Chapter 1

Happiness, Love and Betrayal

Taemin was a young fifteen year old sophomore and he had a math teacher called Kris. Taemin had a small crush on Kris and Kris secretly liked Taemin back. Taemin didnt know though, but he knew it would never happen. He knew it couldnt happen either since hes a student under eighteen and Kris is his teacher so he just ignored his feelings despite how happy he got around Kris

One day after school, Taemin went into Kris's class and saw him sitting at his desk. "Um Mr Wu...?" Taemin shyly asked and Kris looked up. "Oh hi Taemin, need anything?" Kris asked smiling and Taemin came closer to Kris's desk. "Um..I-I need help with my homework.." Taemin said nervously. "Are you alright? you seem nervous" Kris asked in concern. "No Im fine!" Taemin said quickly. "Well alright, lets see your homework" Kris said and Taemin went to sit down at a desk. He took out his homework and Kris came up behind Taemin. "Alright lets see.." Kris said as he looked over Taemin at his homework. Kris laughed "these are all right, you didnt need any help" Kris said smiling and Taemin blushed. "Oh.." Taemin said and he giggled. Kris smiled "Taemin, can I just say that you're my favorite student? you brighten my days up with your cute face and sweet personality" Kris said as he sat across from Taemin and Taemin blushed deeply as he smiled. "Really? Wow thanks Mr're my favorite teacher, Ive never had a teacher like you before" Taemin said smiling. "Call me Yifan" Kris said. "Oh alright...Yifan" Taemin said and he giggled. "Well you should go now, I have to organize some stuff" Kris said. " you think I could help you?" Taemin asked as he blushed and Kris smiled. "Well alright, thanks Taemin" Kris said happily

The next day after math class, Taemin went over to Kris when everyone was gone. "Um Yifan?" Taemin asked shyly. "Yeah Taemin what is it?" Kris asked smiling. "Um I was wondering if you could tutor me and help me out a little bit because I cant seem to understand the new material.." Taemin said and Kris smiled. "I would be happy to tutor you, but it would have to be at my house because I cant stay after school" Kris said. "Oh well alright Im fine with that, when do you think I could come over?" Taemin asked. "Well how about tomorrow?: Kris asked smiling. "Sure I can come after school" Taemin said with a small nervous smile. "Good, Ill drive you. Come here after school and then Ill take you to my house" Kris said and Taemin smiled. "Alright, well I have to go home now. Bye Yifan" Taemin said happily as he left

The next day Taemin went over to Kris's house for tutoring. After they were done, Taemin and Kris were in the living room just talking. Suddenly Kris noticed some cuts on Taemin's arms. "Taemin what are these cuts from?" Kris asked as he held onto Taemin's arm and Taemin hesitated. "Um...its nothing..." Taemin said as he pulled his arm away. "Taemin...did you cut yourself..?" Kris asked worriedly and Taemin hesitated again but sighed. "Yes...alright? I did it to myself..." Taemin said as he put his head down and began to cry. Kris didnt say anything but he wrapped his arms around Taemin and rubbed his back. "Why did you harm yourself Taemin...? Kris asked in concern and Taemin looked up at him with teary eyes. "Because..Im bullied at school for...being gay.." Taemin said as he sighed and he layed his head on Kris's shoulder. "What? Why didnt you tell me?" Kris asked and Taemin sighed again. "I thought I could handle it...but it turns out that I couldnt.." Taemin said and Kris sighed. "I wish you didnt cut could have done some damage or...even killed yourself Taemin...and I cant imagine losing you.." Kris said and Taemin's eyes widened. "R-Really..?" Taemin asked as he blushed. "Yes really...Taemin...I-I didnt want to tell you this but...Ive fallen for you..and I know its wrong since you're only fifteen and Im twenty eight but I just couldnt help myself..." Kris said and he sighed. Taemin turned red and was speechless, he had no idea how to respond to tell Kris that he liked him back. Kris sighed "please dont tell anyone about this...I shouldnt have told you.." Kris said. "No Yifan wait...I...I feel the same about you...Ive liked you like that ever since the beginning of the school year" Taemin finally managed to say. "Really Taemin..?" Kris asked with a small smile and Taemin nodded as he smiled more. " can always make me smile and feel special..and when you told me that I was your favorite, it made me very happy" Taemin said as he smiled lovingly. Kris smiled but then slowly began to lean in. Taemin also leaned in as he closed the gap between them into a sweet kiss

                                                                                             THREE WEEKS LATER

Taemin and Kris had been dating for about three weeks. They had to keep their relationship a secret or else Kris would get in deep trouble for being with a student under eighteen. Taemin didnt mind though, he was in too deep of love with Kris to care. The only thing that mattered to Taemin was Kris so he didnt mind keeping their relationship a secret. Taemin also didnt tell his parents since he knew they would break him and Kris up so Taemin didnt even tell his friends. However the only friend he told was his best friend Kai who he could trust and Kai promised to not tell anyone. When Taemin would go over to Kris's house or spend the night, he would tell his parents that he would be at Kai's house because Kai would cover for him if they called making sure it was true

