

Taehyung tapped his pencil restlessly on his workbook, doing his best to focus on the problems in front of him but his eyes would always end up wandering, somehow focusing on Namjoon every time. Namjoon, on the other hand, had his entire attention fully committed to their Japanese assignment, pencil writing carefully on the lines as he went through page after page diligently. He hadn’t made top 1% in the nation for nothing.

Finally, Taehyung had had enough.


It wasn’t a request; it was a statement, demanding attention.

Namjoon finally paused in his work, looking up at Taehyung questioningly.

“Yeah? Do you need help with something?”
“I’m tired of this, it’s so boring,” Taehyung complained, a hint of a whine making its way into his voice as he jabbed at the paper with his pencil. “Let’s call it a day, we’re already the best at Japanese anyways.”

Namjoon snorted.

“I should’ve known,” Namjoon shook his head, a knowing smile beginning to twist into a smirk. “Honestly, I’m surprised you’ve managed to sit still for so long.”

“So let’s gooooo,” Taehyung gave up on all pretenses, whining on full blast now. “I wanna go cycling!”

Namjoon let out a bark of laughter.

“Why so suddenly?”

“I told you a long time ago I wanted to go cycling!” Taehyung responded indignantly, still jabbing absently at his workbook. Namjoon snickered as he reached across to take the pencil out of Taehyung’s hand– a few more stabs and the paper would surely be riddled with holes.

“Okay, okay, no need to take your frustration out on your notebook,” Namjoon said, amused, and Taehyung huffed.

“Come on, hyung, please? We’ve been sitting here for hours.

“Um, it’s only been forty-five minutes,” Namjoon pointed out. But he was only teasing Taehyung now, already closing his notebook as he spoke.

Taehyung, unobservant as always, only rolled his eyes.

“It sure feels like hours.”

“You know our Japanese won’t improve without practice.” Namjoon continued while discreetly dropping his pencil into the pen holder on the table.

“Hyungggg please?” Taehyung was resorting to pouting now, full bottom lip jutting out just slightly as he widened his eyes, creating a look he knew was irresistible. But it wasn’t like Namjoon was planning to say no to begin with.

“Alright, alright, I’ll take you out cycling. Since we don’t have any other schedules today.” Namjoon pretended to be reluctant as Taehyung cheered, but he couldn’t quite hide the satisfied smile on his face as Taehyung tackled him with a hug.


“WOOOOHOOOO,” Taehyung hollered, both hands in the air as they sped down the hill. His hair whipped around his face in a shapeless mess, but his flushed cheeks and shining eyes told Namjoon he couldn’t care less.

“YAH! HOLD ON!” Namjoon shouted back over his shoulder. “YOU’RE GONNA FALL!”

“Nuh-uh!” Taehyung rebutted but s his arms back around Namjoon’s waist anyways, ignoring the handlebars more conveniently placed in front of him.

Taehyung continued whooping until they finally slowed, his hair settling down in a windswept style that matched his mischievous eyes.

As the ground finally leveled out and Namjoon resumed pedaling, he gently jabbed an elbow back to nudge at Taehyun’s ribs.

“Yah, help pedal! I’m doing all the work here!”

“That’s the point, hyung,” Taehyung responded cheekily, earning a sharper jab to the ribs. “I’m giving you a chance to prove your manliness, you should be thanking me.”

“Thanking you my , I should’ve known better when you suggested we rent out the two-person bike,” Namjoon grumbled.

“Couple-bike, hyung, it’s a couple-bike,” Taehyung corrected, giggling when Namjoon swerved.

“Ungrateful brat,” Namjoon continued to mutter, an almost imperceptible flush creeping up his neck. “You’re heavy you know,” he added in retaliation.

“Yah! Did you just call me fat?!” Taehyung smacked the back of Namjoon’s head, causing them to swerve again.

“Hey, stop hitting me!” Namjoon ducked his head in an attempt to avoid Taehyung’s blows, nearly steering them into the street.

