Chapter 31

The Race of Time

Jumping up Charmaine ran to the front door and cried frantically, "It sounded like it came from my apartment!"

Raymond was beside her in an instant.  Holding her still by the arms he said soothingly, "Maybe it didn't.  Maybe it came from a neighbor's TV."  With a light smile, he added, "Some people like to turn the TV on real loud."

"I have to make sure that Linda is alright," Charmaine said firmly then pushed his hands off her and attempted to open the door but Raymond was quick and stopped her from doing so.

Clasping her wrists tightly in his hands, he said sternly, "Have you forgotten we're in hiding?"  Seeing the resigned look on her face he put in softly, "Let's wait and see if we hear it again."

"But what if it's not the TV and something has happened to Linda," Charmaine sobbed with fear and anxiety.  The not knowing was killing her and it showed on her face.

Seeing the agony on her face tore at Raymond but he wasn't going to give in.  When he heard the scream he had already known it came from her apartment but he couldn't tell her that.  Knowing how she is, she would immediately run over and into whatever was happening over there.  And Raymond had the disturbing feeling it was connected to Joe Ma.  Looking down at her he said, "I promise if we hear another scream, I'm going to personally go over and check on your friend.  But until we do, let's just have some patience and wait."  Hopefully, there'll be no more noises coming from there.  He has not fully recovered from his wound and didn't want to take the risk of endangering their lives if Joe Ma was truly behind the scream they heard.  He knows he's being selfish right now but nothing matters more than Charmaine's safety.

Charmaine knew better than to argue with Raymond.  Once his mind was set nothing she said or did could change it.  Nodding dully she allowed him to propel her back to the couch.  However, when he was about to restart the movie, she took the remote out of his hand and turned it off instead.


Joe zipped up his pants as he stepped away from Linda's sprawled, unmoving body.  He cast a glance over at Kenneth, who was tied and lying dazed and disoriented on the floor.  With a smirk he sauntered over and nudged Kenneth in the stomach with a foot, "Do you want a turn with her, my dear sweet brother?"

Kenneth snapped back to reality and with a growl he struggled against the restraints that held him in place.

Joe squatted down beside him and chuckled, "Is that a yes or no?  If not then I'm sure Rocky would love to have a go at her, isn't that right Rocky?"

Rocky nodded eagerly, his lips.

"Don't you dare!" Kenneth shouted and his gaze turned to Linda.  Linda had now slid off the table and was cowered underneath it.  Her knees were drawn up to her chest, her face streaked with tears and the look of terror on her face broke Kenneth's heart.  He snapped his eyes to Joe and said in a deadly tone, "I'm going to kill you for what you've done."

"Kill me?" Joe laughed loudly, "How when I'm going to get to you first."  Joe stood up and walked over to the couch where he sat back lazily against it.  Giving Rocky a sly smile he said, "What are you waiting for?  Go and have your fun."

Rocky smiled with excitement as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation, "Thanks Joe!"  He eagerly went over to Linda and dragged her, clawing and kicking, out from under the table.

"No," Linda sobbed, "No more."  She clawed at his offensive hands and kicked out in all directions but was still not a match for the muscular Rocky.  Rocky lifted her back onto the table and shoved her face down onto it.  Pressing one hand into her back hurtfully to keep her steady, he used the other to fumble with his belt.

Bosco was disgusted by what Joe did and what Rocky was going to do.  Swallowing the bile in his throat he slowly moved towards where Kenneth lay squirming on the floor.  Casting a peek at Joe, he was relieved that Joe's attention was fixated on Rocky and was even goading Rocky on with shouts of lewd encouragements.  It was now or never Bosco thought.  A few more steps and he would be close enough to free Kenneth.  Keeping an eye on Joe, Bosco continued on.  Seconds later, he arrived beside Kenneth.  Giving Joe one last glance he bent and undid the binds that held Kenneth.

"Stop moving!" Rocky snarled and brutally slapped the back of Linda's head.  Linda moaned with pain and dropped heavily onto the table.

Meanwhile, Kenneth sprang up as soon as the ties were gone and charged towards Rocky.  Rocky had just managed to his pants when a weight slammed against him, causing him to topple to the floor.

Kenneth quickly pulled Linda off the table and threw her trembling body behind him before turning to face Joe.

"You make me very sad," Joe said softly as he advance towards them, gun in hand and aimed at them.  "I've tried to do my best for you and what do I get in return?  Your dishonesty and your betrayal."

Holding Linda protectively in his arms, Kenneth faced Joe bravely and said with raging emotion, "You're not really going to kill me.  I am your brother!  No matter how evil you are, you're not going to kill your own blood brother!"

There was a strange wetness in Joe's eyes as he contemplated Kenneth's words.  With a dramatic sigh he lowered the gun and said faintly, "You're right.  You're my blood brother and it shouldn't be this way between us."

Kenneth saw the remorse on Joe's face and visibly relaxed.  Thinking that he had somehow miraculously persuaded Joe from doing the unthinkable, Kenneth turned to give Linda a reassuring look and didn't see the sudden dangerous gleam in Joe's eyes.

In a flash Joe lifted his gun and pulled the trigger.  The bullet went through Kenneth's chest and with a look of shock on his face, Kenneth fell dead to the floor.

