* Preparation

WHY ME? ~ ask Sora to Leeteuk


Sora now at to her favourite boutique with her stylist. Before shes become an actress, she really hate shopping but now with her new body, shopping is one of her favourite things to do. She take a few dresses from the rack.

" Unni, what do you think about this..? " ask Sora to her stylist.

"Cute... but not suitable for tonight event " her stylist also try to find the right dress from another rack.

" Unni... should I do this? Dont U think all this will waste of time?" Sora sigh.

"Sora.. Sora.. why did U think like that? U must put faith in your manager-hyung.." her stylist keep searching a dress for her.


Sora sigh again.She really confused. Her mind and her heart do not want to work together right now. Tension! Tension! She lost her interest in shopping right now. Startes feeling headaches. Finally sat down on a chair that was provided for her and pinch her head. She started to feel unwell. Sora looked at her stylist and call her.

SStylist : What is it?

Sora : I started to feel unwell.

SStylist : Sora-shi.. U cannot get sick today. Do not be in too deeply, let it all move naturally.

Sora : I do not want to play with other's poeple's feelings. I'm not that kind of person.

SStylist : Sometimes we have to let things move by themselves because the might be a reason behind.

Sora : U think this a good opportunity?

SStylist : Of course! You just need to have fun.

Sora : What if....mmmm.. argh.. its okay, just forget it..

SStylist : I know what you are trying to say... what if u really fall in love with him, right?

Sora drop a heavy sigh when she heard that sentence.


" Sora-shi, I have one suggestion, why dont you call your parents and ask for their opinion..." Suddenly, Sora smile...

" How can I not be thinking of that before. I call them right away" Shes smile again.

" Okay U contact them now, I want to select the best dress for you..." 


30 minutes later:

Sora smile and smile... apparently she all ready has the confidence now. Thank God. Her manager who had just arrived was happy with her condition. Hope all goes smoothly.

SM : This white dress is perfect for you, Sora-shi. 

SStylist : Yes.. this is the one.

Sora : No... I do not want to wear that. From now on, I will make my own decision about WGM. I will show what I want to show without inteference from anyone else.

SM : As u wish my lady. We are ready to obey.. now, U must find a dress and wear it tonight for your husband :D



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Anhyun #1
Chapter 17: omooooooooooo....
sooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeee :) :) :)
Anhyun #2
Chapter 16: let's go to the next chappie then :) :)
Anhyun #3
Chapter 14: be patient Oppa... :) :)
Anhyun #4
Chapter 13: omo omo omo
that so sweet... :) :) :)
Anhyun #5
Chapter 12: omo...
let's go to the next chappie
Anhyun #6
Chapter 11: oooowww...
that's so sweet :) :) :)
I like it so much :) :)
Anhyun #7
Chapter 10: ooooo... so cute... :) :)
Teuk Oppa fighting!! :) :)
Anhyun #8
Chapter 9: soraaa...
please believe Teuk Oppa :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 8: sora is so beautiful.... :) :)
I'm so happy she can join WGM :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 7: oowww...
teuk Oppa you are so cute :) :) :)