Part 4

You, me, him & her.

Part 4

Ai’s POV

“Who is that guy in the photo?” He asked in different tone than usual. I looked up immediately and had eye contact with him, his eyebrow twitched and he was biting his lower lip. I also catch a glimpse of him clenching both of his fist. He was holding something inside.

I smiled bitterly and say “He’s my fiancé. The guy that I love so much and the one I want to spend my whole life with.

There’s no reply from him. I notice his breathing increase that he would burst out anytime.

“But.” I broke the silent between us with a pause.

“But?”  I  jump a little at his demanding tone. He’s angry?

“He’s dead for almost two years.” I smiled again but tears begin pooling in my eyes, blurring my sight. “…Brain cancer.” I covered my face with my hands. I don’t want him to see me like this! Stop crying!

“I’m sorry..”

As I look up at him, he already had his arms around me, hugging me close. I had my chin resting on his shoulder and hesitantly reached my hands behind him, clutching onto his shirt. His warmness are different than Aron’s, but it feels similar that I hugged him tighter, burying my nose deeper into his shoulder. I found myself stopped crying completely. Weird.

“Ai, please be my girlfriend.”

……what did he just say?

“I will cherish you, protect you and never leave your side.”

I smiled bitterly. That’s what Aron once told me.

“I’ll love you till the end. I promise even when I’m not by your side anymore. “ He rest his forehead against mine and closed his eyes.

Every living things dies, right?

I nodded. He pushed me gently but not breaking the hug and hold my shoulders, eyeing me with his round brown irises.

“Really. “ I finally gave him a warm smile and had my eyes smiling too.

“Yatta!!!” He picked me up in bridal style and begin running in a circle. I wrap my arm around his neck and gasps at the moment he stumbled forward for kicking a stone. This guy!

I laughed and smiled while Yuto keeps on cheering and threaten to throw me into the bushes.

……Thank you, Aron. His diary ended with blank pages two days ago.

‘Although I never ever want to give you to other guy, I want you to be happy. Love and live for me,Ai. ‘

Is his last words written in his diary. A small love were drawn at the end on my name and at the moment, “Ai- eru. “I looked up and saw him waving a goodbye with the same smile before he vanished into the thin air.

It’s time for me to move on. That is what he’s been telling me.

I got onto my feet as Yuto lowered me down. He was still grinning like an idiot with his fingers toying with my hair. I looked up at him and pulled his collar down, forcing him to lean forward and our nose touches.

“Kisu e.” I whispered softly and tugged his collar forward again, urging him.

He didn’t bother to reply and tilts his head, gently pressed his lips onto mine, spreading his warmness on my cold one and rest his arms around my waist.

I could feel the familiar gentle breeze around us as we kissed.



Ai had her apartment in the woods sold and she lived with Michiyo afterwards,

“Good morning!”

“Morning Ai-chan! Wow, you looked so happy today! Did anything good happen when I’m not around?” Michiyo poked Ai’s arm as she passed through her and went to the kitchen.

“What makes you say that?” Ai frowned and flipped the egg in the pan the placed the egg on a bread.

“You cooked! I’m the one who cooked all the time! It’s obvious.” Michiyo clicked her tongue and peek into the sink. “Even the sink is clean! Woah, that guy must be good.”

Ai laughed and hit Michiyo on her head, earning a hit back to her own.

“He’s coming with a friend of his, I bet you’ll like them both, especially his friend.” Ai tease while elbowing Michiyo. “What do you mean by that?” Michiyo raise an eyebrow, giving a questioned look.



“Aa, Hikaru-kun! Please come in! The dining room is at the corner over there. “

“Ojamashimasu!” Hikaru walked in and spotted Michiyo in the dining room, giving a crooked smile as usual and Ai noticed her best friend was beaming and blushed.

“Ai !”  A voice makes her jump and she sighed at the moment she found herself being hugged.

“Too tight. “ Ai peeled Yuto’s arms off and drags him into the house after closing the door,not noticing that her lover was pouting behind her.

“Dozo! Self serve!”

“Pancakes!” Hikaru beamed and stab his fork into his pancakes.


“Ah!” Michiyo and Hikaru spoke in unison as they reached for the same syrup bottle. Ai coughed and both of them had their hand off immediately.

“You two are just so cute together”

Ai found herself being stared by everyone.

“What?” Yuto blinked as he looked toward Michiyo and Hikaru and back to Ai. He’s being clueless as usual.

“ You’re match making us?” Michiyo spoke as she was chewing on her pancakes.

“It’s working.” Hikaru stared at Michiyo,  causing her to almost choke at the sight of him smiling handsomely with sparkles and roses in her head.

“Aww Hikaru-kun is very straight forward!” Ai put her hand onto her tummy and laughed at Michiyo who blushed and had her slippers thrown on Ai’s face.

“Hey! I said no slippers are allowed on the table!”


Everyday was fun for Ai and Yuto, accompanied by HikaChiyo couple until one day..

“Yes Jr, I’m fine. Stop asking about me and let me ask about you.”

