Cover Up!

Cover Up! - Sunggyu

Chlorinated water filled your nose as you stepped out from the Infinite van and looked at the water park before you. Water rushed down the slides and  little kids laughed and screamed in the cool water. All seven members happily filed out of the small van, grabbing their towels all eight of you headed to turn in your tickets for the day of fun ahead of you.

The large, hot sun beat down on everyone as they played in the water. It was a perfectly hot day to spend at the water park. Stepping inside of the big iron gates to the park, you looked around at the large water park, your eyes darted around, seeing the kiddy pool to the large slides that shot someone practically vertical before they went into a pool.

"What are we waiting for? Let’s go!" Dongwoo pulled on Hoya’s hand

"We have to decide which ride to go on first" Hoya pulled him back to the group as everyone placed their towels under a tree.

"You also have to put on your sunscreen too" Sunggyu reminded all of them, tossing a few bottles of sunscreen to some of the members.

Dongwoo and Hoya both took off their shirts as they rubbed the sunscreen over their skin, Myungsoo and Sungjong rubbed the sunscreen on each others backs, Woohyun’s got Sungyeol’s face and neck, while Sunggyu rubbed some on his arms.

Slipping off your sandals, you lifted your white crochet beach dress over your head, exposing your white strapless bikini. Tossing your beach dress under the tree along with the towels, you pulled your hair into a ponytail before you nudged Sunggyu with your shoulder

"Don’t hog it all" You giggled, squirting some sunscreen in your hands, you moved the lotion over your legs, stomach, arms and shoulders.

"Sunggyu, can you get my back for me?" You turned around and held your hair while he put some lotion in his hands and nodded.

His eyes noticing the white strapless bikini that you wore, his hands started to shake while he applied the lotion onto your back and your neck. Looking around at the other members to try and distract him from his beautiful girlfriend. Noticing some of the member’s eyes looking at his girlfriend, he shot them a deathly glare.

"A-All done" Sunggyu stuttered before the members placed all of their belongings under the tree.

"Where should we go first?" You questioned the members with a smile curling on your face.

"We should at least get all wet first" Sungyeol smiled and offered as the member nodded.

"How about the wave pool?" Woohyun suggested brightly.

"Of course! Let’s go!" Nodding your head, you happily started to walk over to the wave pool but because of the hot sun hitting the concrete, it seemed as you were walking on hot coals.

Picking up your pace, you and the members were running towards the deep end of the wave pool. Making sure that the water was clear, you smiled and jumped into the deep end of the pool, Hoya, Dongwoo, Sungyeol and Woohyun followed you in as well. Sunggyu, Sungjong and Myungsoo waded in the shallower end of the pool.

Watching you closely and dragging his fingers against the surface of the water, he narrowed his eyes seeing you splash the other guys and the guys retaliating by pulling you under the water.

"Do you think _______’s bathing suit is a little too revealing?" Sunggyu asked Myungsoo while Sungjong started to swim to the other members, seeing as they were enjoying themselves more.

"She looks like any other girl here, but the white color does make her stand out a little more." Myungsoo smiled as he waded in a little further.

The members and you soon came over to Sunggyu and Myungsoo, all of you dripping wet with the cool water and the fabric of their bathing suits sticking to their skin.

"Can we go on a tube ride pleaseeeeeee" All of you sang in unison

"I-I don’t like the scary rides" Sunggyu confessed quietly

"They have a scary route and a not so scary route" Hoya clearified

"O-Okay" Sunggyu nodded as everyone took off in that direction.

Grabbing the large tubes, the members and you had to decide who would be who’s ride partner.

"I want to go with __________" Dongwoo whined, already holding the tube in his hands.

"I want to go with her though~" Sungyeol shot back

"I can go with everyone, just one at a time" You smiled, "Dongwoo asked first, so I will ride with him and then Sungyeol."

Grabbing the front of the tube, Dongwoo and you climbed a countless amount of flights of stairs. The lifeguard at the top of the slide helped hold the tube as you got in the front and Dongwoo in the back, his legs wrapped around your waist as you sat in his lap. The lifeguard let go and you were off at the mercy of the water slide.

Slipping up on the corners and increasing speed at every straight away, you couldn’t help but let out a joyful scream of how much fun you were having.

