
Of resurrections and reminiscences
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There is certainly nothing more valuable in this world than one's life. And recently the entire K-pop community learnt that the hard way after the tragic news of the Ladies Code members' involvement in a road accident that claimed the life of EunB and left RiSe and Sojung in a critical state. Their managers, stylists and two other members sustaining injuries were immediately rushed to emergency treatment right away.


Now to most others in this world, this would go down in history as another one of the many deadly accidents that claim the lives of millions of people far and wide everyday. But to the Super Junior members, their near and dear ones and to ELFs, this just brought back painful, undesirable moments from April 19, 2007. During the wee hours of the night, the van carrying four of the SJ members was also involved in a nasty accident much similar to the one that the Ladies Code were involved in. ELFs from all around the world teared up, cried their hearts out and prayed earnestly for the well being of those who were injured, particularly, the precious maknae of the group. Thankfully the combined prayers were answered and Kyuhyun was pulled out right from the jaws of death.


Even to this day, Siwon considers the happiest day of his life to be the day when Kyuhyun was safely wheeled out of the emergency ward. He felt his life returning back to him once he saw the reassuring, heart warming smile of his angel who was lying on the hospital bed. Heavily spent and weary from all the physical trauma, it took a lot out of Kyuhyun to be back to normal. He silently cried whenever he saw his lover in pain or in any discomfort even post surgery. And to ensure that such devastating episodes never repeat, Siwon had always made sure that Kyuhyun's well being took precedence. He had always made sure that he included Kyuhyun in his prayers and for him to happily share his entire remaining life with the maknae. Siwon was so much in love that he almost always has only one person to think about, only one name that is left in his lips and only the smiling face of his beautiful lover firmly etched in his mind.


And henceforth, whenever Siwon came across any such tragic accidents taking place anywhere within his hometown, his country or the world over, no matter how unpleasant it was, he was instantly reminded of the unfortunate incident that almost took away his one and only reason to live and breathe.


As usual he skimmed past his Twitter timeline when one such post caught his attention. It was about the untimely and unfortunate death of EunB due to a deadly car accident that left Sojung and RiSe battling for life. He was shocked, bewildered, saddened and distraught. He just couldnt imagine the gravity of such a terrible thing happening to such a young girl who had many more years to live happily with her friends and family. In an instant, like a tidal wave, the past came rushing back to him. EunBi was 22 years old when she passed away. But Kyuhyun......he was only 19 years old when his life was in jeopardy. A myriad of feelings came swirling that now left him worried for Kyuhyun's state of mind at this very moment. He just knew that this sorrowful incident wouldnt be going down well with Kyuhyun.


He mentally cursed himself for being stuck in Beijing on account of the strategic alliance between SM and Media Asia. At this moment, he wished to be beside his precious lover more than anything and hug him and kiss him to get rid of all this unpleasant air around themselves. Afterall, he had pledged his life to bring smile to those alluring lips and to always keep his boyfriend happy.


He couldnt think straight. Many shook hands, took pictures and congratulated him for Super Junior's stellar comeback after two long years but none of that registered in his mind. All he could think of was Kyuhyun. And so after the event, he rushed to pack his things and head back home to sweep his lover in his comforting and warm embrace and to express just how thankful he was that Kyuhyun hadnt given up on his life and had come back to him. With the last pair of formal wear neatly tucked in his suitcase he checked out of the hotel to head to the airport. After reaching there, he pulled out his phone only to find many of his friends from the industry mourning over the death of EunB and praying for RiSe and Sojung's recovery. And as he scrolled down...down.....a bit more down....he found Kyuhyun's message.


"It doesnt seem like someone else's business.....To those who are seeing this, I hope you could pray for the departed and for those who are currently critical and undergoing treatment."


He just couldnt take it anymore. He could very well sense the mental agony that Kyuhyun could be experiencing right now from his words. Without further thinking, he speed dialled Kyuhyun's number. But unfortunately, it appeared to be switched off. Siwon could only think of the worst from all this. He could imagine Kyuhyun switching off his phone and silently crying in his bedroom clutching at his sides for comfort. As he proceeded towards the mandatory security checks he shrugged off the thought and quickly dialled his good friend Hyukjae's number in hopes of extracting any information regarding the maknae.


Hey Siwon-ah. When are you coming back? Hyukjae asked.


"I am about to board the flight as we speak Hyuk. Listen! I just heard about...." Siwon answered.


Ah! Yes. We also just found out ourselves. Its so sad. Donghae's bawling in here and I dont know how to console him. Hyukjae replied.


"Hyukjae, do you know where Kyuhyun is? I cant seem to reach his phone at the moment!" Siwon felt the last ounce of his composed demeanour disintegrating as he collected his luggage to board his flight.


Whoa! Whoa! Breathe buddy! Why do you sound so.....ohhh.....! Almost forgot about Kyu! Hyukjae cursed.


"Forgot? How could you possibly forget Hyuk? You were the one who clutched his hands and prayed while he was slipping in and out of consciousness! You were there!" Siwon didnt mean to sound rude by yelling at his best friend but he couldnt help it.


Um...well..I am sorry Siwon-ah. I should have called earlier atleast to enquire how he was doing and to think I even saw his Twitter post and didnt react. To be honest, Donghae had been keeping me busy and at this moment he needed me the most, ya' know! Sorry it slipped my mind! Hyukjae told.


Sighing heavily and calming down considerably, Siwon his lips and spoke again "I am sorry. I didnt mean to yell at you like that. Its just that I cant even begin to imagine how miserable he would be feeling right now. I am angry at myself for my uselessness."


I can tell! You were saying you couldnt reach his phone, right? Hyukjae asked.


"Ya" Siwon suddenly felt Hyukjae's voice withdrawing from the other end only

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littlebump #1
Chapter 1: What happen to Ladies Code is an unfortunate takes two beautiful souls to heaven
I think Kyu still remembered what happen that night but he didn't show it...he is a strong young man
Chapter 1: what happen to eunb is so sad she was so young RIP
and thank god for kyunnah second chance in life, ryeowook said kyu was really effected by what happened to the girls poor boy : (
p.s my moms uncle pass away the same day as eunb
Chapter 1: Just make sure the drama is over Wonnie. So no more bimbarding questions for Hyukkie.
Chapter 1: Maybe kyunnie being affected a little by this accident but we know that kyubaby is strong..and he has his hyungs and family who will be there for him....^.^
Chapter 1: It's good to read it from Siwon's part on what he thought of the sudden accident. Although, Kyu seems to have been affected as well even if he doesn't show it.
kyuwon1013 #6
Chapter 1: woah! i can feel the love they gave to each other was unconditional.
Chapter 1: twas a bit sad but still i can feel their love the way you right this story here thankyu for this wonkyu oneshot take care and fighting <3wonkyu <3
SherlyFelichia #8
Chapter 1: Waaa silly won and hopeless lol. Me too i'm happy kyu can survived at that time and become he is today
You will go hiatus? T.T what abt me and my first rain then huhuhu???? Make sure you will make a rly sweet wonkyu update when you are back
Fighting for your college;;):*this is my first year too hahaha so nervous
Btw do you know this serial bollywood called "Jodha akbar"? man thats so awesome and sweetttttttt
And i'm rly in love with the king Jalaludin akbar
Tell me if you know abt this serial okay?? Bcs i rly want to know abt the end
Okay this is alr too long hahahha
Good luck for your college and i will miss your update and you to lah hehehe
you are back!! :D is everything ok now?