One day on the last day before a two week spring break, Taemin went to Kris's class where he saw Kris arranging some things. Taemin smiled as he snuck over to Kris and back hugged him. Kris laughed "Taeminnie~" Kris said as he turned around and kissed Taemin. "Now that we're on spring break, we get to spend more time together" Taemin said smiling. "Definitely, and also I have a surprise for you" Kris said smiling and Taemin giggled. "What is it? please dont make me wait~" Taemin whined cutely. Kris laughed "Taemin you're so cute, but I want to make you dinner tonight and then Ill tell you" Kris said and he winked. Taemin pouted and playfully punched Kris's arm. "No fair~ I cant wait that long~" Taemin whined and Kris kissed the tip of his nose. "Yes you can" Kris said smiling and Taemin giggled as he wrapped his arms around Kris to give him a big hug and Kris sighed happily

Later that night Taemin was over at Kris's house. They finished dinner and were cuddling on the couch together. "Alright Yifan Ive waited long enough, I want to know what the surprise is" Taemin said attempting to be stern but couldnt help but smile. Kris smiled "alright Taeminnie" Kris said as he took an envelope out of his pocket and gave it to Taemin. "Open it" Kris said smiling. Taemin carefully opened the envelope and pulled out two plane tickets for florida. Taemin gasped "you're taking me to florida?" Taemin asked happily. "Yep, I wanted to get away with you for a few days. Jongin is also coming though so you can tell your parents that you're going with him" Kris said and he winked. Taemin teared up a little bit and hugged Kris tightly. "You're the best boyfriend Ive ever had" Taemin said with his voice full of love. Kris smiled as he wrapped his arms around Taemin and held him. "So are you Taeminnie, I never thought I would be this happy since I thought you would never be mine, but I was wrong" Kris said smiling. Taemin yawned "well Im getting tired now, I had a long day and I want to cuddle with you in you're bed" Taemin said as he smiled sleepily. Kris smiled "alright my Taeminnie" Kris said smiling as he picked up Taemin and brought him to his room where they cuddled together then Taemin fell asleep in Kris's arms

                                                                                                       ONE DAY LATER

Taemin and Kai were in Taemin's room as Kai helped him pack. "Taemin I want you to promise me that you will be careful" Kai said in concern. "What do you mean Jongin?" Taemin asked and Kai sighed. "Im completely fine with you dating Yifan...but if he tries to get you to have with him then I want you to tell me.." Kai said and Taemin hesitated. "I...I kind of maybe wanted to..." Taemin said nervously. "Well alright then...just remember to use these" Kai said as he reached into his pocket and gave Taemin a box of condoms. "I think the reason he gave me my own separate room was because of that...but its fine, as long as he doesnt force you and you use protection Im fine with it" Kai said smiling and Taemin smiled "thanks Jongin, you're a good friend" Taemin said and he hugged Kai. Kai and Taemin finished packing then went to meet Kris at his house

                                                                                                       TWO DAYS LATER

After two days of being stuck on three planes, Kris and Taemin along with Kai finally made it to miami in florida. They went to their hotel and headed to their rooms. Kai had his own separate room but it was right next to Kris and Taemin's room. When Kris and Taemin went into their room, Kris picked Taemin up and carried him to the bed. Taemin giggled "Im so happy I get so spend this time with you" Taemin said smiling not realizing the box of condoms that Kai gave him fell out of his pocket and Kris smiled. "Me too, we'll be able to go out without the fear of being caught by anybody we know" Kris said and then he noticed the box of condoms on the bed. "What is this?" Kris asked as he picked the box up and Taemin gasped. "Um n-nothing..." Taemin said and he sighed. "Jongin gave me them in case know.." Taemin said as he blushed deeply. Kris smiled "well if you want to, I wont force you to do anything" Kris said as he kissed Taemin on the cheek and smiled. "Well...I kind of wanted to tonight.." Taemin said blushing and Kris smirked. "Alright Taeminnie I think that can be arranged" Kris said winking and Taemin giggled. "Well right now Im pretty tired, lets take a nap and then go explore miami" Taemin said and he yawned. Kris smiled "good idea" Kris said as Taemin layed down on the bed and Kris layed down next him. Kris pulled Taemin into his arms and they soon fell asleep

Later that day, Taemin and Kris went to the beach together while Kai went to the mall. They were laying on a beach towel watching the sunset and Taemin had his head on Kris's shoulder as Kris had his arms around Taemin. "This is perfect Yifan, Im so happy and its all because of you" Taemin said softly as he smiled. Kris smiled and kissed Taemin on the forehead. "Anything for my Taeminnie....I..I love you Taemin" Kris said a little bit hesitantly, he or Taemin never said that yet. Taemin smiled and he sat up. "I love you too Yifan" Taemin said as he took Kris's hands and looked into Kris's eyes. Taemin's eyes were full of love and happiness. Kris smiled "Taemin I have something for you" Kris said smiling as he took a small box out of his pocket. "Oh what is it Yifan?" Taemin asked in wonder. "Open it" Kris said as he handed the box to Taemin. Taemin took the box and opened in. Inside the box were two matching rings. "Aww this is cute, matching rings for us to wear" Taemin said smiling and Kris smiled. "Theyre promise rings Taeminnie" Kris said as he took Taemin's hand, then took a ring out of the box and put slid it on Taemin's finger. "They are our promise to each other to always stay together even when times are tough" Kris said as he took the other ring and put it on his own finger. Taemin hugged Kris tightly. "Ill never leave you no matter what Yifan, I love you" Taemin whispered softly as a few happy tears spilled from Taemin's eyes. "I love you too Taemin, I always thought you would just be my student even though I had a crush on you, but it turned into something amazing" Kris said happily as he held Taemin. Suddenly they heard thunder. "Oh, we better get back to the hotel before it rains" Taemin said and he giggled. Kris laughed "yeah we should go now" Kris said as they heard another thunder roll. Kris stood up and put his hand out for Taemin to help him up. They rolled up their beach towel, took each other's hand, then walked back to the hotel