“Watch it!” Taehyung screeched and Namjoon quickly jerked the handlebars, putting then on the safe path once again.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief, warm breath hitting the back of Namjoon’s neck and causing Namjoon to shiver at the ticklish sensation. He forced himself to take deep breathes, trying to calm his heart. Because surely, with Taehyung pressed so close against his back, he would be able to detect the pickup in his heart’s pace.

“I demand compensation. First you call me fat, and then you almost get us killed,” Taehyung complained petulantly after a couple moments’ silence.

“Excuse me? You were the one hitting me.” Namjoon pointed out, his heart finally calming down to a reasonable rate. “And I did not call you fat.”

“You implied it!” Taehyung insisted, pressing himself tighter against Namjoon’s back. “I want ice cream as an apology. Because I’m not fat.”

Namjoon laughed, his own form shaking Taehyung’s as well.

“What kind of logic is that?”

“It doesn’t matter. I want ice cream. It’s ice cream logic.” One arm released its hold around Namjoon’s waist, coming up to point to their left instead. “There hyung! Right there! Stop there!”

Namjoon obediently pulled up to the small ice cream stand and Taehyung was already hopping off before the bike was completely stopped.

A few minutes later they were sitting side by side on the curb, the couple-bike behind them as they at their cones contentedly. It was silent as both were much too preoccupied with consuming the cold treat before the heat melted it into sticky goo, but it was a comfortable silence, a companionable silence that needed no words.

Namjoo jerked in surprise when a finger came up to dab at the corner of his mouth, eyes widening as he watched Taehyung’s tongue dart out to the tiny dot of ice cream off his fingertip.

“What, why are you looking at me like that? Were you planning on saving that bit for later or something?” Taehyung was grinning, the glint in his eyes creating a paradox with his innocent smile and light tone.

Namjoon could only swallow and shake his head.


“Thanks for today, hyung.” Taehyung’s voice was soft, lethargic, and Namjoon could feel the weight of his head resting on his back between his shoulder blades.

Namjoon didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. He dropped one hand down to hold Taehyung’s arms loosely wrapped around his waist, easily steering the bike with one hand. Taehyung rubbed his cheek against his back and Namjoon could feel the warm breath of Taehyung’s yawn through his shirt.

The sun had just dipped below the horizon, the moon and stars now taking over the sky. A cool breeze ruffled through Namjoon’s hair and shirt and Taehyung sighed, snuggling yet even closer against Namjoon’s back.

When they reached the dorms Taehyung was fully asleep, chest rising and falling in even, easy breaths as a slight smile adorned his features.

Taehyung may not have weighed like a feather, but Namjoon carried his weight easily enough that he just might as well have weighed nothing. As Namjoon carefully tucked the younger into bed he couldn’t help but trace his features, from the fluttering eyelashes to the tip of his nose to the full lips to the soft jawline and finally back up to the sloped forehead, fingers combing through the strands of colored hair and massage lightly at the scalp. A gentle smile lifted the corners of Namjoon’s mouth as Taehyung leaned unconsciously into his touch; even in sleep he gravitated towards him.

Namjoon dropped a light kiss on Taehyung’s forehead, lips maintaining contact for just a few extra seconds.

“Sleep tight.”


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Chapter 1: fluffy as
Chapter 1: More Vmon please... there is just not enough of them.
sarang_do #3
Chapter 1: I never know vmon ship works until i read this fic.. 대박!!
teya_style22 #4
Chapter 1: oh my god. why am I found this fic?? and the worst thing is WHY AM I EVEN READ THIS AND FEEL SO HAPPY?? WHY?? OH MY GOD. U BEAT MY VHOPE spirits huhuhuhu T.T
i think im gonna ship vmon couple from now on.. if u got some stuff like this please upload it author-nim~~ sankyu...
Chapter 1: awww this was so sweet *3*
I would love to read more about this^^
good work authornim^^