Two Faces

My Sweet Annoying Ghost


"Ahh this bed is very soft, it's comfortable" Yatou exclaimed when they enter in their room and laid down on the bed.
"I agree with you, i want to have a bed like this in our house" I said.
"hey Serena, why dn't you try it and take some rest" Yatou said.
"No thanks, excuse me guys  I am going to take a walk outside" Serena said.
"Okay, but be sure that your going  back before dinner because I am going to cook  for you guys" I  said. But Serena didn't response and just walk out the room.
"What's wrong with that girl. You know what Gui I've notice that Serena treats you diferrently infront of everyone  like now she treats you coldy" Yatou said.
"What are you talking about Yatou, I think you are really hungry" I said laughing at her.
"I'm serious Gui, try to observe her." Yatou said seriously.
"Okay, okay but for now lets go to Xiao Gui because I want to cook  our dinner tonight." I said dragging Yatou out of the room. They went to Xiao Gui in the living room together with the others except for Aaron and Serena.
"Xiao Gui" I called him.
"What?!" Xiao Gui asked.
"ahm can I cook our dinner tonigh, well I just want to try the pasta that Mei-an thought me. Is it okay?" I asked him.
"Yes of course but are you sure Gui? " Xiao Gui asked back.
"Wait did I heard it right, Gui Gui wants to cook for dinner?" Hebe butted.
"well yes, I want to cook seafood pasta for everyone" I said.
"We don't know that you can cook Gui, I thought you only know how to prank people" Ella said laughing.
"Actually Gui Gui is really good in cooking, she already cook once for us" Chun said.
"Really? so how was it. is it good?" Selina asked.
"Yes it was super good that we only got a little part of it because she almost gave to aaron everything" Jiro said when he remembered when Gui Gui preapare a breakfast for them.
"Jiro was right, Gui Gui can cook very well but she's just lazy to do it" Calvin said.
"Hey I'm not lazy anyway so is it okay if I'm going to cook?" I asked them.
"Yes!" Everyone shouted.
"Okay I am going to cook now since it's already 6 pm" I said and went to the kitchen with Yatou.
1 Hour Later...
" Gui this is really good" Yatou said.
"Thanks Yatou, maybe we can set up the table now so we can eat this soon" I said.
"Your right, I'll do it you can call them now" Yatou said.
"Okay" I said and went to the living room.
"Guy's  dinner is ready" I said.
"I'm starving, I can smell it now" Chun said.
"Always Chun" Jiro said.
"Let's go guy's I want to taste it now, this is the first time that I can eat the food that Gui Gui cook" Ella said.
"Wait Guys where's Aaron ans Serena?"  I asked them.
"He said that he was going to have some fresh air outside but Serena I don't know where is she " Calvin answered.
"Okay I am going to call him and I remember Serena also went out an hour ago so maybe they were together" I said.
"I'll come with you" Calvin said.
"No need Calv, I can handle this, just go in the kitchen but tell them that wait for us okay so we can eat together" I said and run outside to look for Aaron and Serena.
I keep on calling their names when I recognize two figures standing on the big rock. I walked closer to check if it is Aaron and Serena and i am right. I walked silently. They didn't see me because they are facing the sea. I heard them talking.
"Aaron I am asking you again are you sure that you don't love me anymore?" Serena asked looking at Aaron.
"I'm sure Serena, just stop hurting yourself okay, I already told you so many times that I don't love you anymore" I heard Aaron answered.
"Your lying Aaron, I know you still love me. See you cannot look directly in my eyes. I know you Aaron, you can't hide your feelings to me" Serena said.
"Think whatever you want to think. I already told you the truth and it's up to you if you don't want to believe it." Aaron said and start to go down from the big rock in the sea shore when he saw me.
"Gui-Gui" Aaron said.
"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to listen to your conversation. I am just looking for you Guys to tell you that we are going to eat now and they are waiting for us now. I'll go ahead just fallow soon" I said and start to walk back to the beach house but Aaron stop me.
"Gui wait" Aaron said.
"what?" I asked him.
"Can we go back to the beach house together?" Aaron asked 
"Yeah sure but how about Serena?" I asked him.
"She knows how to walk no need to worry for her" Aaron answered that made me laugh.  We were about to leave when we heard Serena scream. We run to her bacause she fell from the rock.
"Are you okay Serena?" I asked her.
"No, I think I have a sprain in my left foot" Serena said.
"Aaron I think you should carry her, she cant walk" I said to Aaron.
"But,, okay Serena ride on my back" Aaron said coldly but still he can hide the concern in his eyes.
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back to re-read guilun old goodie^^
Chapter 40: Like sweet
jeanne007 #4
nice story :))
i like it.
keep a good work :)
I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!!!!
GUILAN 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #6
Like!!! :D<br />
Great story! Had a really nice time reading it! Thanks!
jiejie #7
Oh no!<br />
It's already finished!<br />
But thank goodness it is a happy ending! Yappee! haha!<br />
<br />
Yay! Calvin and hebe together!<br />
They deserve each other.<br />
now, i know that Calvin is in the right hands!<br />
<br />
Too glad that Calvin's plan succeeded! <br />
He was such a genius!<br />
<br />
As for Serena, I don't have anything to say to her. <br />
<br />
And for GuiLun, they are happy now!<br />
hmmm, maybe you can post a new chapter, i mean, a sequel where they had reunion and they already have family? hehe<br />
<br />
And, really? You will have a new story? Yappee!<br />
I will wait for it! <br />
Tell me when you will post it so I can subscribe and comment!<br />
<br />
gudluck for the new fic!<br />
and congratulations for finishing this story!<br />
n_n<br />
It's finished!!<br />
You know, this is one of the first times I have ever finished reading a really long fan fic!! <br />
Hu, now I think i'm going to start missing it!!<br />
Hooray my name was mentioned!! <br />
No, no, no! Thank YOU for writing this fan fiction!! It was really good!!<br />
Alright, I'm going to read It Started WIth A Kiss now!
Why didn't i find out it was finished sooner? I will miss your fan fiction, but I look forward to "it started with a kiss" GuiLun ♥ always and forever ~<br />
keep it up :)
SakuraMikan12 #10
Wow!!<br />
I'm sorry for the late comment, our internet was down, and it was so depressing..<br />
I just decided and thought through 2 things when I had all the free time since we didn't have internet.<br />
1. I love ur story and Guilun so much<br />
1. I can't live without GuiLun and Internet!!