Hi guys~~~~

Some Random Announcements

Hello guys! Yes, I know, I was gone for a couple of months and I’m really sorry for that *bows* College is driving me crazy with all of my major subjects (I’m taking up a media-related course) plus this week is my midterm exams week (I’m kinda slacking right now coz I feel like my brain will burst if I grab a book or hand-out from a professor).


But that doesn’t mean I forgot about you guys, okay? I know I haven’t finished Destiny vs. A Promise yet but I had a lot of ideas while I was gone so this entry will be about what stories you guys should look forward to :D


1.Loving A Doll

Summary: A group of friends decided to do a scary urban legend ritual for fun. Things take a turn when the doll they’re using turned into a real person and fell in-love with one of them. When they thought things were fine, the side effects of the ritual began to take place plus the doll-turned-into-person was more dangerous than they expected. Will they finally end the ritual to turn the person back into the doll it used to be or find another way because their friend has developed feelings for the doll-turned-person already?


2.(No title yet)

Summary: A pop group makes a deal with a very powerful being who exercises dark magic. Infinite fame and power were asked in exchange for their souls. When the being came to collect their souls, the group began to do everything they can to lengthen their lives and dodge the being…until one member from the group began to fall for the being.


3.Death at Midnight (temporary title only)

Summary: Death is the bitter, powerful truth that everyone tries to avoid but couldn’t no matter how hard they try. ..unless you are Death’s lover.



So here you go, guys! I’ve already started on Loving A Doll and Death at Midnight and hopefully I’ll finish them soon, as well as the Destiny vs. A Promise. So please hold on! *puppy eyes* I’ll update as soon as I can, maybe upload a chapter of Loving A Doll. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Any questions or comments are welcome and I’ll answer you all as soon as I can. Love you, guys! <3

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