A Place Called Home

Unintentional Love

Hyomin:"you want to come with me?" she ask

Jiyeon:"come with you?to your home?" she ask back

Hyomin:"yes,besides i don't want to leave you alone here, anymore.." she winks

Jiyeon couldn't reject it. She wants to be with her everyday so she nodded.

Jiyeon:"okey, it'll be fun then" she smiles

Hyomin:"prepare your stuffs, we'll leave early tomorrow, okey?" she smiles again

Jiyeon nodded. Her head was still hurt but it feels like it fades away whenever Hyomin smiles at her. She fell asleep with a smile on her face knowing that she can be with Hyomin this weekend.

It was early in the morning when they wake up. They prepare their stuffs and ofcourse, they took their warm breakfast. They took a train to go to Hyomin's home town. Yeah, it was so far that it would took them 4 hours to arrived there. 


Hyomin:"hmm?" she looked at her

Jiyeon blushed. It was keep on calling Hyomin. She just stared at her like nothing.

Hyomin:"what?" she ask

Jiyeon:"a-ah....errr..."she show her creepy smile "nothing, i just want to ask if your parents are okey with me staying there...." she looks down

Hyomin:"why are you blushing?" she ask while giggling "youre so cute.." she pinches Jiyeon's cheeks.

Jiyeon:"yah....i wasn't..." she's blushing again

Hyomin:"it's okey, i told them already that i'm going to bring a cute high school girl with me.." she grinned

Jiyeon:"am i cute?"

Hyomin:"yes you are.."

Jiyeon blushed again. She just stayed silent because everytime Hyomin talk to her, she end up blushing.


When they arrived at their destination, Hyomin opened the green gate and enters to a small garden with lots of beautiful flowers. Jiyeon can smell the fresh air, she closed her eyes and feels the scent of Hyomin's garden. They went in and saw Hyomin's mother preparing their meals.

Hyomin:"eomma!" she runs to her mother and hugged her.

HMother:"aigoo, my baby" she kiss Hyomin's cheeks. "how have you been?" she ask

Hyomin:"okey as okey" she laughs "wheres dad?" she ask

HMother:"he went to the market to buy some fruits for our desserts." she patted Hyomin's hair and then saw Jiyeon behind.

HMother:"oh? are you okey?" she talks about the bandage on Jiyeon's forehead.

Jiyeon:"a-ah...ne-ne..." she's stuttering.

HMother:"what happened?" she ask bewildered.

Hyomin:"she got an accident recently, don't worry mom, she's now okey"

HMother:"you should be careful anytime dear, accidents may happened anytime" she said in worried face

Jiyeon smiled. She clearly sees the sincerity of Hyomin's mother. How she wish her mother was like that too. She sigh.

HMother:"come, let's eat" she smiles and looks at Jiyeon whose standing behind.

Hyomin grab Jiyeon's hand and let her sit.

Hyomin:"you would probably loved this, my mother is the best cook here" she chuckled

Jiyeon:"oh, thank you for the meal" she bowed and smiled

HMother:"oh! your father is here" she looks outside.

Hyomin stood up and went to her father whose bringing fruits.

HFather:"aigoo my dear...come and help me carry this" he hands the banana

They went in together and sits on the chair. They started to eat their meals happily. They had a long conversation, and as well as welcoming Jiyeon to their home. Jiyeon felt the real happiness. So this is what we call the feeling of having a meal with your family? she asked to herself. She smiles secretly.

HMother:"you two should rest, i know youre tired by just coming here" she bites some fruits in the salad she holds.

Hyomin:"arasso, we'll be having fun here then eomma" she smiles

HFather:"Jiyeon, you want to come with us tomorrow morning?" he asked to silent Jiyeon

Jiyeon:"ne?ahmm...where?" she ask back

Hyomin:"fishing on lake not far from here" she replied

HFather:"you want to come with us?" he ask again

HMother:"just enjoy yourself while staying here Jiyeon, besides, you two will only be here during weekends." she smiles to make Jiyeon comfortable

Jiyeon:"ahh ne, i would loved to" she smiles

They laughed because they know Jiyeon was still feel awkward. Jiyeon felt confused. Then she laughs along with them


Hyomin was sitting on the couch. She was preparing something. Jiyeon sneaks at her and went closer to her

Jiyeon:"bwa!!" she made Hyomin startled 

Hyomin:"y-yah!" she shouted and her polaroid camera falls on the ground

Jiyeon:"oh! mianhae unnie.." she directly take the polaroid camera on the ground and patted it

Jiyeon:"i'm so sorry, i just want to have fun.." she pouted and hands the camera to Hyomin

Hyomin:"it's okey" she grinned

Jiyeon:"you love taking pictures?" she ask with her aegyo face

Hyomin directly captured it while she had a chance


Jiyeon:"y-yah!" she shouted shyly

Hyomin:"haha! i can't take your cuteness anymore, i do love taking cute pictures " she smiles and waits to the picture to come out.

She waves the picture and looks on it.

