Chapter 36

The Race of Time

"I'll take you back to the apartment now," Sammul said when they walked out of the supermarket, both armed with several bags of groceries.  "Kate should be back already."

Charmaine stopped right outside the supermarket.  Looking up at him she gave him an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry for troubling you guys.  I know there must be more important things to do than being my personal bodyguard."

Sammul chuckled and said, "We're just doing our job.  Besides I can't think of a better way to spend my day.  It's not often that I get to have lunch with a beautiful woman and go food shopping with her afterwards."

Giving him a bright smile Charmaine walked ahead with Sammul close at heel.  They turned a corner and towards the middle of the block they saw an old woman surrounded by a group of youngsters.  The old woman looked frightened and when one of the youngsters took a looming step towards her, she cringed raising her arms protectively over her head.

"What's going on here?" Sammul shouted and quickly picked up his pace, taking out his badge at the same time.

The youngsters took one look at Sammul's police badge and quickly disbanded.  One of them ran straight in Charmaine's direction.  While trying to run past her, the youngster accidentally crashed into her instead causing Charmaine to lose her balance.  Without an apology, the youngster ran off.  Charmaine fell to the ground scraping her hands.

Sammul saw what happened and rushed to her side.  "Are you okay?" he asked with concern as he took her elbow and helped her back to her feet.

Charmaine seemed dazed at first but the dull aching pain in her palms drew her attention.  She inspected the palms of her hands and winced when she saw several bloody scratches on them.  "Only small scratches," she said with a small smile.

Sammul took out a pack of Kleenex and when Charmaine was about to take it from him, he pulled it away from her.  "Let me do that for you," he said softly and lifted one of her hand and began slowly dabbing at the cuts.  "There doesn't appear to be any glass in the cuts so you should be fine but we still need to disinfect it once we get back to Kate's place."  When he was done cleaning the cuts to his satisfactory, he picked up the other hand and did the same.  At last he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and ripped it in two, tying each piece around her hand.  "I'll carry these for you," he said and picked up the bags that she dropped during her fall.

"It's not necessary," Charmaine said quickly and stretched her hand out to retrieve the bags but Sammul move it out of reach.

"Don't argue with me," he said sternly but then broke into a warm smile, "Come on.  We better hurry back before Kate begins to wonder where we are and come to her own wild and imaginative conclusions."

Seeing the humor on his face Charmaine giggled and said, "I got a feeling regardless of how early or late we are in returning, she'll still come to her own conclusions."

The comment caused Sammul to laugh loudly, "You've known her longer so I'll take your word for it.  Might as well take our time getting back then."

Giving him a mischievous smile, Charmaine said, "I never said I was going to rush back."


Keeping himself out of view, Raymond saw the entire scene and felt a blind fury like no other.  Although he couldn't hear a single word that was said between them, their facial expressions tells it all.  What she does and with whom isn't any of his business but he can't seem to prevent himself from caring or the raging anger that was building inside him.  When Sammul took her hands in his, he almost came out of his hiding place with the explosive urge to literally rip his hands off from hers.  But he didn't.  Not because he was afraid of confronting Sammul but because of what Charmaine might do.  After all, she didn't want anything more to do with him.  Had indirectly told him so when she lashed out at him during her escape and without a backward glance to what happened to him.  If she saw him now would she run from him again?  Or would she run to him with open arms?  The latter was wishful thinking on Raymond's part for he knew too well her dislike of him.  Regardless of her feelings for him, Raymond can't seem to get her off his mind.  Perhaps if he hadn't seen her, he would eventually have forgotten all about her once he left Hong Kong.  But seeing her again only made him realize how naïve he was to think that.

Clenching his fists he continued to follow them to an apartment building.  He waited until he saw them go into an elevator before entering the building himself.  At the elevator banks, he looked at the small square window just above the elevator and saw that they got off on the third floor.  Now he needed to find out which apartment they went to which isn't a hard task for him.  Taking out his phone he left the building.  "Moses, it's me.  I need you to find something out for me.  It's urgent."


Joe walked into the restaurant with Rocky following obediently behind him.  "Any news on Raymond Lam's whereabouts?"

Rocky took a tentative step forward and lowered his head in shame, "Uh-not yet.  The men are still searching everywhere for him.  It's just a matter of time before we find him."

Joe nodded with impatience then poured tea into a cup.  Bringing the cup to his mouth he asked over the rim, "Any word from Bosco?"

Rocky nodded eagerly this time and gushed out, "Yes!  Bosco found out that Charmaine Sheh is staying at her girlfriend Kate Tsui's place.  But it's kind of hard to get close to her.  She is always accompanied by either Kate Tsui or a male cop by the name of Sammul Chan."

Joe smiled cunningly, "That shouldn't be a problem for Bosco."

"Bosco said he'll need a few days to scout the area and then will make his move," Rocky offered quietly.

Joe nodded with acceptance then held a finger up and wagged it for Rocky to lean in closer.  In a deadly whisper he said, "Tell Bosco not to disappoint me again or he'll be asking for it."