Later that night, Taemin was laying in bed and Kris was drying his hair in the bathroom. When Kris walked out, he layed down next to Taemin and started to rub his arm. "Are you ready Taemin?" Kris whispered softly. Taemin hesitated a little bit. "Yes...but Im nervous.." Taemin said as he rolled over to face Kris. "We dont have to do it if you feel uncomfortable, Im not going to force you to do anything" Kris said and he kissed the tip of Taemin's nose. "N-No I want to...Ill be alright" Taemin said with a small smile. Taemin took the box of condoms off the drawer and took a out. Kris smirked "alright then" Kris said as he took the . That night is the night that Taemin lost his ity to Kris

                                                                                                 THREE DAYS LATER

One night Taemin, Kris and Kai came home after three days of being in florida. Taemin was walking home and he noticed a police car outside his gouse. When he walked in, he saw a cop talking to his mom. "Mom whats going on?" Taemin asked. "TAEMIN!" Taemin's mom cried out as she ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Um..whats wrong..?" Taemin asked in concern and his mom looked at him as she held onto his shoulders. "Taemin I want you to be honest with me...are you in a relationship with your teacher Wu Yifan?" Taemin's mom asked and Taemin gasped "What!? H-How did you know...?" Taemin asked. "Somebody saw you talking and kissing at school a day before you went to florida with Kai, but I assume you went with Yifan too right?" Taemin's mom asked. " I didnt want anything bad to happen, I was just really in love with Yifan so we started to date...are you mad at me..?" Taemin asked as his tears spilled. "No Im not mad at you, you didnt know he was a offender, its not your fault" Taemin's mom said and Taemin's eyes widened. "WHAT!? offender...? he didnt touch me or anything...wait what...?" Taemin asked in panic and Taemin's mom sighed. "Come with me Tae" Taemin's mom said as she took Taemin into her room. She turned her laptop on and went to a offender website. She showed Taemin where it said Kris's name and what he did. "H-He four young boys....? I-I cant believe this..." Taemin said as he started to cry. "Taemin dont worry, hes going to be put in jail" Taemin's mom said and she hugged him. "What? No he cant...hes a sweet guy and I love him...he loves me..." Taemin said as he wiped his eyes, "Taemin hes just trying to manipulate you, we're doing this for your own saftey.." Taemin's mom said. "I cant believe this..." Taemin said and he went to his room. He layed on his bed and texted Kris a message which said *Yifan...something is about to happen, but just remember that I will always love you no matter what and I will never leave you. We will get through this together* Taemin put his phone down and went to sleep afterwards

The next morning, Taemin went into the kitchen to see his mom talking to somebody on the phone. He stood there and waited. Once his mom hung up, she turned around and saw him. "Good morning Tae..please have a seat, we need to talk" Taemin's mom said as she sat down at the table and Taemin sat also sat down at the table. "Taemin, I just got done talking to the police. Yifan was arrested and put into jail" Taemin's mom said and Taemin's eyes widened. "What!? No....why...he never hurt me...he loved me.." Taemin said as his tears spilled. "Taemin he is twenty eight and you're fifteen. A man that old does not need to be in a relationship with a kid your age. You will find a boy your age Tae, you dont need that ert" Taemin's mom said. "But mom he wasnt a ert...I..I never knew he hurt some other boys...." Taemin said as his mom sat next to him and rubbed his back. "Tae the fact that he dated you when you are only fifteen shows that hes a ert. He might have not touched you yet but he would have.." Taemin's mom said and Taemin sighed. "Im going to be late for school" Taemin said bluntly. He got up and left to go to school.

After school, Taemin went to the nearby jail assuming thats where Kris was and he went to the front desk. "Can I help you kid?" The guy at the desk asked. "Hi yes...I was hoping to visit somebody by the name Wu Yifan?" Taemin asked hopefully. "Sure right this way" The guy said. He came out from behind the desk and led Taemin to a visiting room. There was glass with small holes between him and where Kris would be. Taemin sat down and waited.

After about five minutes of waiting, Taemin saw Kris being taken into the room. Kris sat down and then noticed Taemin. "Taemin I didnt think you would visit me" Kris said as his face lit up a bit. "I couldnt stop thinking about you Yifan...h-how long will you be here..?" Taemin asked as his tears began to spill. "I will only be in here for a month..dont worry Taeminnie Ill be fine" Kris said as he put his hand to the glass and Taemin put his hand on the glass over Kris's hand. "Ill wait for you Yifan" Taemin said as he began to cry and Kris smiled a little. "Thank you Taeminnie, I love you" Kris said. "I-I love you t-too Yifan" Taemin said as he wiped is eyes. "Time is up" Taemin heard a guard say to Kris after a few minutes and he saw the guard grab Kris. "YIFAN" Taemin cried out as he watched Kris get dragged away. Once Kris was gone, Taemin left the jail as he cried his eyes out. "I dont care if he did some stuff to other boys in the past...I-I love him too much to let him go.." Taemin said to himself as he went home

