Love Is You


Inspired by Youngjae's recent instagram update and because of a song by Winner- Empty.

Might not update frequently because I'm busy with school and it's senior year so yeah.

Don't have high expectation for this story  because this is my first time posting a story on a website and I'm still quite new and my english and I just .. :(

I made Youngjae 18 in here which means he was born in 1996. I don't know why I did that... -3- Critics are welcomed but please don't go over the line or deletion will happen as well as blocking if you go too far.

Once again, as a reminder, my English isn't good because it's not my mother language, it's my second honestly yet I still in it hoho.




P/S : Marshmallow is the name of his diary. You'll know why soon.


24th January 2004

     Mommy bought me a diary! I don’t know what to write in here… :(


16th March 2005

     Mom and dad are fighting again


20th March 2005

     Dad left the house but mom won’t tell me why. I think it’s because mom broke the plates in the kitchen. Should I buy new ones?


18th January 2008

     Passed my test wonderfully.  All I need now is them.


24th January 2008

     Dad left the house. The cake remains untouched… I didn’t get my presents :(


18th July 2008

     My mom is crying and she won’t let me in. Should I ask help from the neighbours?


27th April 2012

    Hello.. I found Marshmallow under piles of book while cleaning my room.


15th July 2012

      We have a new neighbour… I don’t know whether to be happy or annoyed.


6th May 2014

      Junhong won’t stop bothering me. Can’t someone put  a leash on him or something? Anyway, I heard a new teacher is going to replace Mr. Beard. Feeling skeptical about it.



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Claudine_NG #1
Chapter 1: That life sounds empty and boring. :< No wonder he has a cold personality. Please update again.
Chapter 2: :((((((((((((((
Claudine_NG #3
Please update soon!