"Ken!" Linda screamed, "Ken!"


Raymond and Charmaine both heard the gunshot and jumped up from the couch.  Seconds later they heard a loud female scream.  Charmaine recognized it as Linda's voice.  She instantly bolted to the door.

Raymond was right behind her and pushed her roughly away from it, "Don't!"

"Didn't you hear her scream?" Charmaine cried out in anguish, "I have to help her!"  She pushed at him but Raymond wouldn't budge from the door.  "Please," she pleaded, groping around him for the doorknob.

Raymond grabbed her shoulders and with force shoved her backwards, "You're not going anywhere!" he grounded out and gave her a dark menacing look.

Ignoring his thunderous expression, Charmaine again tried for the door, "I have to!  I have to help her!"

Raymond fought with Charmaine to keep her hands away from the doorknob without seriously hurting her.  Perhaps because of his tenderness towards her, she was able to maneuver the door open.


"We have to leave now!" Rocky said with urgency.  The gunshot was loud enough to alarm the entire building and surely the police were on the way over.  "Let's go Joe!"

Joe flicked his eyes over at Bosco who had crumpled to the ground in tears then to Linda who appeared to be in shock staring with empty eyes at the dead body of Kenneth.  "Give me a second."

Rocky opened the door halfway and didn't notice that the door of the apartment across the hall was opened.  Neither was he aware that Raymond and Charmaine were looking in his direction and had a clear view of Joe and Linda.  "Joe, hurry!" Rocky pressed as he wondered what Joe was up to.

Joe pointed his gun at Linda and fired.

"No!  Linda!" Charmaine screamed at the top of her lungs.  Without hesitation Raymond brought his hand down hard on the side of her neck.  Charmaine fainted right away, falling into his ready arms.  Without a second to spare, Raymond slammed the door closed and lifted her.  Throwing her over his shoulder he ran towards the window at the back of the apartment.

Joe heard her scream and his eyes snapped to the door that had just slammed closed.  Taking long hurried strides he walked past Rocky, "I found the real target."

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HottestVIPSone #1
Love thissss! Thanks for completing!
Chapter 50: Great story.
CharrayLuv #3
Dear Simcon,<br />
<br />
Congratulations on completing another fabulous story! Apology that I haven't commented much. I've been silently following your stories lately. <br />
On "The Race Of Time", I have to say that I am truly amazed with you. You have improved much on your writing skills. You are very detailed in descriptions. Every words, every emotions and feelings of the main casts, even the small little actions that they are making, I am so engrossed and could imagined everyone of them from each and every word that you had written.<br />
Lastly, like most, I love happy endings. I was surprised with the ending. Sad though, but....this is your story.<br />
Anyway, a big round of applause to you on all your hard works!!!<br />
Merry Christmas to all!!
isawse7en #4
nooooo!!! so sad :( but still loved the story!!
charray #5
:(, I'm crying for this ending, but it's understandble, but at least Charm has Ray's baby now so she will be not alone in this life! I <br />
<br />
You are awesome Simcom, thanks for all the hard works, can't wait for your next fanfic, always be your fan!!!<br />
<br />
Love!! And Merry Christmas to you and all your guy!
mewmew #6
Sad that Raymond didn't make it, I hadn't expected for that to happen, but I see where you are coming from. At least Charmaine will always have her son to remember Raymond by.<br />
Simcon, you are an incredible writer, reading your fanfics is like watching a TV series, the intricate plots within your stories is very well written. I don't how you come up with these captivating plots, each plot is unique in their own way, which makes me anticipate each and every chapter. Thank you another brilliant Charray fanfic. Like luvcharray4ever had mentioned, we are fortunate to have a great writer who share the same interest, a Charray fan. Will be looking forward to your new story :D Enjoy the holidays!!!
luvcharray4ever #7
wow this is an unexpected ending but I think it's understandable. At least they have a baby together. I'm a little bit sad butin the other way I'm happy to know you had another fanfic in store for us. Yay!!! Thanks Simcon.!!! Even though I said it before but I cant help to repeat it over and over: I'm happy to found you as Charray Fans. You're the Greatest writter. We love your fanfics and you as well. Cant wait!!!
sightsounds #8
I am again at a loss for words. I never expected the ending but I completely understand why you did it that way. If it were done any other way there would be too many obstacles for the couple. Another amazing fic simcon! I can't wait to start reading your other one!
mewmew #9
A very sentimental scene between Charray, seeing how Ray was willing to do anything for the safety of Charmaine, even if it means taking a hit from Bosco. I hope Ray is able to overcome this hurdle and the doctor has nothing but good news for Charmaine. Just by reading the last line, you have me on the verge of my seat awaiting for the results like Charmaine. Definitely can't wait for the next update, Thanks!
luvcharray4ever #10
aww I love this chapter. I love our charray wonderful chemistry. I love how much he cares for me. Raymond is such a sweet guy. Love this chapetr so much and I really cant wait for the next one. Hope Derek and Moses can save them from that evil Bosco. What had came to him after the death of Joe. He totally turn to a different person. Your story get so good. Reading the part that Raymond gave Charmaine a peck on her cheek make me feel like I was on 9th cloud, How's sweet!!!!!. Thanks for the wonderful update.!!!!!!