“Hahaha, alright.”

“How are you, Jr-oppa?”

“…oppa? That’s new. I never heard you calling me that before. Did anything happen that you didn’t want to tell me?”

“Yes! You’re good!”

“Spill it out! Tell me!”

“Be patient oppa. I’m calling you that because I couldn’t get the Korean drama I watched earlier out from my head. “

“Hahahaha! I’m so gonna get used to this.”

“Kim Jonghyun!”

“I’m kidding!”

“Anyway! Back to the main story. I met this one guy and actually we already dated for a month. I hope you are not angry at me for not telling you earlier than that!” Ai had her eyes shut tight and was prepared to get yelled.


“Yes. Are you mad? I wasn’t able to tell you earlier cause I wasn’t ready.”

“Babo, I am not. I’m happy for you, Ai-chan.”

“Yay! I love you oppaaaa!”

“Haha, Korean language isn’t for you.”

“Hey! Where’s my reply?”

“… I love you too, Ai.”

“Hehe, see you soon, Jr. Bogo sip-eoss-eo (I missed you). Jaa, I gotta go now. He’s calling.”

“Alright, be happy you two.”

Jr hung up on her and Ai had a questioned looks plastered on her face. Jr never hung up on her like that before. Yuto throws himself on Ai’s bed and raise an eyebrow.

“Who’s that?”


“And who is that Jr?”

“A close friend of mine!” Ai hit her boyfriend with a pillow and laughed at his reaction. “Don’t be jealous, silly!”

“I am not! Anyway, I’m going to the hospital, do you want to get anything in advance?”

“Nah, I’m good. I got you already.” Ai winked and earned playful pinches on her thigh from him.

“Oww! Oww!”

“Alright then. Don’t move too much or you might injure yourself again.”

Ai had an accident while walking downstairs in her apartment. She couldn’t stand up well and need physical help support (with Michiyo who was busy with her exams,)so Yuto decided to stay with her until she recovered.


At the hospital.

“Arigatou gozaimasu.” Yuto bowed his head as he got the medicine from the pharmacy and walked away. He was focusing in getting the medicine into his bag but the zipper aren’t working until suddenly..

“Hngh!” He bumped into someone and the person almost fell but he manage to catch her mid air. A familiar face came in view, causing Yuto to widen his eyes in surprise as he lets her go.




“Long time no seeing you ne, Yuto.” She smiled and fixed her messy hair.

“Indeed. How are you?”

The girl covered with her hand and jerked her head forward, feeling the urge to vomit.

“You’re pregnant?”

“..ah, yes.”

“Where’s your husband?”

“…he’s waiting for me at the parking lot.”

“I see. “

“It’s nice talking to you but, I need to go now.”

“Wait!” Yuto yanked Nana’s arm backward and saw medicine plastic fell on the floor from Nana’s bag.

“Let me go.”

“No, I wanna meet your husband.”

“… let me go.

“Are you happy?”


“You doesn’t’ seem like it, Nana.”

“..but I am, I need to go now.”

“No! Do you think it’s easy for me to let you go again?”

“We are over! What do you want from me?”

“…you. You leave me for another guy. How could you do this to me?”

Nana manage to get away from Yuto’s strong grip.

“Just forget about me. Pretend that I don’t even exist.”

“Easy for you to say, a shameless girl who ran away from our engagement day and only send a letter of apology telling me that she got someone else!”

“Yuto!” Nana slapped him on the face. His cheek immediately turn shades red as he hissed at the pain.

Yuto looked up again to see her nowhere in sight. “Damn it!” He kneeled down and picked the medicine before staring into space.


“Yuto?” What’s wrong?” Ai asked as she finishing eating her medicine, patting Yuto’s thigh curiously.

“Nothing, I just met an old friend of mine at the hospital earlier.”

“You seemed unhappy.”




Ai looked at him worriedly and glance over the unfamiliar medicine in Yuto’s hand.”Where do you get these?” She reaches for the medicine and stared at it.

“She dropped this.”


“Oh what am I saying?! I should have just told you the truth.” Yuto covers his face with his hands and sighed.

“She’s your ex?”

“You could tell?”

“Based on your expression, yes. You still love her, didn’t you?”

“No! We broke up already for.. two years or more?” Yuto scratched his head, trying to remember. “It has been so long, that I forget about her until today.”

“ I see. “ Ai shoved the medicine on a table beside her bed and grinned. “You belongs to me now!” She declared and pulled Yuto onto her bed.

“I’m all yours.”

“All mine.” Ai toys with Yuto’s hair as he was resting his head on her chest. Yuto suddenly looked up and stared at her chocolate orbs. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Yuto.”

‘Never gonna let you go’

***Part 4 END

A/N : Finally his ex showed up! What’s up with the unsure answer? What is she been hiding? Probably readers could tell. Lol. Will Yuto go back to her? Or stay with Ai like he promised? Revealed on part 5 or 6 because I’m  not sure how long I’ll be writing. XD

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