Hyomin:"uwaaa...youre so cute" with her puppy eyes

Jiyeon:"aish, " she sit besides Hyomin

Hyomin:"i want to have pictures with you, is it ok?" she request

Jiyeon:"arasso.." she lifted her face to looked on the camera lens. Hyomin put her right arm to Jiyeon's shoulder. There face was so closed at that time then Hyomin smiled and clicks the camera

"CHEEZEEEEEEEEE" then they capture the brightest smile on their face.

Hyomin took the picture and let Jiyeon see it. Jiyeon smiled while looking at her beautiful face

Jiyeon:"i never thought i would be that beautiful" she laughs hysterically

Hyomin:"yah! youre completely happy right now,  and you even look more beautiful with your cute smiles" she pinches Jiyeon's cheeks again

Jiyeon:"i shouldve known that before, so that i could take many pictures with my smile" she grinned

Hyomin:"aiigoo" she smiles while looking at cheerful Jiyeon today.

Jiyeon looked around. She notice that Hyomin's parents are not around.

Jiyeon:"unnie, where's your parents?" she ask

Hyomin:"dating..." she giggled


Hyomin:"haha, yeah dating, they went to market to date each other" she laughs

Jiyeon:"aish.." she looks around again and then she saw piano on the left corner of their house.

Jiyeon:"unnie, do you play piano?" 

Hyomin:"hmm...ne why?" she ask

Jiyeon:"nothing, i also used to play it before, but now i think i forgot to play it" she chuckled

Hyomin:"really? " she pouted "then let's play it together" she smiled

Jiyeon:"no i can't right now" she rejects

Hyomin:"just sit beside me, i'm going to play a song for you" she smiles and grab Jiyeon's hand and went to the piano.

Hyomin sits first, then Jiyeon sits beside Hyomin. She tries to press the keyboard but the sound was failed. She frowned.

Hyomin:"i'll play then" she smiles. Then puts her hands on the keyboard. She played 'Don't leave by T-ara'. It was so beautiful, Jiyeon could only stares at Hyomin while playing piano. She looks so beautiful when she's serious. Her heart melts when the fresh air passed at Hyomin's hair. She was so beautiful, she was so beautiful...her mind keeps on telling her that. Her heart flutters while listening to this song even if it's a sad one. She smiles like an idiot staring at Hyomin. After the song, Hyomin turns her head to Jiyeon and saw Jiyeon's idiot smile.

Hyomin:"haha whats with that face?" she ask while laughing

Jiyeon shook her head realizing that she's not in the paradise to imagine things. She felt embarrassed again.

Jiyeon:"yah.... i was just so amazed by you, and you surely look beautiful when youre serious" she speaks honestly.

Hyomin:"aiigoo.." she wrinkled her nose.


After their dinner, they went in to their room. Jiyeon washed up first then Hyomin followed. They need to rest for tomorrow, Jiyeon is excited to go fishing with her love one. She smiled again. Hyomin's phone rings, she checks on the screen, she saw Woo Hyun on it. She pouted and got tempted to answer that call.

Jiyeon:"jiyeon, it's none of your business.." she turns around. She layed on the bed and still looking on Hyomin's phone ringing.

Jiyeon:"anyways, unnie is taking a bath so i should tell him either" she was gonna press the answered button but the call ended.

Jiyeon:"bweoya?" she pouted. She puts the phone on the bed again then grabs it when it rings.

"hyomin-ah, can we talk for a moment? i can't just let this happen anymore...can we just talk for a while please"

Jiyeon:"ehem..." she clears "sorry sir, but Hyomin unnie is not here. So better call her tomorrow or on the day after tomorrow because she's busy relaxing herself right now." she grinned

"yeobeoseyo? is this Hyomin? wheres Hyomin?" he ask

Jiyeon:"i told you she's not here, just call her next week" she hangs up the phone and smiles

Jiyeon:"woo hyun, could you just get rid of unnie's life?" she talk to herself.

Hyomin went out and brought a first aid kit with her.

Hyomin:"let me clean your wound..." she Jiyeon's hair "it'll be better now" she starts to put some medicine on it

Jiyeon behaves. She tries to lifted her face and saw Hyomin's face was close to hers. While Hyomin is busy on Jiyeon's wound, Jiyeon stares at her lips. Yes, those lips touches hers before. She was curious on how would it feels to kiss Hyomin's pink lips. She shook her head realizing that she's been crazy staring at her lips.

Hyomin:"yah! don't move..."

Jiyeon:"mian...." she behaves again.

Hyomin puts a band aid on Jiyeon's forehead since her wound is now getting better.

Hyomin:"hmmm..." she streched her arms and yawns. "let's sleep now, im so tired today" she layed her body on her bed.

Jiyeon:"arasso.." she layed beside Hyomin "unnie..."

Hyomin:"hmm?" she closed her eyes.

Jiyeon:"thank you for everything..." she smiles at Hyomin's sleeping face

Hyomin:"nah..don't mind it..."

