1-It couldn't be worst

You are mine and I am yours

"Jimin, why can't you clean after you?" the boy heard his mom yelling from the kitchen. "You are so messy. Why can't you be like your friend Namjoon. He is such a good boy." his mother continued.

"I'm better then him at school." the teenager aswered his mom.

"I don't care about the others. And stop yelling." his mother told him.

Parents. This is how they are. But what can we do. They want the best for their childrens and they would always help them. No matter what. They are out family. We love them and they love us.

Love. Such a big word. Jimin always thought that he was cursed, or this word didn't exists in his dictionary. Even after all this years, he had never been in love. He had been in relationships, but just because he didn't want to break the girls heart. He wasn't scared of spending his life alone. He knows that one day he will find that one person that will make him happy. But he will have to wait. 

Jimin belly-flopped on his bed before letting out a sigh. He just came back from school after a long day. No, Jimin doesn't hate school, school hates him. For Jimin, it was like the school was evil, but just to him. All his friends were having a nice time, but he was the only one living a hell. A hell called Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi, also know as Suga, was the reason Jimin didn't want to go to wake up. He was just a pain in the neck. 

"What's up, JimJim?" Namjoon, his best friend came into his room without knocking. He was followed by his other friend SeokJin, or just Jin. Jimin turned to look at them before hitting Namjoon with a pillow.

"What is it with the long face, JimJim." Jin asked him before he received a pillow in the face too. Jin giggled and he jumped next to Jimin.

"Stop calling me like that. It's annoying." Jimin told them. Namjoon started laughing and pushed Jimin a little bit so he can have some space on the bed. "Why? You don't like it, JimJim?" he told him.

"Of course not. It's that Yoongi who started calling me like this." Jimin answered thinking at the first day that Yoongi started calling him like that.

"Well, I think the nickname is cute. Just like you, JimJim." Jin pinched his cheek. "Now, shall we get going?" Jin asked.

"Wait, where are we going?" Jimin asked them and frowned. 

"Don't you remember? It's Jiyong hyung's birthday. He invited us to his party." Namjoon took Jimin's hand and headed to the boy closet "But first, change from the school's uniform."

Jimin sighed before taking out a black with white horizontal sleeve shirt and a pair of black jeans. Well, we can say he knows how to dress. He and his friends went down to tell Jimin's parents they are going out. They are good boys.

"Looking good. Where are you going guys?" his mother asked them before they had the time to open their mouth. 

Jimin smiled before he went to give his mother a hugh "We are going to a birthday party. I won't stay much, so don't worry." he kissed her forehead before slipping his shoes on. His mother chuckled 'How can they party and still go to school the next day' she thought before wakling in the kitchen to prepare food for her husband and the younger child.

Jiyong house wasn't that far, so they had to walk just a few minutes before arriving to the boy's house. He lives in a big, white house. His parents were rich, so it was normal that their house was big. Namjoon knocked at the door and it revealed a tall, young boy. 

"Jiyong, long time no see. You changed your hair again, right?" Namjoon said before shaking the boy's hand.

"I didn't have what to do this morning, so I said why not change it." Jiyong smiled at them. "Come in. The party just started."

The three boys stepped in the house. It wasn't that late, and there where already some drunk people. Jin smiled before poking Jimin in the arm. "Look who's over there." he told Jimin before pointing at a person who was sitting on the couch, next to some other boys. 

"You have to be kidding me. Really? Him here? Great. I officially hate my life. It couldn't be worst." he said before heading with Namjoon to the bar. Jin was lauhging so hard that he was about to fall on the ground. "I officially LOVE my life." he said before following the two to the bar. 

A hour or so passed since the three boys came. They drank, talked with some people. Well, they had fun.

"Yo, Jimin. Here you are. I was searching for you." he boy heard a voice calling him. Jimin turned around to be meet by a pair of sunglasses.

"Ah, Youngbae hyung, it's just you." Jimin smiled to the boy in front of him. 

"What, you were expecting somebody else?" Youngbae asked.