Sunggyu watched the opening of the tube at pool ending, seeing you come out and the tube turning under you, causing both you and Dongwoo to fly into the water. His heart started to beat faster but Dongwoo wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you back up to the surface.

"That. was. awesome!" You cried and hugged Dongwoo to the side.

Going on that ride six more times, you had gone with everyone who wanted to go.

"Let’s go on the large raft ride!" Myungsoo suggested, with all of the members agreeing to go on the ride, all of you started to head over to the ride.

Four people fit in each tube, sitting with Sunggyu, Woohyun, and Sungjong, sitting between Sunggyu and Woohyun; all of you started off down the ride. With a few bumps in the ride, you found yourself slipping and sliding between Sunggyu and Woohyun. Sunggyu wrapped his arm around you to keep you from sliding and Woohyun did the same out of sheer desperation to hold onto something.

Making it through the adrenaline pumping ride, you jumped out of the tube with Sungjong. Woohyun and Sunggyu took longer to get out of the ride while the four of you watched as the second group of Infinite barrel down the adventure that you had just been on.

Once everyone was down and your adrenaline was craving something a little more dangerous, you looked around and saw the biggest slide in the park.

"I want to go on the Waterfall" You smiled, pointing up to the white slide that was the tallest in the park.

"You can go, we will all watch you!" Sungyeol smiled as you nodded and trotted off to climb the many stairs to the ride.

Standing at the top of the slide, you smiled and waved down at the seven boys that were looked up at you. Getting into position, you slid down the slide as the boys all watched in shock as you screamed and slid into the pool below.

"That was awesome!" Your adrenaline was coursing through your veins as you ran over to the guys. Sunggyu’s eyes widened seeing your bikini clinging tighter to your skin.

"Was it scary?" Sungjong asked you

"Well once you were laying down and actually on it, it wasn’t too bad" You beamed

"Let’s go on another ride!" Dongwoo chimed as he started to run off to the lazy river.

"Come on Sunggyu" You tried to pull him towards the ride.

"I want to sit out on this one" Sunggyu replied causing everyone to stop and look back at Sunggyu.

"But this is the perfect ride for you, it is slow and it is lazy, just like you" Hoya commented.

"You guys go" Sunggyu waved his hand at the guys, following his orders they nodded, however when you tried to follow the guys, Sunggyu grabbed your hand.

"Can you stay with me?" He pleaded softly. Looking over your shoulder at the boys, you saw them happily running to the ride before looking back at Sunggyu. Nodding your head gently, he unwrapped the towel from around his waist as he laid it over your shoulders.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Sunggyu questioned you, nodding your head, you headed towards a nearby bench as the sun started to dry the droplets of water on your skin.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" You looked up at him and let the towel fall from your shoulders. Leaning over, he pulled the towel back up onto your shoulders.

"Why would you wear a swimsuit like that around all of us guys?" Sunggyu bashfully asked, his head dropped and his hands playing with the drawstring on his swim shorts.

"Well… I wanted to just show you but when the other guys caught wind that we were going, I didn’t have time to go change." You confessed

The silence filled between the two of you as you felt this nagging inside of you.

"Sunggyu, I bought this suit for you. I wanted to show myself off for you" You felt your cheeks tint to a cherry red.

"Y-You wore that for m-m-me?" Sunggyu’s eyes finally met yours again and this time his eyes held a different feeling in them then before.

Nodding your head to answer his question you slightly smiled, moving over beside him, you wrapped your arms around him, wrapping around the two of you. His hands gently slid around your sides and rested on your back while he held you close to him.

"Just wear this suit when it is just you and me next time" He whispered against your ear before he kissed it softly and rubbed his thumbs against your soft skin.

Pulling away from the hug before the other members came back, he now had a bright yet slightly embarrassed smile on his face. Enjoying the rest of the day with the Infinite members, and your boyfriend, you wouldn’t have spent that warm summer day any other way.

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nabi_devi #1
Chapter 1: hehehe he would be like that but I would so get a nice bikini just for him!! lol
Chapter 1: awww jelly Sunggyu kekeke ... the plot was fun, I was already picturing every water game,it would be awsome :)
Chapter 1: Omg. Sunggyuu. You cutie pie. ; ; And the other members are so cute too. Why why why. Infinite is ruining my life. THey're so cute. This was so cute. <3