Jiyeon stares at her face again since her eyes was closed. She feels cold, she place the blanket on Hyomin's body as well as hers. Hyomin opened her eyes

Hyomin:"your cold?" she ask

Jiyeon nodded and Hyomin slowly hugs Jiyeon.

Hyomin:"goodnight" she closed her eyes again.

Their face was so close, Jiyeon lifted her face slowly then she glances at Hyomin's lips. She can even feel Hyomin's breath. She thinks she's going to go crazy right now knowing that their face was so close. She pinched Hyomin's nose.

Jiyeon:"unnie..." she pinches it again

Jiyeon:"unnie unnie unnie..." she do it again and again. But no more respond from Hyomin, she fell asleep that time.

Jiyeon:"mianhae hyomin unnie....i made you this tired because of me" she pouted. Then she remembered what had IU said to her in the hospital. She touched her lips and glances at Hyomins..

Jiyeon:"hyomin....unnie..?" she call her again but still no respond

Jiyeon:"you fell asleep that fast?" she pouted. Then she smiled and slowly touch Hyomin's lips to hers. It was warm. She smiled shyly, she kiss Hyomin's lips again and smiled.

Jiyeon:"sweet dreams.." then she sleeps happily.


Early in the morning, they went to the lake where Hyomin talks about. They prepared things that are needed for fishing. Hyomin's father was busy preparing their small boat while Jiyeon busy playing the fishing rod. She swings it happily.

Jiyeon:"dan dan dan dan dan dan " she sings

Hyomin:"Jiyeon palli, we need to get many fish today" she complaints at Jiyeon whose playing

Jiyeon:"arasso..." she smiles

They sitted on the boat. They started to get some fish on the lake. Jiyeon and Hyomin got instructed by Hyomin's father on how to get a fish. They wait patiently.

Jiyeon:"let's have a game unnie" she glances at Hyomin

Hyomin:"sure what is it?" she ask

Jiyeon:"abonim, you want to join?" she smiles at him

HFather:"sure what game would it be?" he ask

Jiyeon:"if any of us will get a smaller fish, he/she should be punish" she grinned

Hyomin:"what kind of punishment?" she ask excitingly.

Jiyeon:"ahmmm...." she thinks of a punishment "ah! the loser  will get a hit on forehead " she gives a thumbs up to them

Hyomin & HFather:"call!" they agreed to it immediately.

They waited again, and Hyomin's father's rod were moving so he directly pulled it and got a big fish

Hyomin and Jiyeon :"UWAAA!!!" they got amazed by Hyomin's father's skills in fishing.

HFather:"haha! i'm surely the winner for today" he laughs again

Jiyeon glances at his fish, it was so big, she needs to get a bigger one. Suddenly her rod was moving. She excitingly pulled it in

Jiyeon:"waa.....this is it! it must be a bigger one!" she shouted proudly

She got a medium one and glances at Hyomin

Hyomin:"waa...you surely lucky today" she said while waiting patiently

Jiyeon:"be ready unnie" she laughs and puts the fish she got in the container.

Hyomin's rods moving. She was startled and tried to pulled it in. 

Jiyeon:"small..small...a smaller one please" she mumbles

Hyomin tried to pull it again, and they got shock when the fish came out.

HFather:"wow! good job hyomin-ah!" he gives an applause

Hyomin:"uwa.uwa!!! i got a bigger one!!" she grinned and turns around like a retarded person

Jiyeon:"yah! stop turning we might flipped here" she complaint

Hyomin smiled to her. And Jiyeon knows why

Hyomin:"the loser needs to be hitted on her forehead!" she quickly hit Jiyeon's forehead that made her scream

Jiyeon:"yah! that was so unfair!" she complaint again

Hyomin's father just laughs looking at them. This two are cute when they are playing. Jiyeon tried to hit Hyomin's forehead but she couldn't, their boat almost gonna flip out and then they froze and laughs again.

They went home happily with their fishes. Hyomin's mother smiled at them and prepares herself to cook the fish they got from the lake. 



Halulu readers ^O^v how is it? hope you like this chapter cuz i'm going crazy right here while reading it again and again hahaha thank you for your support as well as loving my fanfic :) thank you for reading :)


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Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Lol the gif make jiyeon look really like hyomin lover.

Minyeon forever
6ixara #2
Chapter 26: Good one..cute..
*smile non-stop
iamaqueen09 #4
Chapter 26: I just started reading this last night and finished it today.. wow!! I almost didn't notice
that I was reading an almost 30-chapter story. :D Thumbs up for this one. :)

I'm out of words.. it was just so DAEBAKK! :)
RinaYoonJiYoon #5
Chapter 26: Please make more fanfic about minyeon,anyway,good one
JiYeonCuttie #6
Chapter 26: Good Job Authornim .. :D this story is one of my favorite Minyeon story .. :D
Chapter 26: Already the end >_< I really loved this story ^-^Thanks Author! Hope you'll write more fanfics :3
tasya92 #8
Chapter 26: Daebak... the story really nice... good job authorshii.. cant wait for another minyeon story..fighting..
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 26: I can't wait to read your another minyeon fanfic ^^
Such a great story!