Chapter 29

The Race of Time

Raymond slid his arms around Charmaine's waist and across her back, pulling her in towards him as he continued to kiss her with a growing passion that excited and alarmed him at the same time.  He can't seem to get enough of her and the scent of her filled his senses, driving his raging desire up to another level.  His hands roamed her back while his lips continued to taste and play with .

Charmaine melted under his plundering kiss and with a passion meeting his, she kissed him back.  She felt his arms tighten around her waist as he half guided and half lifted her in the direction of his bedroom.  She felt the softness of his bed behind her knees and with gentle pressure Raymond eased her down to lie in the center of it, his mouth never leaving hers.

Moments later, Raymond lifted his mouth slightly to murmur against her lips, "You are so beautiful.  I can't help but want you."

Charmaine stared up into the liquid fire of his eyes and felt her entire being heat up under his hot gaze.  Fighting back the nervous tension that was building inside her, she asked hesitantly, "Is this what you want from me…only to… to sleep with me?"

Raymond's expression was grave as he stared down at her.  In an achingly tender voice he asked, "What do you think Dr. Sheh?"

"I don't know," Charmaine responded timidly, her eyes searching his face as if she could find her answer there.  "Is it?" she asked awkwardly.

Raymond smiled when he saw the flush on her face.  With a finger he traced the outline of and said huskily, "Yes and more."

"What more do I have to offer you?" Charmaine asked with wonder.

Raymond smiled and with eyes boring into hers said softly, "You have more to offer than anyone I know."

"I don't think I understand what you're trying to say," Charmaine said faintly, painfully aware of his warm hands caressing her arms and the feelings he was evoking in her.

Raymond dropped a lingering kiss on then murmured, "I don't want to talk anymore," before capturing her lips in a spellbinding kiss.

Charmaine was still confused by what he meant but she couldn't seem to concentrate on it any longer for Raymond was already kissing her again and his kisses were like drugs, making her mindless, dizzy and craving for more.  She heard him mumble something incoherent and soon thereafter she forgot everything except for his lips, his hands and his body.


Kenneth watched as Linda packed away the last of her personal belongings into the large suitcase he had purchased for her a few short hours ago.  "Should I buy another one?" he teased lightly when she pushed and shoved to make the suitcase close.

Linda giggled childishly and throwing him a playful look said, "Only if you're willing to buy me the stuff to fill it."

Kenneth chuckled at her witty response and got up from the sofa to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.  "Just one more day and we'll be gone from here forever."

Linda turned in his arms and s her own arms around his neck.  Looking at him she asked softly, "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

When Kenneth first got the idea to run away with Linda, he was all for it.  Then he had his doubts about whether they would actually get away from Joe.  Now seeing Linda looking up at him as if he was some sort of Godsend hero, he knew without a doubt that he made the right decision.  He would ensure with his own life that Joe would never be able to track them down.  "I'm positive.  I won't stand back and allow Joe to harm you," he said firmly.  Then with a gentle smile on his face he said lightly, "Besides I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Linda smiled in return at his words but her smile faded as she crossed over to the window to look out at the starry night.  "Can we actually get away from your brother?" she asked forlornly.  She had learned first hand how cruel and demented Joe Ma is and also how resourceful he can be.  She didn't want anything to happen to Kenneth because of her.  He had come to mean so much to her.

Kenneth walked to stand behind her and pulled her back to lean against him.  "Don't worry," Kenneth assured.  "I told him that you're under police protection and it's hard to get near you.  That buys us the time we need to get our things together before we leave.  And once we get on the plane there's no way he can stop us.  Even he's not that powerful to stop an entire airplane from taking off."

Linda tilted her head and seeing the confidence on his face, she nodded, "I'll be ready when you say the word."

Kenneth bent and planted a small kiss on her forehead.  "In the meantime, how about cooking something to eat?  I'm starving."

"You're always starving!" Linda teased.

Laughing, Kenneth followed her into the kitchen and said cheerfully, "That's because being with you makes me happy and being happy makes me hungry."

Directly downstairs the apartment building a lone man stood staring up into their apartment with a grim expression.  With slow movements he took out his cell phone and pressed a series of numbers.  "Joe, it's me.  I followed Kenneth like you told me to and your suspicions are right.  He's at Linda Chung's apartment and they seem pretty close.  Tell me what I should do next."


Joe placed his cell phone back into the inside pocket of his jacket.  Fuming with the news he had just received, he turned angrily to look at Bosco, "I want you to do something for me," he said in a deadly low voice.

Bosco felt himself shiver under Joe's menacing gaze and stammered, "W-What is it?"

Hearing the quiver in Bosco's voice, Joe smiled calmly and said softly, "Tell me Bosco, what do you think I should do to a person that betrayed me?"

"I-I guess it d-depends on how he betrayed you," Bosco stuttered, a bad feeling overcoming him as to why Joe would be asking him this question.

Joe stood up from his chair and walked towards Bosco.  Placing a hand on Bosco's shoulder, he asked in that same calm, deceptive voice, "What if that person disobeyed my orders and took something from me without permission?"

Bosco felt the hair on his back rise seeing the wrath on Joe's face, "W-Well if the p-person is regretful, y-you should give h-him another chance."

Joe chuckled then made a snickering sound, "You're too soft Bosco."  Bosco didn’t make any response as he remained frozen in place while he watched Joe walk away and towards his desk.  Pulling out a small gun from a draw, he aimed it at Bosco and laughed loudly when Bosco paled and cowered back in fear.  "Don't worry, you haven't done anything for me to kill you yet," Joe sneered.

