A Not So Normal Day

Should I Love?

The sun rays peeked out of the window curtains annoying the hell out our little bun. Unable to take it anymore the adorable bun decided now was a good time to get up only the realize the what time it is.

"! I'm gonna be late!" he yelled and ran around his apartment trying to get ready for school which is 15 minutes away from starting and a 30 minute walk.

Miraculously getting ready in a span of 2 minutes he began riding his bike down the street ignoring the looks of disapproval from bystanders. Yes, this is a normal day for Kim Minseok.

Well almost normal.

When he got to the front gate with 1 minute to spare (damn red lights) he spotted a black, shiny limo proudly in the front gate of his school blocking his way. Deciding to ignore it cause if it isn't TVXQ then it is just something that is going to make the the little bun late because the bell had just rung.


MInseok runs past the limo with his bike in tow only to stop once a voice called out to him.

"Hey, do you know a Kim Min-" the male (a very handsome one) stopped speaking before his eyes widen and he started running towards him engulfing the poor confuse bun into a hug causing him to wonder if he should be happy a hot guy is hugging him or if he just yell out but before he can say anything the stranger spoke 1st.

"Minnie Hyung!!! I found you!! Now let's go!!!"

"Go, Where?"

"To our wedding of course."


"Aww... Don't be nervous Minnie-Hyung."

Author's note 

Sorry it's short.

Comments are extremely welcome.


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sunnyflower123 #1
Please update ~
hwaiting93 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god .. Please update ToT
ynanavarro #3
Chapter 1: Cute story :) pleas update again :)
Chapter 1: Lmao , the heck sehun ?
Chapter 1: lol poor bun
update soon T.T
Chapter 1: LMAO what the hell oh sehun??
Chapter 1: thank you for the update............
bananaicecream #8
Chapter 1: LOL!!! it was so short but it was so cute and funny!!!
cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 1: AHAHAHA!!! XD