Chapter 1- Their Meeting

Love Sick


Lee Hyukjae or "Eunhyuk" as he preferred to be called is quite excited on his first day of school. You see Blue Light Academy is his dream school, it is known for best in academics and advanced technology, not only that but most of the students who attends in Blue Light are all talented or rich. Eunhyuk is very happy that he got accepted in Blue Light because it is the only school he tried and if he failed he's doomed. But fortunately he's not, he's really excited to make friends not because he wanted to get popular but he doesn't want to experience being a 'loner' and being 'bullied' in this kind of prestigious school, he worked & study hard just so he could pass the entrance and he did not only in the average level but he's quite surprised when he saw his name on the list being first, it means he's the highest among the examinees and he’s glad that he's effort didn't go to waste.


When he entered the school he's already amazed at how big the school is, and when he entered the building he got bewildered at the beautiful and exquisite design that surrounds the school, luxurious furniture’s are lined in the hall way while a red carpet was placed in the main hall. Eunhyuk was simply astonish and it didn't help the fact that he didn't know where to go and what class he should be since no one is around. He didn't know that the orientation for all the incoming freshmen is held in the auditorium that's why he decided to roam around.


While strolling he saw an empty room and since he's bored he decided to kill time by doing one of his favorite hobbies: DANCING.


He's dance was so powerful but full of grace, the way he pop, lock and glide his body around the room is simply remarkable. If someone saw him they might say he's a professional dancer or even think that he's a choreographer but he's not, his movements are so hasty yet visible, his face is full of expression that clearly portrays his emotions and his body screams sophistication and daintiness. His dancing is what others call art but eunhyuk himself doesn't realize all of it because for him dancing is just his leisure pursuit to display out his emotions. He continued to dance until he was out of breath; eunhyuk was feeling so good since it’s been a long time since he danced like that. His body is covered with sweat and his hair was damp, his chest is heaving up and down in fast motion clearly indicating how exhausting it is but if you looked at his expression, he looks serene, relaxed and pleased; even though his eyes are closed a big smile is seen from him. As he continued to lie in the floor he didn't notice that he's slowly drifting off to sleep.



It's past lunch time when eunhyuk woke up from his slumber. He didn't expect that he would fell asleep and skipped class, to think it was also his first day. He immediately fix his hair and clothes and went out of the room, he tried to find where the cafeteria is, but since the school is so big, he was having a hard time finding it, he didn't want to admit to himself that he was lost, he wanted to ask for directions but he's so embarrassed to do so, that’s why he decided that he will just continue to look for it. 


After 15 minutes of searching, he finally found the cafeteria and he's once again taken aback at what he saw. The cafeteria looks like a restaurant, eunhyuk is now questioning himself whether he entered the right place but he quickly let those thoughts disappear as his stomach grumbled, indicating that he’s really hungry and he did. Good thing that he was a scholar student and one of the good benefits of it was the school will pay for all his meals and he was glad that the school values scholar students like him and with that he munch the food that was on his plate and not only he   rece but he returned thrice as he was simply delighted at how appetizing the food is.


After having his lunch eunhyuk still have 10 minutes to spare before the bell will ring and he decided that he should take that 10 minutes to look for his classroom, since its really hard to find it and he did, the moment he entered the class the bell rang and he was glad that he's not tardy again for class. 



It was dismissal time already and eunhyuk was thankful that even if it is his first day he already made friends namely: sungmin and ryeowook. Both of them are friendly and warm, they the three of them already clicked, ryeowook and sungmin kindly tour him around the campus and he was more amazed when he saw the other amenities of the school have.


There's a 6 music room for those who wanted to practice their instruments, 8 dance room, 2 auditorium, gymnasium, 2 swimming pool and 3 libraries and if you look outside you can see the garden and if you look beyond it, there's a lake. Then they have a court for tennis, another court for badminton, a track and field and in the middle of it is where the football players practice, then they have another field for the soccer team. Eunhyuk knew that Blue Light Academy is big, but he never expected it to be this huge.


They looked around the fields and the three of them are blissfully chatting, when they passed the soccer field they saw a group of students playing gleefully around the field, smile never leaves the faces of the students who are running across the field as they tried to block one another. Sungmin decided that they should watch for a while just to kill some time since it's not that dark and their Chauffeur will pick them up a little late.


As the three boys watch the match they are also chatting about their lives, their conversation was disrupted when they saw the students gather around the field and it looks like they are arguing and a moment later one student walks out of the field as he was saying sorry because he have to go home, the students in the field groan in dissatisfaction as their game was postponed, one of them suggested to look for a substitution and they saw one student looked at their direction and afterwards walk towards to them. The three of them are curious as to why the guy was coming to their direction and their silent question was answered when the student stand in front of them, mainly in eunhyuk and asked if he could be a replacement.


Eunhyuk contemplate for a moment then he looks at sungmin and ryeowook asking for assistance. Then ryeowook said "Eunhyuk hyung I would be cheering for you if you would play" and he beam afterwards and sungmin nodded in agreement, when eunhyuk averted his gaze to the student, the student looks at him in anticipation, he decided that he wants to have fun so he agreed and the two of them went to the field. The match continues and as eunhyuk played he can hear the cheers coming from sungmin and ryeowook. He and the student have great synchronization as they keep passing the ball to each other while managing to dodge the opponents block and then scored.


The game ended with the score of 8-6 in favor of eunhyuk's team. Their team cheered and sungmin and ryeowook run towards eunhyuk. The two of them hugged eunhyuk while telling him how great he is and they happy moment was disturbed when someone coughed and as the three of them looked, they saw the student who asked eunhyuk to play smiling towards them, the student said "Thank you for playing and you are great. I hope we could play again some other time" and extends his hand for a handshake, eunhyuk smiled as he accepted the handshake. When sungmin called eunhyuk that was the only time they let go of each others hand and as eunhyuk was about leave to go to sungmin and ryeowook, the student suddenly grabed his hand and asked for his name, eunhyuk was startled but he was able to answer the student "Lee Hyukjae but i prefer to be called Eunhyuk" and finished it with a smile. The student repeated his name and said "Alright eunhyuk, nice meeting you and thank you for accepting my request earlier to play in the game, again i hope we could play again some other time" and with that the student let go of eunhyuk and smile as he began to walk away from eunhyuk.


Eunhyuk was stunned at the beautiful smile he saw that he saw that he didn't notice that he didn't move from his spot, he was only woken up from his trance when he finally realize that the student walking away and if he remembered correctly he still didn't know the students name that's why he decided to call the attention of the student by shouting.


"Wait! Excuse me but if you don't mind I would like to ask what’s your name? I don't think it's fair that you know my name while I don't know yours" he said and the student looked at his direction then chuckled before saying his name  "Junsu, Kim Junsu remember my name Eunhyuk" and with that was the start of eunhyuk's first day of high school.

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Yay, the beautiful start to HyukSu, be it romance or bromance! :D
Stikboi #2
Hmmm... Noe hae in this chapter =( When will he come?? =3 Hyukkie should meet Hae soon rawr~