinyoung knew that this ain’t the right time yet. The brunette never felt this way before. Yes, he had some crushes way back his elementary days but those were girls and it’s just a crush; more like admiration and idolizing. Things were no longer the same at this point. He’s 19 years old and currently falling for a boy that once hated the entire world. Jinyoung doesn’t know what to do. He’s sweating despite of the high air-con setting, he’s blushing and not to mention, his heart was whispering Mark’s name.


He sat up and took his phone. Maybe a simple text message can help. He was all ready to make a short message for the other but the thing is he doesn’t know what to say. How should he start a conversation if he’s having this crazy mind-set?  He’s at the verge of being impulsive due to his excitement and it might lead to something that he’ll regret.  Jinyoung took a deep breath. Breathe, Nyong. It’s just Mark. He whispered to himself. His lightly trembling fingers started scribbling some buttons.


From : Nyong

Reached the court already? :)


Mark almost screamed at the middle of the road as he read the short yet meaningful message from his Jinyoung. His cheeks instantly reddened alongside with his infamous huge smile. It was normal for him to get this kind of text from Jinyoung but normally, it was Mark who texts first. His happiness was just above words. Slowly, he replied to the message while walking; making sure that he’ll not bump onto random people.

Jinyoung was currently holding a pile of papers that Youngjae left in their dorm that morning. He decided to make himself busy so that he can fully recover to his normal self. From their room, he was about to sit back on the couch but suddenly the calm atmosphere turned into a mess when his phone beeped. All the papers dropped on the ground, as if they’re no longer needed. The brunette stormed towards the coffee table and nervously read the other’s reply.


From : Markie

Almost there. What are you doing? :))


Jinyoung just smiled. Now, he’s back to normal. He gathered the scattered papers on the floor before making his reply. There’s a sudden feel that calmed his heart down. Maybe, the utter relief that Mark replied and that he’s safe. After all, he’s always worried about Mark. After completely pilling the papers once again, he turned back to his phone and answered the message.


From : Nyong

Finishing Youngjae’s report. OTL


Mark stopped from walking. Aish, that kid!  He realized that the stack of papers that Youngjae left at their dorm was report papers; at first Mark thought that those were just used papers that are ready for disposal anytime. He doesn’t want his Nyong to feel tired. Park Jinyoung is a very busy student and dealing with other’s work should be a huge ‘no no’ for him. Mark looked from side to side and already saw a glimpse of the basketball court. 


From : Markie

You should’ve let him do it! >:O Don’t stress yourself too much, okay? :\


 Mark continued walking as he waited for Jinyoung’s reply.  When all of a sudden, a weird thought entered his mind; What if Jinyoung likes me too? The whole idea sent chills throughout his physique. He just can’t help it. He can still remember how Jinyoung emphasized that Jaebum is just his best friend but still, that doesn’t mean that Jinyoung likes him too. Assuming is a bad trait; it can break your heart in just seconds. Maybe he likes the hot teacher in his Math class, Mr. Lee Junho, or his classmate; Seyong. What if he likes Jackson because that jokes frequently? Is it even possible for him to like Youngjae?  Mark’s mind was clouded with his self-created suspicions. He’s deep thoughts were interrupted as his phone vibrated.


From : Nyong

I got this. I’ll text you later, okay? Take care, Markie patootieeeee :)


From : Markie

I will ;)  See you later, nyong nyong jinyoung




Mark took few more steps and finally, he’s already at the court. It’s normal for students to fill this area especially today, it’s Saturday. Unexpectedly, no one’s in there except from a boy sitting at the bench located at the side of the court. The red-haired moved closer as he tried to distinguish the sitting figure. He was slender, raven-haired, wearing a varsity jersey…its none other than Jaebum.

The elder felt his blood boil. After all, he’s still annoyed with Jaebum. It was pretty obvious that this guy likes Jinyoung as well and probably, being his best friend was the advantage that he’s using. Mark cleared his throat. “Look who’s here.” He arrogantly said. As expected, the other looked around and saw Mark.

Jaebum stood up. “Tough job of being the captain of our university’s basketball team.” He answered as he wiped all his sweat off his forehead. Mark rolled his eyes and moved closer to the other. “No one gives a .” He said right into the other’s face as he grabbed the ball off Jaebum’s hands and proceeded to play at the middle of the court.