                                                                                           ONE MONTH LATER

On the day that Kris was being released from jail, Taemin waited outside the building. After a while of waiting he saw Kris coming out the door. "YIFAN!" Taemin cried out happily as he ran to Kris. "TAEMIN!" Kris also cried out happily as he ran to Taemin and he hugged him tightly when they got to each other. "I missed you so much Yifan..." Taemin said as he wrapped his arms tightly around Kris and he spilled some stray tears. "I missed you too Taeminnie, but I thought about you everyday knowing that soon I would see your sweet face again" Kris said smiling and he kissed Taemin's lips. Taemin smiled "school was so dreadful especially now that I have a new math teacher, but hopefully you will get your job back right?" Taemin asked happily. "Well actually...I was thinking of moving back to china" Kris said and Taemin gasped. "What!? No you cant! No you cant leave me behind like that...." Taemin said as he pulled away from Kris. "Wait Taemin I wasnt done. I meant that I wanted to move there with we can be together and not worry about anything" Kris said smiling and Taemin hesitated. "I-I cant just leave...Jongin, my family and friends..." Taemin said and Kris sighed. "Come on Tae Tae, I thought you loved me" Kris said. "But Yifan I do love you...but I..." Taemin said as he hesitated to say the rest and he sighed "I found out that you were on a ual predator website and I know what you did...I dont know if I can trust you enough to be alone with..." Taemin said and Kris's eyes widened. "Taemin that was past me...I could never hurt you and I promise I would never ever force you to do anything. I was young and stupid, but now I just want to be happy with you...please Tae for me..." Kris begged and Taemin hesitated, he didnt know what to do. He had to choose between his friends and family or Kris. "Im going to have to think about it Yifan...this is a big decision and I cant just decide right now, I need some time.." Taemin said and he sighed. "Alright I understand Tae" Kris said. "Well I should get home now, Ill call you later" Taemin said smiling a little. "Alright Taeminnie, I love you" Kris said as he hugged Taemin and Taemin smiled. "I love you too Yifan" Taemin said happily. Taemin then walked away and went home

Later that day Taemin was talking to Kai. "Jongin I just dont know what to do...I love Yifan...but I cant leave you and my family and friends Im still in school.." Taemin said and he sighed. "Taemin listen to me, as much as I thought you and Yifan were cute together, you need to leave him. I wasnt aware that he four young boys...please Taemin, I dont want to see my best friend who means so much to me get hurt from a erted e..." Kai said and Taemin sighed. "You're right Jongin, I need to stop seeing him...Im only fifteen and he wants me to put everything behind to go to a country where I cant even speak the language.." Taemin said as he took out his phone and called Kris. "Hello?" Kris asked as he answered Taemin's call. "Yifan...? A-Are you busy..?" Taemin asked. "No Im not, whats up Taeminnie?" Kris asked and Taemin sighed. "Can we meet at the park..? I..I made my decision..." Taemin said. "Really? Thats great! Ill be there soon! Bye Tae lll see you soon!" Kris said happily then hung up and Taemin sighed. "What happend?" Kai asked. "He thinks Im going with him by the sound of it.." Taemin said and he sighed again. "You want me to come with you?" Kai asked. "No its fine Jongin lll be alright" Taemin said and he got up then left to go meet Kris at the park

When Taemin went to the park, he met up with Kris at their usual spot. "So Taemin are you going with me to china?" Kris asked hopefully and Taemin sighed. "No Im not going with you, as much as I love you I cant just leave everything behind for you.." Taemin said as his tears began to spill. Kris gasped and his eyes began to water. "What!? Taemin please I dont want to lose you..." Kris said as he went towards Taemin but Taemin backed up. "Dont come near me, I dont even think I should be with you in the first place...especially knowing that you hurt four young boys who were probably either my age or younger.." Taemin said as he started to cry. "Taemin wait I told you that was the past me, come on you make me so happy and I cant imagine my life without you..please dont leave me. I wont move to china if it means keeping you" Kris said desperately as some stray tears spilled from his eyes. "Y-You will stay here for me..?" Taemin asked as he began to calm down a bit. "Of course Taeminnie, I love you and I just want to be happy...I regret hurting those boys in the past but like I said I want to just forget about it.." Kris said and Taemin just ran back to Kris and hugged him tightly. He didnt know what to do, he knew he shouldnt have been with Kris but something inside stopped him from leaving Kris. Kris held Taemin close to him then leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you Taeminnie" Kris said softly. "I love you too Yifan" Taemin said with a small smile. "Hey how about we go to my house and watch a movie together or something" Kris said smiling and Taemin also smiled. "That doesnt sound bad now does it? lets go" Taemin said happily. Kris took Taemin's hand and took him to his house

Later that night, Kris was asleep as Taemin was sitting on the side of his bed. His clothes ripped and torn and his body bruised up. Taemin was shaking, he didnt think Kris would him after everything they went through. He stood up and nearly stepped on a broken wine bottle. Kris was drunk and got Taemin drunk before the incident. Taemin got up and went downstairs to find his shoes. He couldnt find his shoes so he just left Kris's house barefoot. Taemin staggered along the way home, drunk and sore. He had a blank expression on his bruised face. He knew his mom would be mad at him for being home so late and plus being with Kris in the first place. Taemin was weak, he was still so drunk that he fell over and was unable to stand up. Soon he passed out

