Chapter 34

The Race of Time

Ron made it just in time.  He saw Kate storming up from around the corner to Joe Ma's house and hurriedly left his car to stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life.  "Don't go in there," he said quietly, his hand grabbing her arm.

Kate gave him a menacing look and hissed, "Get your hands off me!"

Ron shook his head and keeping a firm grip on her arm he dragged her towards his car, "You're coming with me."

Kate slapped at his offending hand and shouted, "Let go!  Let go right now or I'm going to arrest you for assaulting an officer."

Ron ignored her shouts and shoved her into the passenger side of his car slamming the door close.  Kate immediately tried to open the door but found it locked.  He knew she would do that and had switched on the child safety locks before he came to get her.  He saw the rage on her face and giving her a smug smile he sauntered over to the driver's side.

The moment the driver's side door was open Kate began spewing out a string of curses at him, "You animal!  Bastard!  Filth!  What do you think you're doing?"

Ron wasn't daunted by her words as he slowly and leisurely got behind the wheel.  He then went about adjusting the rearview mirror and checking out the position of his seat as Kate continued on with her cursing.  After a full minute he finally turned to look at her and said sharply, "Shut up and listen to me!"

Kate laughed snidely, "Listen to you?  Why would I want to do that?"

Ron sighed heavily then looked away from her to stare out the front window, "Because I'm a cop and your senior."

Not believing him, Kate carried on with her riot, "You scum!  Did you really think I would believe you!  Let me out of this car right now or else… or else…"

Ron cocked his head at her and asked tauntingly, "Or else what?  You're going to call Sammul and ask him to come save you like you always do?"

Kate went silent staring at him with resentment.  What he said hit home but how could he possibly know.  It had always been a secret between her and Sammul.  "I don't know what you're talking about," she said stiffly.

"Yes you do," Ron retorted, "You get in the habit of messing things up in your eagerness to catch the bad guys and Sammul is always there picking up the pieces for you.  Don't you think it's about time you grew up and act like a real cop instead of some fantasy cop you see from a movie?"

Kate lifted her chin and looked challenging at him, "You say you're a cop, prove it."

Ron laughed with mirth and said, "I don't have to prove anything to you.  I'm a cop whether you believe it or not."

Kate eyed him warily.  She didn't want to believe him but she couldn't find any reason for him to lie.  Plus he does have the look of an arrogant cop.  "You're really a cop?" she asked curiously, her anger drained and gone.

"Yes and Sammul asked me to talk to you about what happened to your close friends."

Accepting his identity, Kate looked begrudgingly out the window and said guiltily, "I caused Linda's death.  If I hadn't acted out on my own without first consulting Sammul then they wouldn't have gotten caught in this mess.  Linda would still be alive and Charmaine…  I don't even know where or how she is."

Ron smiled and said softly, "Charmaine is well.  Sammul is with her now and they're waiting for us back at your apartment."

Kate turned back to look at him with shock and hope, "Are you telling the truth?"

Ron smiled impishly as he turned away and started the car.  Shifting the gear to drive he said, "There's only one way for you to find out.  Where do you live?"


Raymond walked down the dark alleyway and felt the cold brick walls with his hand for the lever.  He found it after going a couple of feet.  Pressing down on it the wall beside it suddenly opened to reveal a narrow tunnel.  He quickly stepped into it and pushed the brick wall closed, back into its original position.  Sweating from pain and exhaustion he made his way deeper into the tunnel.  He saw the door looming up ahead and hastened his steps.  Before he reached it, it opened from the inside and Moses stood at the doorway smiling with relief.  "What took you so long?" Moses asked with wry humor.

Giving Moses a lopside smile Raymond said, "It's not easy maneuvering around the city with an injury and avoid certain aggressive people at the same time."

Moses saw the paleness of Raymond's face and the blot of blood on his shirt and quickly came to his assistance.  "I didn't think you were hurt that bad."

Raymond was grateful for Moses assistance for he didn’t have much strength left in him.  As they walked towards another door, he said gruffly, "The wound is pretty deep and was healing but I guess I must have re-opened it on my way over here."

Moses stopped walking suddenly and turned to look at him, "Where's Charmaine Sheh?  Did you let her go?"

At the mention of her name, Raymond's face darkened with anger.  Pulling his arm free from Moses he stalked towards the other door and grounded out, "She escaped."

"Huh?" Moses muttered in surprise as he followed Raymond through the door and into a floor level apartment, "How did she manage to do that?  No one ever gets away from you unless you let them."

Raymond sat down heavily on the couch and grumbled, "She obviously did."

Unable to control himself Moses burst out laughing and this earned a glare from Raymond.  Seeing the irritation on Raymond's face made Moses laugh harder.  "I'm sorry.  It's just that… well you're always so cool and unfeeling.  Nothing ever sets you off no matter how frustrating or dangerous the situation is.  But now, here you are, getting all uptight over a woman.  I never thought I see this day."

"I don't want to talk about her," Raymond said quietly while he slowly began to peel his blood soaked shirt off.  "And I hope I never have to see her again."

Looking closely at Raymond and seeing the underlying conflict on his face Moses asked softly, "Is that what you really want – to never see her again?"

Raymond's eyes lifted to Moses and he answered, "Yes.  As a matter of fact I think I'm going to leave town as soon as possible."