 Jaebum hates being disgraced, especially by a cursed creature named Mark Tuan. Mark bullied him once, but Jaebum is really strong and the red-haired ended up bruised. The younger clenched his fist as tight as he can upon hearing the ball bouncing hardly on the floor.  He closed his eyes and tried to control his temper, like what Jinyoung would always tell him when he’s mad. But this is too much. Mark is really getting in his nerves. “I thought elite people are well mannered. Well, I’m wrong.” He blurted out as he turned around to meet Mark’s eye.

Mark stopped playing. He furiously threw the ball towards Jaebum and surely, the other got it before it would hit his chest. The elder looked at Jaebum with his signature death glare. “You know what? Jinyoung told me that you’re a good person. Maybe he’s wrong.” Mark protested. Jaebum angrily tossed the ball back to Mark.

“Jinyoung has nothing to do here. Don’t you dare include his name in your pointless sentences.“

“Tell me, do you like him?” Mark boldly asked.

Jaebum just grinned. “Let’s play a one on one. If you win, I’ll stop hanging out with him until the buddy system contract expires. But if I win, I think you already know what’s gonna happen.”

Mark would never say no to this, but he’s not confident enough with his basketball skills. He took a deep breath and wished that after all these, he’ll still be able to go home safe and not injured because Jinyoung would surely freak-out when that happens. He threw the ball to Jaebum’s direction again and as soon as Jaebum was already holding it tightly, Mark smirked.


“Game on.”





It was almost 6:00PM and the sun was now setting off. For the past 3 hours, Jinyoung was just there; reviewing Youngjae’s report, consumed almost 4 cups of hot chocolate and listening to some RnB music from his phone while he was wrapped in his white blanket. The air-con temperature was really low but Jinyoung still prefers to experience this Artic-like weather instead of moving around and closing it. He would hum along some songs to entertain himself. Then suddenly, a knock destroyed his perfect set-up.

He unwrapped the blanket from his body and placed the papers back on the table. Slowly, he trudged towards the door and turned the knob. A man around 45-50 years old appeared. His hair was quite long and his beard was not trimmed too but he looks rich. Jinyoung smiled despite of his confusion. “Are you Park Jinyoung?” the man asked in a gentle voice and a beam. Jinyoung nodded.  “Yes sir. What can I do for you?” he questioned.

“I’m Mark’s father.”

The brunette instantly bowed. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Tuan. Come in.”


And Mr. Tuan did. “Where’s Mark? I really need to talk to him.” He spoke; the gentleness never left his voice. He settled on the couch as Jinyoung stormed to the kitchen to get a cup of hot jasmine tea. “Sorry Mr. Tuan, but Mark went out to play basketball today. Wait, I’ll tell him to go home now.” He mumbled as he placed the cup on the table. Mr. Tuan noticed how the picture frames were lined up beautifully on the wall; pictures of Jinyoung, his family, his friends and a couple of selcas with Mark. It made him really happy, knowing that his son is in good hands.

“Jinyoung, please don’t tell him that I’m here.”

The young man nodded as he ticked some buttons on his phone.


From : Nyong

Where are you? ;A;


From : Markie

At the grocery, buying some stocks. I’ll be home in less than 30 minutes. :)


Jinyoung smiled and sat beside Mr. Tuan. “He said that he’ll be home in 30 minutes, sir.” And his father just nodded. On the other hand, Mark was just being totally blue about what happened few hours ago. As expected, he lost. The game was a race to 40 and he ended up getting 33 while Jaebum got 40 in less than 2 hours. He prepared himself for a massive abduction of Jinyoung for the coming days. Jaebum has all the right now; he’s the best friend and he won.


Mark bought some groceries and went home. He made sure that he got Jinyoung’s favourite cheese cupcakes and blueberry muffins. As said he arrived at their dorm. He gently opened the door and as it opened, a certain person showed up, sitting on the couch beside Jinyoung. It’s his dad. The man that he loves and hates at the same time. He felt his hands shaking as his whole mind got clouded. Tears already formed on his eyelids due to intense feels. Jinyoung stood up. The elder walked further, like he didn’t saw anything.  He placed the groceries on the kitchen table.


“Son…” Mr. Tuan called.

Mark refrained from his actions and faced his father. “What are you doing here, dad?” he said as he walked towards the living room. Jinyoung felt the tension between the two.  “Can we talk?” His father answered. Mark took a deep breath before letting his tears flow down. He was shuddering and it made the brunette worried. He was about to reach for Mark’s hand when the elder ran out of the dorm frantically.