After an hour, Taemin woke up and found himself in a hospital bed. He had some IVs in him and some stitches on his head. Taemin saw a doctor in the room. "Wh-Where am I...?" Taemin asked. "You're in the hospital, dont worry you're alright, but the police are here to ask you some questions. Dont worry you arent in trouble" the doctor reassured Taemin. "Well alright...send them in.." Taemin said and he sighed. The doctor nodded and then left the room. Taemin layed back and two cops came in the room almost right after the doctor left. "Hi..." Taemin said blankly. "Hello kid, are you ok? someone found you passed out on the ground and from the looks of it, you were attacked. But while you were out, the doctors tested your blood and you have a small alcohol level but a high level of a date drug" One of the cops said. "D-Date drug...? I...I didnt know.." Taemin said. "Well you usually dont know, once its used on you, you just feel very wasted" one of the cops said."How old are you by the way?" one of the cops asked. "Im fifteen...the man who me was twenty eight.." Taemin said and he sighed. "Ok, do you happen to know his name?" one of the cops asked. "Yes..his name is Wu Yifan...he was my..boyfriend" Taemin said with a little bit of anger. "Alright thank you for answering our questions. Also by the way do you want to call anyone to let them know where you are?" one of the cops asked. "No its fine...I just want to go home.." Taemin said. "Well if you would like, we could give you a ride home" one of the cops said and Taemin smiled slightly. "Really? thanks...I just have to wait until they take the IVs out" Taemin said and he sighed

Half an hour later, Taemin had gotten a ride home from the two cops that he was questioned by. Once they drove away, Taemin stood in front of his house. He didnt know what to expect once he walked in since it was two thirty in the morning. "shes going to kill me..." Taemin said to himself as he sighed. He was talking about how his mom would be mad that he is coming home so late and at the fact that he was with Kris. Taemin took small steps towards his house until he arrived to the front door. His hands began to shake as he held onto the door. "I..I just cant..." Taemin said before taking off running away from his house. He ran and ran until he stepped on something sharp. "AH!" Taemin cried out as he fell to the ground. He looked at his foot and saw a little bit of blood, but it wasnt that big of a cut. Taemin stood up and began limping to Kai's house

Once Taemin got to Kai's house, he went in the backyard to Kai's bedroom window. He took out his phone and began to dial Kai's number but then stopped. "Jongin will just be ashamed in me, because it was my fault after all for not listening to him..." Taemin said to himself as he put his phone away and walked to a bus stop

Taemin took a bus to his older brother's neighborhood. He walked the empty sidewalk trying to identify his brother's address to his house. When Taemin found it, he walked up the steps and knocked on the door. There was no answer so he rang the doorbell. There was still no answer so Taemin just sighed and began to walk away but then suddenly he heard the door open. "Wait Im here!" Taemin's brother called out and Taemin turned around. "Taesun!" Taemin happily called out and ran to his brother. "Taemin!?" his brother said in surprise. Taemin came over to him and hugged him tightly. "Taemin I havent seen you in a while, why are you here so late? and why are you barefoot?" Taesun asked and Taemin sighed. "Ill tell you everything inside, but for now I just need to be away from people and possibly stay here for the night" Taemin said hopefully. "Alright Taemin" Taesun said and he let Taemin in his house

The next morning, Taemin woke up on the couch to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Taesun was still asleep so Taemin just decided to answer the door. When Taemin answered the door, it was his mom and his eyes widened. "Oh! Taemin! you're alright!" Taemin's mom said happily and she hugged him tightly. Taemin pulled away from his mom. "H-How did you know I was here...?" Taemin asked nervously. "Well I remember last year, you didnt want to come out to me so you went to your brother's house, so I was smart and came here. Taemin whatever is wrong you can just tell me, I was so worried about you last night" Taemin's mom said and she noticed that Taemin's clothes were teared and saw the bruises on his face. "Taemin what happend to you....?" his mom asked and Taemin sighed. "Mom...I was with Yifan last was stupid of me to ignore what you and Jongin said though...b..because he...he used a date drug on me and... me...and I couldnt bear for what you might say..." Taemin said as he began to cry hard and he fell to his knees. His mom kneeled down and hugged him tightly. "Taeminnie....its not your fault, you only trusted Yifan and he broke that trust you had for him...Im not mad at you" Taemin's mom said in a soft calm voice as she rubbed his back. Taemin couldnt stop crying and suddenly Taesun came into the room. "I see he told you..." Taesun said to their mom. "He did...we have to do something, we cant just let that ert getting away with hurting Taemin" their mom said. Taesun came over and kneeled down in front of Taemin. "Tae I want you to look at me" Taesun said softly and Taemin looked up at him, He wasnt crying anymore but he still had red tearful eyes. "Taemin listen to me, it isnt your fault and you wont be in trouble. Mom is going to take you to the police station alright? You will file a report, but you might or might not have to go to court for it to go against Yifan, but I promise you that you arent in trouble, you understand Tae?" Taesun said calmly but sternly. Taemin slightly smiled and wiped his eyes. "Yes I understand Taesun" Taemin said and Taesun hugged Taemin tightly. "Alright lets go Taemin" Their mom said and they all stood up. "Wait I dont have my shoes...I couldnt find them before I left Yifan's house last night..." Taemin said and he sighed. "Oh well you can borrow a pair of my shoes" Taesun said smiling and Taemin smiled a little bit. "Thanks Taesun" Taemin said and Taesun went to get a pair of shoes for Taemin. When Taemin put them on, they fitted perfectly. "They fit very good, thanks again Taesun" Taemin said smiling. "Anything for my favorite little brother" Taesun said happily. Taemin hugged Taesun one more time before he and their mom left to go to the police station

.                                                                                              THREE WEEKS LATER

One day Taemin was getting ready for his trial against Kris. When he went to the police station with his mom three weeks ago, he was informed that he would have to go against Kris in court. The day finally came so he was very nervous. He also kept himself isolated from people including Kai. At school he was very quiet. He was also picked on and teased a lot at school because people found out about his relationship with Kris.