Moses sat down beside Raymond and patted his knee in a father-like gesture.  "You know Ray, we've known each other for over a decade now and I admit, you're the best in what you do but you're also too cold and too unfeeling, like a robot.  Lately, you've been talking more and I finally get to see some emotions in you that make you human.  I like it and I think it's because of Charmaine Sheh.  If you love her I think you should…"

Standing up abruptly Raymond said curtly, "I've already said I don't ever want to see her again."

Moses knew that was a lie but since it wasn't any of his business he didn't pursue it.  Changing the topic he said, "Sit back down and let me take care of the wound for you."

Raymond retook his position on the couch while Moses tended to his wound.  Moses chatted non-stop about everything from the weather to Derek's family life.  Raymond wasn't really paying attention.  He only nodded every once in awhile to show Moses that he was.  His thoughts kept returning to the last scene he had with Charmaine and with it came an emptiness.  The exact same feeling he had when he lost his parents.  Damn her! he kept thinking, Damn her! for making him miss her even when he didn't want to see her again.


Joe, Rocky and Bosco returned to Joe's house.  Flinging Bosco onto the couch, Joe turned to Rocky and instructed, "Send some men out there looking for Raymond Lam.  He must still be in the area and I want him found.  Dead or alive, it doesn't matter."

'"Yes Joe!" Rocky said then hurried out of the room.

Alone with Bosco, Joe turned his cold eyes at the younger man, "What have you got to say for yourself?"

Bosco trembled under Joe's flinty eyes and with the last of his tears gone, he stammered, "I-I'm sorry J-Joe.  It's just that K-Ken… w-we were…"

"Enough!" Joe bellowed.  He bent over Bosco's shivering form and sneered, "You messed up this time.  A big mistake.  But I'm willing to give you another chance."

"W-What do y-you want me t-to do?" Bosco asked shakily.  He felt his blood turned cold seeing the crazed gleam in Joe's eyes.

Giving Bosco a warm smile, Joe sat down beside him and said softly, "Charmaine Sheh is no longer with Raymond Lam.  She's with the police now but I'm sure you'll think of a way to take her right from under their noses.  Do you think you can do that?"

Bosco heard the silent command in Joe's words and quickly nodded his head, "I'll get it d-done."

"Good," Joe said softly then hardening his eyes he said silkily, "Because whether you live or not depends on it."

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HottestVIPSone #1
Love thissss! Thanks for completing!
Chapter 50: Great story.
CharrayLuv #3
Dear Simcon,<br />
<br />
Congratulations on completing another fabulous story! Apology that I haven't commented much. I've been silently following your stories lately. <br />
On "The Race Of Time", I have to say that I am truly amazed with you. You have improved much on your writing skills. You are very detailed in descriptions. Every words, every emotions and feelings of the main casts, even the small little actions that they are making, I am so engrossed and could imagined everyone of them from each and every word that you had written.<br />
Lastly, like most, I love happy endings. I was surprised with the ending. Sad though, but....this is your story.<br />
Anyway, a big round of applause to you on all your hard works!!!<br />
Merry Christmas to all!!
isawse7en #4
nooooo!!! so sad :( but still loved the story!!
charray #5
:(, I'm crying for this ending, but it's understandble, but at least Charm has Ray's baby now so she will be not alone in this life! I <br />
<br />
You are awesome Simcom, thanks for all the hard works, can't wait for your next fanfic, always be your fan!!!<br />
<br />
Love!! And Merry Christmas to you and all your guy!
mewmew #6
Sad that Raymond didn't make it, I hadn't expected for that to happen, but I see where you are coming from. At least Charmaine will always have her son to remember Raymond by.<br />
Simcon, you are an incredible writer, reading your fanfics is like watching a TV series, the intricate plots within your stories is very well written. I don't how you come up with these captivating plots, each plot is unique in their own way, which makes me anticipate each and every chapter. Thank you another brilliant Charray fanfic. Like luvcharray4ever had mentioned, we are fortunate to have a great writer who share the same interest, a Charray fan. Will be looking forward to your new story :D Enjoy the holidays!!!
luvcharray4ever #7
wow this is an unexpected ending but I think it's understandable. At least they have a baby together. I'm a little bit sad butin the other way I'm happy to know you had another fanfic in store for us. Yay!!! Thanks Simcon.!!! Even though I said it before but I cant help to repeat it over and over: I'm happy to found you as Charray Fans. You're the Greatest writter. We love your fanfics and you as well. Cant wait!!!
sightsounds #8
I am again at a loss for words. I never expected the ending but I completely understand why you did it that way. If it were done any other way there would be too many obstacles for the couple. Another amazing fic simcon! I can't wait to start reading your other one!
mewmew #9
A very sentimental scene between Charray, seeing how Ray was willing to do anything for the safety of Charmaine, even if it means taking a hit from Bosco. I hope Ray is able to overcome this hurdle and the doctor has nothing but good news for Charmaine. Just by reading the last line, you have me on the verge of my seat awaiting for the results like Charmaine. Definitely can't wait for the next update, Thanks!
luvcharray4ever #10
aww I love this chapter. I love our charray wonderful chemistry. I love how much he cares for me. Raymond is such a sweet guy. Love this chapetr so much and I really cant wait for the next one. Hope Derek and Moses can save them from that evil Bosco. What had came to him after the death of Joe. He totally turn to a different person. Your story get so good. Reading the part that Raymond gave Charmaine a peck on her cheek make me feel like I was on 9th cloud, How's sweet!!!!!. Thanks for the wonderful update.!!!!!!