Mr. Tuan stood up upon seeing his son at that state. Jinyoung rushed towards the door. “I’ll get him back, Mr. Tuan! Don’t worry.” And he followed Mark. At the point, Mark was crying badly while waiting for the elevator to open. His heart was too devastated. His sobs were heard so Jinyoung found him easily. He immediately wrapped his arms around Mark’s body; Mark’s back pressed against his chest. The brunette buried his face on the crook of Mark’s neck as his buddy continued to cry.

The red-haired turned around to hug Jinyoung back; a very tight hug. “Nyong…” he managed to mutter between his tears. The younger nuzzled on his head as he calmed the other by rubbing his back. “Mark, you have to talk to him.” He proposed. Mark couldn’t agree more but he’s scared and he’s too anxious about it. “I’m….I’m scared, Nyong. I’m scared.”

“But Mark, he’s your dad! I’ll stay beside you, okay?”

And that’s everything that Mark needed to feel a little better.


Soon, the door creaked, revealing Jinyoung with Mark; securely clinging onto his arm. Mr. Tuan let a sigh for relief after seeing his son that’s now calmed down. Minutes passed, Jinyoung allowed them to talk. He never bothered to listen to their conversation but he’s sure that everything’s going fine. The younger busied himself by cooking their dinner. Afterwards, they all ate together. Mark sat beside him; tightly holding on his hand underneath the table before munching in his food.


The dinner went fine. Jinyoung and Mr. Tuan get along easily. Mark would sometimes interrupt in the conversation and at times, they’ll all laugh together. Finally, the red-haired and his dad were back to normal. The dinner ended and Jinyoung packed some foods for Mark’s mom. Mr. Tuan was about to go when Jinyoung hurried up. “Mr. Tuan!” he called, rushing towards the living area with a big paper bag on his hands. “Please give this to Mrs. Tuan.”

Mr. Tuan smiled and received the paper bag. “Thank you, Jinyoung.” He said.

“No worries, sir.”


Mark bid goodbye to his father as Jinyoung accompanied him towards the elevator. Mr.. Tuan suddenly talked, breaking the silence. “Thank you for everything, Jinyoung. Mark changed a lot. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for taking care of him and giving him the attention that I wasn’t able to give. I owe you a lot.” And Jinyoung beamed. “He’s close to my heart, sir. I will never get tired of taking care of him.”

The elevator opened. Mr. Tuan patted his shoulder.  “Don’t hurt my son. He’s my only prince. I trust you, Jinyoung.” And he gets in as the door closed. Jinyoung doesn’t know what to feel. It seems like Mark’s father likes him for his son. And with that, the brunette was too happy that he could literally eat 3 tubs of mocha ice cream.


He went back to their dorm and finished all the undone chores. Mark was already resting in their room due to tiredness. Later, Jinyoung finally settled beside him. The younger closed the light and as usual, he wrapped his arms around Mark who was still awake and widely smiling at him. “I thought you’re already sleeping.” Jinyoung murmured as he pinched Mark’s cheeks. The elder latched tighter onto him.


“You didn’t take a shower? You smell kinda bad.” Jinyoung giggly said.

Mark laughed. “Seriously? And yet you’re still hugging me.”

And the night ended as they both chuckled just because of that intrepid yet true statement.


Yes, they laughed about it. But deep down, they both know that it’s always better to cuddle someone to sleep despite of his smell. 





a/n; HELLOOOOOOOOOO! HAHAHAHAHHAHA ;A; 'Zup guys! Sorry if it took a week, almost a week rather, for me to update this. I was somehow busy taking care of my 4 year old nephew. Hahahahahaha. Anyway, tadaaaaaah~ Hahahahaha. I hope y'all like this chapter. I enjoyed writing his one, as always. Hahahahahaha. Agian, thank you for reading and supporting this fic. :)) ♥  Stay safe! Have a safe and happy weekend ahead! Love y'all! ♥☺


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AmberRose #1
Chapter 14: The ending is do perfect 😍
AmberRose #2
Chapter 14: Such a lovely story,.. I love it!
TaeMani #3
TaeMani #4
TaeMani #5
JM-ing #6
Too sweet~ omo. I think i must read again when i need some sweetnes . Love cuddle part the most
Mennah #7
I will read it again
This the best fanfic for me actually ^^
Is that a university of the philippines reference i see there? The Industrial Pharmacy and The molecular biology?
Chapter 14: This fic is so cute XD
MarkJinnn is <333333