As Taemin was getting ready, someone knocked on his bedroom door. "Come in mom.." Taemin said and he sighed. When the door opened, Taemin saw Kai. "Hi Taemin" Kai said smiling and Taemin didnt respond. He never talked to Kai ever since the night of being . Kai came over to Taemin and hugged him tightly, tears starting to form. "Taemin please dont think Im mad at you, and please dont think its your fault..." Kai said as his tears spilled. "I missed my best friend so much..." Kai said and Taemin started to cry. "R-Really..?" Taemin asked softly and he wrapped his arms tightly around Kai. "Of course Taemin, I love you, you're my bestest friend ever.." Kai said and Taemin buried his eyes into the nape of Kai's neck as he cried hard. "Im so so sorry I avoided you...I just thought you would be ashamed in me..." Taemin cried out and Kai rubbed Taemin's back. "I would never feel ashamed in you Tae, I promise you that you can go to me for anything alright?" Kai said softly and Taemin smiled a little bit. He pulled away and wiped his eyes. "Alright Jongin" Taemin said smiling a little.

At the court house, Taemin was nervously sitting next to his lawyer. He looked over at Kris who was sitting with his lawyer and he looked at him in anger. He hated Kris and he just wanted to get the trial over with so Kris would just be locked away already. Finally Taemin was the first to be called up by the judge. "Lee Taemin do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" the judge asked Taemin. "Yes sir" Taemin said confidentially. "Taemin, what relations do you have with my defendant?" Kris's lawyer asked Taemin. "He is my ex boyfriend. Yifan was my math teacher but then we started to date" Taemin said and he took a deep breath. "Taemin, in your police report, you said that he supposedly you while you were drunk. You are sixteen correct? you do know you can be charged with underage drinking" Kris's lawyer said. "I wasnt drunk because of alcohol, well actually I only had one small glass of wine that he gave me but he put a date drug in it. And shouldnt he be the one to be charged with giving someone alcohol who is underage?" Taemin asked sassily. "Yes perhaps, now you say he you but from the hospital records there was no proof of ual contact, so why do you think it was my defendant who you? There is also no bruises on you" Kris's lawyer said. "What? I had bruises on me, obviously after three weeks they would be gone...I wasnt completely passed out, but I was barley conscious to do anything about it" Taemin said as he began to get frustrated. "So even though you have absolutely no proof, you still want him to be found guilty?" Kris's lawyer asked. "Even check with the hospital, they have the records of the alcohol level in my blood AND the high level of the date drug in me!" Taemin said and he was getting annoyed as well as frustrated. "So you purposely dated a man who is way older than you, was on a ual predator list and drank alcohol with is this correct?" Kris's lawyer asked. "NO!" Taemin said loudly. "Are you saying I asked for it!? I didnt! I didnt know he was on that list until after I started dating him and I didnt think one little glass of wine wouldnt hurt! He told me that he loved me yet lied just to make me one of his next victims!" Taemin fought back. "I have no more questions" Kris's lawyer said as he sat back down next to Kris and Taemin felt good about shutting Kris's lawyer up

After Taemin went back over to his lawyer and sat down, the judge called Kris up. "Wu Yifan do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" The judge asked Kris after he sat down. "Yes I swear" Kris said. "Yifan, can you tell me your relations with my client?" Taemin's lawyer asked Kris. "Yes, he was my student. I fell for him and he came on to me. He would stay after school with me a lot, but I soon fell for him too and we ended up dating. He gave me his ity when we went on vacation together and visited me in jail and he still stayed with me until the night of the apparent . I couldnt have him since he came on to me while he was drunk" Kris said and Taemin gasped. He wanted to say that Kris was lying about coming onto him while drunk but he knew he couldnt since he was already up.

About ten minutes later, the judge and jury came to a decision. "Wu Yifan you have been found not guilty, this trial is now over" the judge said and Taemin gasped as his eyes widened. Kris looked over at Taemin and smirked before he left. Taemin's tears began to spill as Kai and his mom came over to him. "Tae its alright..." Kai said as he hugged Taemin tightly but Taemin started to cry harder. "Why wasnt he found guilty...?" Kai asked Taemin's mom. "Im not sure...Taemin please dont cry its going to be ok" Taemin's mom said. "NO! Its not!" Taemin cried out. "Taemin  I want you to look at me" Kai said which reminded Taemin of Taesun so he looked at Kai with his tearful eyes and Kai smiled little bit. "Its going to be ok, he will regret hurting you later on alright? You did nothing wrong Tae" Kai said softly as he wiped Taemin's tears away. Taemin slightly smiled a little bit. "A-Alright Jongin" Taemin said softly as his small smile became a little bigger

