
Ordinary People

Park Jinyoung had just finished up another schedule that day and was now headed back to the dorm with the rest of the members when he remembered a writing assignment he had to submit to his English tutor.


“Hyung! Can you drop me off at the university first? I forgot I had to turn something in for Professor Reynolds.” He asked his manager.


“Jr! You’re still taking those English courses? I could’ve always taught you myself, you know.” Mark chimed.


“I know, hyung. But it was the professor himself that offered me his help. And besides, he’s teaching me a lot more than simple conversational English. I couldn’t say no.”


“Arasso, arasso. I get it.” Mark nodded, finally understanding Jr’s point.


When they finally arrived at the university, Jr hopped off from his seat before heading out the car and towards the gates, waving at s with an obvious grin plastered on his face. All of the members knew that Jinyoung was a smart kid and that he loved school more than the average idol, so they were just as pleased to know that he was given the opportunity to attend university amidst their hectic schedules.


He was making his way to Professor Reynolds’ office when he decided to make a quick visit at the music department. Of course being an idol and a Performance major, he had always found himself wandering in this side of the university.


Making his way through the halls towards the practice rooms, Jinyoung heard the faint sounds of piano and soft singing. It was surprising to hear anyone playing at this hour, in the middle of the afternoon especially on a Saturday where most of the students were usually back home or headed out or laying around in their dorms. And he had been there too many times to know that there was little to no chance that students from the music department or anybody from the arts majors, really, would ever be found practicing at such an ungodly hour except maybe when exams were up or recitals were scheduled. But as he had recalled, there really was none. So being the inquisitive young man that he is, he followed the sound that lead him to a practice room right at the end of the hall.


The closer he got to the room, the more he recognized the song that was being played. Of course, how could he not tell earlier? It was one of theirs. It was a song from GOT7’s earlier albums – Playground. But unlike how it was originally played, this version sounded softer and gentler. He liked it actually, maybe even more than how they did it.


He peeked through the small glass window of the door and saw a girl playing the piano in the corner. He could barely make out her face. He leaned in a little closer, trying to get a better view of the girl. He was a few feet away but he could tell that she barely stood near his height. When he was finally satisfied with the distance he had from her, he stopped and started listening more intently. Her voice was soothing and gentle that it sent shivers down his spine. The good kind though, the same ones you get when you talk to a person you like and their voice just warms you up on the inside. He was enraptured by her singing that he didn’t realize that he was staring at her until she stood up after the song and seeing him there, mouth agape.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know someone was here.” She bowed before rushing out the door. In an instant, Jinyoung woke up from his momentary daze and got up to follow her.


“Hi!” he jogged right next to her, catching up easily. “You are… okay? You play good.” He said in plain English. He knew all those lessons paid off somehow. “You are a student in here?” He continued. Somehow Jinyoung could tell that she didn’t know him.


“Thank you. I guess. And yes, I’m a new student here. I’m from the States. My name’s Marie.” She bowed before offering her hand to shake.


“Jinyoung.” He smiled, shaking her hand. So she really didn’t know who he was. And it entertained Jinyoung too much that he couldn’t just let her off easy. “Come with me. I will show you the area.” He continued, dragging Marie by her wrist.

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Chapter 3: aww this is sooo sweet and what i wish would be as realistic as possible when people meet famous people. lol
just be chill and real with them. don't treat them any different... just be polite and nice with manners.
anyways, i love it, and it's refreshing to read. =] keep it up!!
70V3LY #2
Chapter 3: Super cute! I love what you did here! Feels so real :)