"Yes, I've already gave him that warning," Rocky said uncomfortably.  "One more thing Joe.  The cops are now investigating Kenneth's death and trying to tie you to it."

Joe shook his head cockily and said, "Stupid cops!  They would never be able to link me to it.  After all, why would I kill my own flesh and blood brother?  Plus, I already have an alibi.  I was in Macau on the day my poor brother was killed."

Rocky begin to smile and nodded his head vigorously, "Is that why you asked me to get the fake ferry tickets?"

With a sinister smile, Joe answered, "You're getting smart.  If you stay loyal to me I guarantee endless rewards for you."

"Thanks Joe!" Rocky beamed proudly.


Bosco looked up at the building and did a mental map of the perimeters.  There was only one way in beside the underground parking driveway, which was located in the back.  The security guard at the lobby was old and therefore didn't possess a threat to Bosco.  The only problem was getting to Charmaine Sheh without being notice by the two cops who were guarding her.  He was about to enter the building when someone bumped into him.  "Watch where you're…." he started heatedly but trailed off when he recognized the face.  "It's you!"

Raymond looked him over blankly and asked distractedly, "Have we met?"

"You don't remember me?" Bosco asked cheerfully, "You helped me with my car a while back.  I never got a chance to thank you properly."

"No thanks needed," Raymond replied in that same distracted voice and turned, walking briskly away.

"I owe you one my friend," Bosco called out to him and Raymond didn't bother turning back to acknowledge that he heard.  Still shouting at Raymond's back, Bosco said, "Anytime, any place, you need a favor, name it and I'll do it for you."

Raymond continued walking away.  Lunatic he thought to himself.  There are too many of them around.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Love thissss! Thanks for completing!
Chapter 50: Great story.
CharrayLuv #3
Dear Simcon,<br />
<br />
Congratulations on completing another fabulous story! Apology that I haven't commented much. I've been silently following your stories lately. <br />
On "The Race Of Time", I have to say that I am truly amazed with you. You have improved much on your writing skills. You are very detailed in descriptions. Every words, every emotions and feelings of the main casts, even the small little actions that they are making, I am so engrossed and could imagined everyone of them from each and every word that you had written.<br />
Lastly, like most, I love happy endings. I was surprised with the ending. Sad though, but....this is your story.<br />
Anyway, a big round of applause to you on all your hard works!!!<br />
Merry Christmas to all!!
isawse7en #4
nooooo!!! so sad :( but still loved the story!!
charray #5
:(, I'm crying for this ending, but it's understandble, but at least Charm has Ray's baby now so she will be not alone in this life! I <br />
<br />
You are awesome Simcom, thanks for all the hard works, can't wait for your next fanfic, always be your fan!!!<br />
<br />
Love!! And Merry Christmas to you and all your guy!
mewmew #6
Sad that Raymond didn't make it, I hadn't expected for that to happen, but I see where you are coming from. At least Charmaine will always have her son to remember Raymond by.<br />
Simcon, you are an incredible writer, reading your fanfics is like watching a TV series, the intricate plots within your stories is very well written. I don't how you come up with these captivating plots, each plot is unique in their own way, which makes me anticipate each and every chapter. Thank you another brilliant Charray fanfic. Like luvcharray4ever had mentioned, we are fortunate to have a great writer who share the same interest, a Charray fan. Will be looking forward to your new story :D Enjoy the holidays!!!
luvcharray4ever #7
wow this is an unexpected ending but I think it's understandable. At least they have a baby together. I'm a little bit sad butin the other way I'm happy to know you had another fanfic in store for us. Yay!!! Thanks Simcon.!!! Even though I said it before but I cant help to repeat it over and over: I'm happy to found you as Charray Fans. You're the Greatest writter. We love your fanfics and you as well. Cant wait!!!
sightsounds #8
I am again at a loss for words. I never expected the ending but I completely understand why you did it that way. If it were done any other way there would be too many obstacles for the couple. Another amazing fic simcon! I can't wait to start reading your other one!
mewmew #9
A very sentimental scene between Charray, seeing how Ray was willing to do anything for the safety of Charmaine, even if it means taking a hit from Bosco. I hope Ray is able to overcome this hurdle and the doctor has nothing but good news for Charmaine. Just by reading the last line, you have me on the verge of my seat awaiting for the results like Charmaine. Definitely can't wait for the next update, Thanks!
luvcharray4ever #10
aww I love this chapter. I love our charray wonderful chemistry. I love how much he cares for me. Raymond is such a sweet guy. Love this chapetr so much and I really cant wait for the next one. Hope Derek and Moses can save them from that evil Bosco. What had came to him after the death of Joe. He totally turn to a different person. Your story get so good. Reading the part that Raymond gave Charmaine a peck on her cheek make me feel like I was on 9th cloud, How's sweet!!!!!. Thanks for the wonderful update.!!!!!!