Overcoming your fears.




6 boys who have fears that they can't overcome.

Let's see how they can overcome their fears.



6 strangers who goes to the same high school will get to meet each other and have an adventure they did not expect.







You'll get to know the characters' fears along the story.


I don't really know what to write here so.. umm.. yeah...

My writing is always bad, and you know it. I just had to write this because it's an idea that has been bothering me for quite some time already.

I hope you enjoy reading this and you know I don't have much humor in me so please bear with me for a while.

This story is also written in 3rd person - omniscent.

If you are interested in reading this, just click the subscribe button. Thank you!

I will also write a little sneak peek for the first chapter.


High school isn't easy. There are bullies, the popular students, the geeks or the nerds, the goths, the musicians, etc...

Students all crowded the hallways, some chatting, some looking for their locker, and some finding their other friends.

But there's this one student who stayed in the bathroom with a book and is sitting at the cubicle.

He was reading, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky.


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