"No no, hyung. I am glad it is you." Jimin answered. "So, what's up?"

"I need you to dance with me. Seungri broke his foot last night, so he can't dance today. Will you help me?" Youngbae asked Jimin as he shook the boy's arm.

"Sure hyung." Jimin told him and tried to get out of his grap.

"Jimin, you are amazing." Youngbae told him before giving him his famous eye smile. "You know the dance, right? We will start in just some minutes. Go in the middle for the time I put the music on." Youngbae yelled at him as he was making his way to the back of the room, where the DJ was situated. Jimin turned his head to see that everybody was cleaning the middle of the room. 

"Here we go." he said loud enought to make Namjoon and Jin turn their heads so they will see Jimin doing what he loved the most, dancing. For Jimin, dancing was his way of expression his feeling to the people around him. He used to take dance classes, but he stopped after the school got harder. He couldn't have the time to take dancing lessons and do his school work in the same day. It was to tiring. 

He moved his feet next to Youngbae hyung, who was already placed on his spot. They smiled before the music begin. Jimin closed his eyes and let his body moved to the rhythm of the music.

Namjoon and Jin loved seeing Jimin dancing. The know that he loved doing this, he was giving all his heart on this. Namjoon always told him to become a professional dancer, but Jimin said that it was just a hobby.

"Namjoon, look over there." Jin told his friend and pointed at the guy standing next to the scene.

"Let's enjoy the show. It will be fun." Namjoon said and he and Jin started laughing.

The performance was finished and pleople started cheering for the two boys. Jimin smiled and turned his head to meet his hell. His smile vanished when the boy started walking towards him.

"I didn't know you can dance, JimJim." the boy told him. "You are good." 

"Yoongi, leave me alone. You are annoying." Jimin told Yoongi before making his way out of the house. He stopped for a moment and waved to Namjoon and Jin, making them understand that he will go home. They smiled and waved back. Jimin continued his way to be stopped by Yoongi.

"You are already going home?" Yoongi told him before turning Jimin around so they could be face to face.

"Yeah. Now, please, let go of my hand." Jimin said with anger in his eyes.

"Ok, ok. But remember one thing. I will see you tomorrow at school." Yoongi hit Jimin's forehead before going back to the party.

Jimin sighed before rubbing his forehead and cursing at Yoongi in his head. He just wanted to be left alone. He arrived home with sweat dripping from his hair. He runned around the neighborhood so he will forget Yoongi stupid face, but when he was getting ready for ned, that face came back in his head. Jimin fell asleep short after getting to bed. He thought about how to make Yoongi stop, but he will have to make a long way to arrive there.



What do you think about the first chapter. I know is not the best thing ever, but I try.

The others members will came in the story too, and some of others Kpop idols. 

Please, leave a comment below and tell me what you think:3 It will help me

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Chapter 6: Just found this story and I love it. It's so cute

Please update it soon!!!
andreveronica #2
Chapter 6: Awww this is so cute omg agskslsbshd
Chapter 6: Soooo .. I guess the reason Yoongi going out with Jackson is coz to buy birthday gift for Jimin ? Hahahah
phylindan #4
Chapter 6: i love this kekeke. oh you have the same birth date with jimjim? aaah happy birthday to you two guys....
oh, i will wait for another chapter :D
phylindan #5
Chapter 6: i love this kekeke. oh you have the same birth date with jimjim? aaah happy birthday to you two guys....
oh, i will wait for another chapter :D
phylindan #6
Chapter 6: i love this kekeke. oh you have the same birth date with jimjim? aaah happy birthday to you two guys....
oh, i will wait for another chapter :D
swagminsuga #7
Chapter 6: Happy birthday jiminie~
Continue2 author-nim...... this story cute......^_^
Chapter 5: Yeah thinking back .. Yoongi is being suprisingly quiter than usual ... hmmmm
joejoexnielie #10
Chapter 3: wonderfull beautifull more yoonmin plaaazzzz update soon