Have a break

My Sweet Annoying Ghost


"Okay class goodbye, have a nice holidays, will see you on november 7" Ms. Cherry said.
"Yes finally we can take a break from school now" Chun said.
"Your right Chun, we don't have schools for one week and we don't need to wake up early" Jiro agreed.
"Guys how about let's spend our  vacation in our beach resort" Xiao Gui asked.
"That's a great idea Xiao Gui" Yatou said.
"I think your right but we didn't know that Xiao Gui's family has a beach resort". Selina said.
"Actually Yatou and I know that their family owns a beach resort" I said.
"I agree with you guys, it's better to go there since we don't have any plan or things to do yet" Hebe said.
"How about you guys?". Xiao Gui asked looking at Aaron, Calvin, Chun and Jiro.
"I want to come since Selina is coming". Jiro said.
"Me too, Ella might get mad at me if I;m not going to come". Chun said.
"Okay I will , since all of you are coming" Calvin said.
"How about you Aaron?" I asked him.
"I'm going, since you will not let me to say no". Aaron said.
"So it's settle then, were going to leave tomorrow. Prepare all your things guys and we're going to leave after lunch okay" Xiao Gui said.
"Okay" everybody said.
"ahn guys, why don't we invite Serena to come with us?" I asked them.
"Are you sure with that GUi?" Yatou asked me with full of concern since I already told her everything. The past relationship of Aaron and Serena and also the scene that she saw in the music room..
"Of course, I'm sure Yatou, and look at her she still doesnt have a lot of friends to hang out with and that is too sad. What do you thing guys?" I asked them.
"Okay, that's fine with me since Gui Gui want it" Xiao Gui agree.
"Fine, I'm okay with it" Jiro said coldy, and this is the first time that he do that. Jiro was really mad at Serena.
"Okay, as if we have a choice since our little cute ghost here won't allowed us to disagree with her." Calvin said and tap her head gently.
"How about the others?" I asked.
"Selina, Ella and I doesn't have a problem with that Gui" Hebe answered.
"How about you Aaron?" I asked him since he didn't answer.
"As long as you want Gui, and besides Calvin was right your not going to stop untill we agree right? so it's okay with me" Aaron said and smiled at her.
"Thank you guys" I asid and run to Serena. 
I already diecided to help her to be Calvin, Jiro , Chun and Aaron's friend again, to earn the forgiveness that she wants. I know I am stupid but she can't help it. She can feel that Serena is sincere to bring back the trust that  they have to her before. She already think about it for how many times because she knows that Serena still loves AAron and Aaron still had a space in his heart for Serena but who cares  Aaron already told her that what they have in the past will never be back again so no need to worry.
"HI Serena!, do you have some plan for the holiday vacation?" I asked her.
"No, why?" she asked me back.
"Well we're planning to got to Xiao Gui's family beach resort and we want you to come with us, if you want." I asked her.
"I'll come, thank you" Srena said.
"Okay see you after lunch tomorrow at our house" I said.
Gui Gui why are you treating me like this? You already know that  I am Aaron's ex girlfriend and you already saw when I purposely kissed Aaron when you saw us in the music room but now you are still treating me kindly. What's wrong with you. Oh no Serena, don't let her affect your decission, you need Aaron more than she do. You don't have enough time anymore.
(End of the pov.)
sorry for  this capter, there are only few guilun interaction here
and in the other chapter but hope you still leave a comment..:)
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back to re-read guilun old goodie^^
Chapter 40: Like it...so sweet
jeanne007 #4
nice story :))
i like it.
keep a good work :)
I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!!!!
GUILAN 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #6
Like!!! :D<br />
Great story! Had a really nice time reading it! Thanks!
jiejie #7
Oh no!<br />
It's already finished!<br />
But thank goodness it is a happy ending! Yappee! haha!<br />
<br />
Yay! Calvin and hebe together!<br />
They deserve each other.<br />
now, i know that Calvin is in the right hands!<br />
<br />
Too glad that Calvin's plan succeeded! <br />
He was such a genius!<br />
<br />
As for Serena, I don't have anything to say to her. <br />
<br />
And for GuiLun, they are happy now!<br />
hmmm, maybe you can post a new chapter, i mean, a sequel where they had reunion and they already have family? hehe<br />
<br />
And, really? You will have a new story? Yappee!<br />
I will wait for it! <br />
Tell me when you will post it so I can subscribe and comment!<br />
<br />
gudluck for the new fic!<br />
and congratulations for finishing this story!<br />
n_n<br />
It's finished!!<br />
You know, this is one of the first times I have ever finished reading a really long fan fic!! <br />
Hu, now I think i'm going to start missing it!!<br />
Hooray my name was mentioned!! <br />
No, no, no! Thank YOU for writing this fan fiction!! It was really good!!<br />
Alright, I'm going to read It Started WIth A Kiss now!
Why didn't i find out it was finished sooner? I will miss your fan fiction, but I look forward to "it started with a kiss" GuiLun ♥ always and forever ~<br />
keep it up :)
SakuraMikan12 #10
Wow!!<br />
I'm sorry for the late comment, our internet was down, and it was so depressing..<br />
I just decided and thought through 2 things when I had all the free time since we didn't have internet.<br />
1. I love ur story and Guilun so much<br />
1. I can't live without GuiLun and Internet!!