                                                                                                             TWO MONTHS LATER

Taemin was trying to get his life back to normal. He was trying to just forget everything but he couldnt because people at school were harassing and bullying him. They would call him all kinds of names like and . They would also say that he asked to be by Kris and that he deserved it. But still, Taemin was just trying to get his life back together

One day Taemin was laying in his bed when there was a knock on his door. "Come in.." Taemin said blankly. The door opened and this young boy who looked about his age walked in. "Hi Taemin" the boy said happily. "Um who are you?" Taemin asked as he sat up. "Its me Minho, you might not remember me since its been a while, maybe like four years or so" Minho said smiling and Taemin gasped. "Minho!? Oh my gosh it has been!" Taemin said happily. Taemin got off his bed and went over to Minho to hug him. Minho laughed. "How have you been Taeminnie?" Minho asked smiling and Taemin giggled. "You still remember my nickname that like everyone calls me" Taemin said smiling. "Well of course I do, its a cute nickname for a cute boy like you" Minho said and Taemin blushed. "Thanks Minho" Taemin said blushing. "Anyways how are you here?" Taemin asked happily as him and Minho sat down on Taemin's bed. "Well I just moved here so I knew I had to come see you and so when I asked where you were, your mom told me you were upstairs so I had to surprise you" Minho said happily and Taemin gasped. "You moved here!?" Taemin happily said as he hugged Minho again and Minho laughed. "Someone missed me" Minho said teasingly and Taemin playfully hit him. "Well you're like one of my best friends ever besides my other best friend Jongin, of course I missed you!" Taemin said happily. "Well want to go out and just catch up?" Minho asked. "Yeah I would love to" Taemin said happily then him and Minho went out together

                                                                                                      ONE MONTH LATER

Taemin was still being bullied at school so he decided to drop out. He told Kai why but he didnt tell Minho despite him being one of Taemin's other best friends. Minho wanted to know but Taemin just said it was for personal reasons which made Minho frustrated

One night Taemin and Minho were having a sleepover. It was the middle of the night and Taemin woke up from a bad dream. He started to cry quietly but then went to the bathroom. Meanwhile Minho woke up not realizing Taemin wasnt in his bed. He stood up and walked to the bathroom but the door was locked. "Taemin are you in there?" Minho asked into the door as he knocked and he heard the shower. "Taemin?" Minho knocked louder but Taemin wouldnt answer. Minho could hear Taemin crying. "Taemin whats wrong!?" Minho asked in worry as he tried to open the door. He took a few steps back and then bolted towards the door, opening the door and breaking the lock. It was very steamy and he saw Taemin still fully clothed, sitting on the shower floor crying while it was on as it had hot water coming down on him. "T-Taemin...?" Minho said slowly but Taemin wouldnt look up at him. Minho turned the water off and slowly kneeled down to Taemin. "Taemin whats wrong...?" Minho asked softly and Taemin looked at him. "J-Just go...Im so dirty.." Taemin said as he was still crying a little bit. "What? Taemin you need to tell me whats going on...come on" Minho said as he got a towel for Taemin and wrapped it around him. Minho helped Taemin stand up and he took him to his room. Taemin sat on the floor since he didnt want to get his bed wet with his wet clothes and Minho sat in front of him. "Taemin, you have been acting weird the whole time since I first saw you again...look, I asked Jongin and he told me some things...but I want to hear everything from you. I wont judge, just tell me alright?" Minho said sternly but calmly and Taemin sighed. "Alright.." Taemin said as he took a deep breath. "A few months ago, maybe like five or so...I fell in love with my math teacher...and it turned out he felt the same so..we dated..and I knew it was wrong but I just really liked him. So anyways we went on vacation together during spring break...and...thats where I gave him my ity..." Taemin said and he sighed. "Thats it? Taemin dont feel ashamed in yourself because of that.." Minho said. "No thats not all of it...Im not done.." Taemin said and he sighed again. "Oh sorry I wont talk until you're done" Minho said. "Anyways...when we got back, my mom called the cops and he was arrested...I then found out he was on a offender list of four other boys...but I was naive and still stayed with him. I even visited him in jail...I waited for him to be released and once we were reunited again, he wanted me to move to china with him...but I couldnt leave everything behind you when I told him, he told me that he would stay for same day..I went to his house..then that night he...h-he..." Taemin couldnt say it and he started to cry again. Minho hugged Taemin tightly and rubbed his back but didnt say anything since he already knew. "Its alright you dont have to tell me since I already know a little bit..." Minho said and Taemin sighed as he pulled away. "No I want to tell you the whole story..." Taemin said and he wiped his eyes. "He gave me one small glass of wine...but then soon I felt very wasted...he...he me that night..then once he was asleep, I left but on my way home I passed out. Then I woke up in a hospital and was informed he used a date drug on me...after I was taken home by some police, I was too scared to go home so I took a bus to Taesun's house...the next day my mom came to get me since she knew I was there and then took me to the police station...long story short, there was a court trial and I I was bullied and harassed at why I dropped out..and now you know everything.." Taemin said and he sighed deeply. "Wow Tae you have been through so much...but..why didnt you tell me?" Minho asked. "Because...the innocent twelve year old that you used to know became a sixteen year old victim who was labeled as a and told I deserved it..." Taemin said. Minho didnt say anything as he hugged Taemin tightly. Taemin also didnt say anything so he just layed his head on Minho's shoulder. They stayed there in silence for a few moments. "Taemin I want you to promise me that if there is anything going on with you, you tell me alright? Ive been your best friend a lot longer than Jongin so if anyone is to not judge you its me alright? Not that Im saying hes a bad friend but Im just saying" Minho said and Taemin smiled slightly. "Alright Minho, Im sorry I kept it from you and I promise to talk to you if I have any problems" Taemin said smiling a little bit more and Minho smiled. "Good, now lets go back to sleep its getting late" Minho said as he stood up and held Taemin's hand to help him up. By this time Taemin's clothes were mostly dried so he layed in his bed and Minho layed on the mattress on the floor that he was sleeping on. "Minho how about you lay with me, you dont seem that comfortable" Taemin said hoping that Minho would sleep next to him because he had a small crush on him. "Oh well its not uncomfortable, but alright" Minho said eagerly. He got up and crawled onto Taemin's bed with him. "Good night Taeminnie" Minho said smiling. "Night Minho" Taemin said softly with a smile and Minho closed his eyes, falling asleep. After a few minutes Taemin whispered to Minho. "Minho? Are you asleep?" Taemin whispered but Minho didnt respond. He smirked, leaned in and pecked Minho on the lips once. He then got comfortable and soon fell asleep