Bosco visibly relaxed as he waited for Joe to continue.

Joe returned to Bosco's side and pressed the gun into Bosco's hand, "I want you to kill Kenneth for me."

"K-Ken?" Bosco cried out with astonishment, "But he's your brother!"

Turning angry eyes on Bosco, Joe snapped, "Because he is my brother makes what he did unforgivable!  If I can't trust my own flesh and blood then who can I trust?"

Bosco held the gun up with shaky hands, "I-I don't think I can do it," he said quietly then cringed back in fear when Joe snatched the gun from his hand.

"Loser!" Joe snarled, "I'll do it myself."  Joe stalked towards the door but stopped to turn back and look at Bosco with annoyance.  "Why are you still standing there?" he growled, "Come with me!"


Charmaine opened her eyes and realized that it was dark outside.  She had slept the entire afternoon away.  The lamps from the streets filtered through the blinds giving Raymond's bedroom an eerie glow.  She snuggled deeper into the comfort of the blankets and encountered a hard male body.  A hard, , male body that belonged to Raymond, her kidnapper.  The memory of what they had done caused her to blush and with it came the realization that he has come to mean something to her and the thought of it scares her.  Carefully, so not to wake him, she moved away from him, wanting to be alone with her thoughts and figure out exactly what her feelings were for him.

Raymond felt her small movements and out of reflex stretched an arm out over her waist, pulling her back against him.  "Where do you think you're going?" he whispered into her hair, his fingers caressing the length of her arm.

"I-I was going to make something eat," Charmaine gushed out, feeling extraordinarily hot every where their skin touched.

"Food is the last thing on my mind," Raymond murmured as he began to nibble on her ear, then traced kisses down her neck and back up towards where his real goal was.

Charmaine was swept away by his kiss and clung to him as he continued to kiss her with an overwhelming passion that made her feel shy by their sudden intimacy.  She broke free from the kiss and averted her face, "I-I'm going to make something to eat," she repeated and gently but firmly pushed him off her.

Raymond dropped his arms from her and sat up in bed as he watched her fumble to get her clothes on in the dimly lit room.  When he saw her shadow by the door he called out, "I'll join you in a few minutes."

Without a word, Charmaine left the room quietly, leaving Raymond wondering what she was thinking.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Love thissss! Thanks for completing!
Chapter 50: Great story.
CharrayLuv #3
Dear Simcon,<br />
<br />
Congratulations on completing another fabulous story! Apology that I haven't commented much. I've been silently following your stories lately. <br />
On "The Race Of Time", I have to say that I am truly amazed with you. You have improved much on your writing skills. You are very detailed in descriptions. Every words, every emotions and feelings of the main casts, even the small little actions that they are making, I am so engrossed and could imagined everyone of them from each and every word that you had written.<br />
Lastly, like most, I love happy endings. I was surprised with the ending. Sad though, but....this is your story.<br />
Anyway, a big round of applause to you on all your hard works!!!<br />
Merry Christmas to all!!
isawse7en #4
nooooo!!! so sad :( but still loved the story!!
charray #5
:(, I'm crying for this ending, but it's understandble, but at least Charm has Ray's baby now so she will be not alone in this life! I <br />
<br />
You are awesome Simcom, thanks for all the hard works, can't wait for your next fanfic, always be your fan!!!<br />
<br />
Love!! And Merry Christmas to you and all your guy!
mewmew #6
Sad that Raymond didn't make it, I hadn't expected for that to happen, but I see where you are coming from. At least Charmaine will always have her son to remember Raymond by.<br />
Simcon, you are an incredible writer, reading your fanfics is like watching a TV series, the intricate plots within your stories is very well written. I don't how you come up with these captivating plots, each plot is unique in their own way, which makes me anticipate each and every chapter. Thank you another brilliant Charray fanfic. Like luvcharray4ever had mentioned, we are fortunate to have a great writer who share the same interest, a Charray fan. Will be looking forward to your new story :D Enjoy the holidays!!!
luvcharray4ever #7
wow this is an unexpected ending but I think it's understandable. At least they have a baby together. I'm a little bit sad butin the other way I'm happy to know you had another fanfic in store for us. Yay!!! Thanks Simcon.!!! Even though I said it before but I cant help to repeat it over and over: I'm happy to found you as Charray Fans. You're the Greatest writter. We love your fanfics and you as well. Cant wait!!!
sightsounds #8
I am again at a loss for words. I never expected the ending but I completely understand why you did it that way. If it were done any other way there would be too many obstacles for the couple. Another amazing fic simcon! I can't wait to start reading your other one!
mewmew #9
A very sentimental scene between Charray, seeing how Ray was willing to do anything for the safety of Charmaine, even if it means taking a hit from Bosco. I hope Ray is able to overcome this hurdle and the doctor has nothing but good news for Charmaine. Just by reading the last line, you have me on the verge of my seat awaiting for the results like Charmaine. Definitely can't wait for the next update, Thanks!
luvcharray4ever #10
aww I love this chapter. I love our charray wonderful chemistry. I love how much he cares for me. Raymond is such a sweet guy. Love this chapetr so much and I really cant wait for the next one. Hope Derek and Moses can save them from that evil Bosco. What had came to him after the death of Joe. He totally turn to a different person. Your story get so good. Reading the part that Raymond gave Charmaine a peck on her cheek make me feel like I was on 9th cloud, How's sweet!!!!!. Thanks for the wonderful update.!!!!!!