The next day, Taemin went to a skate park with Kai and Minho. "Oh guys I have to go now" Kai said. "Alright see you later Jongin" Taemin said smiling. "Bye Taemin bye Minho!" Kai said as he walked away. Just then Taemin felt a drop of rain. "Oh I think we should go now" Taemin said to Minho as it started to rain lightly. "Yeah lets go" Minho said then him and Taemin began to walk home

As Minho and Taemin were walking home, Taemin saw Kris up ahead. He hadnt seen Kris since the trial and he suddenly felt a lot of anger in him. He began to walk very fast and then ran towards him, ignoring Minho's calls to him. He ran and ran until he got up to Kris and knocked him to the ground. "YOU !" Taemin yelled as he got on top of Kris and began to punch at him. Kris tried to push Taemin off but Taemin was surprisingly way stronger. "YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU !" Taemin yelled as he kept hitting Kris. Minho ran over and pulled Taemin off Kris and held him back. "Taemin what are you doing!?" Minho asked. "HES THE ONE WHO ME AND RUINED MY LIFE! LET ME GO SO I CAN HIM UP!" Taemin yelled as angry tears began to spill from his eyes. "Taemin you have issues" Kris only said as he laughed and walked away, brushing Taemin off. "YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE ISSUES YOU ERT!!!" Taemin screamed and he tried to get away from Minho but Minho wouldnt let go. Taemin broke down in tears. Minho hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. Taemin cried and cried until he couldnt cry anymore. "Taemin its going to be alright, he doesnt matter in your life anymore" Minho said. "I-I just want him to realize how much he hurt me and put me through...." Taemin said softly as he sniffled. "I understand Taemin I really do, but you just need to forget about him because if you cant forget the past, you will be miserable" Minho said. "Y-You're right Minho, I need to forget about him and move on with my life and make myself happy" Taemin said as he began to smile a little bit and Minho smiled. "Well we should get going now" Minho said and as he started to leave, Taemin grabbed his hand. "Minho wait.." Taemin said with a sudden change of mood which was a loving and happy mood. "Yeah Taeminnie what is it?" Minho asked curiously. "Thank you for everything...staying by my side and not judging me when I told you what happend..." Taemin said with a sincere smile. "Anytime Taemin, you're welcome" Minho said smiling but then he realized that Taemin was still holding his hand. Minho gripped Taemin's hand and pulled him into him. Taemin blushed and he didnt ask Minho why he did that. Minho placed his hand under Taemin's chin and lifted his chin up to meet his eyes. Taemin became more red because he knew what was about to happen. Minho leaned in and kissed Taemin on the lips. Taemin wrapped his arms tightly around Minho as they kissed passionately. These feelings werent sudden, Taemin liked Minho back when he was twelve. As for Minho, Minho felt the same way but Taemin never knew

After a few moments, Minho broke the kiss for to breath. He layed his head against Taemin's and looked Taemin in the eyes  which were full of love. "Taemin...I..Ive liked you since you were twelve and I was thirteen..." Minho confessed breathlessly. "Ive felt the same Minho...from that same amount of time...and now, Ive just fallen in deeper love for you due to how helpful you have been with making me happy and forget about him" Taemin said smiling. Minho intertwined their fingers together with one hand as he held Taemin with his other arm. "Taemin I love you very very much" Minho said softly but sincerely. "I love you too does this mean that...youll be my boyfriend..?" Taemin asked as he turned a bright red. Minho nodded then kissed the tip of Taemin's nose. "Of course I will" Minho said smiling. Taemin leaned in and kissed Minho on the lips once more. Suddenly there was a loud thunder roll which scared both of them but then they both laughed. "Lets go to my place Taeminnie" Minho said smiling. "Alright Minho" Taemin said happily as he took Minho's hand. Taemin went with Minho, his new boyfriend. He knew Minho would never betray him. He trusted him and knew that he wouldnt be anything like Kris. He was finally happy again.

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AsalAmiri #1
Chapter 1: Your brains work wonderfully, authornim :D
What a plot!
Everything in the first part was written in so much detail that nobody could think Kris would be a bad person, but the 2min love blossom was less explained.
It was good, though. Good job. Keep up the good work ;)