
You and I

There was a reason why I fell for you that Summer day 2 years ago. It wasn’t because you were nice to me despite your friends treating me horribly or because you had this interesting laugh that always caught everyone’s attention. There was just something about you that made my heart beat like crazy. I didn’t understand it at first since that feeling was just so new to me but when I finally found out what exactly that feeling was, I knew I couldn’t escape it. It’s been two years since that summer day and now after so long I would finally see you at the end of the aisle.


Do you remember that winter when we went to the mountains to go skiing and snowboarding? That winter you taught me how to snowboard the right way and also rescued me when I had broken my arm after a nasty fall. When you carried me back up to the resort all I could do was stare at your beautiful face and memorize the way it looked. The curve of your eyebrows when you’re worried, the way your nose scrunches up cutely like a rabbit, and your lips that were a little red since you kept biting them. But it was your eyes that I couldn’t stop staring into even when I was losing consciousness. There was something in those dark brown orbs that made my heart beat so fast again like that summer day.


It was during Christmas I felt my heart beat fast again, under the mistletoe in the archway of your family’s dining room. We had bumped into each other as you were headed to the living room and I was headed into the dining room. Before we could move away your younger cousins had all run over screaming “Kiss! Kiss!” Even the adults got into it and before we knew it, your family was pushing us together. I had started to refuse when I felt your hands move to cup my face and your head move closer to mine. I closed my eyes tightly as you moved closer and your family’s cheers got louder. With my heart beating wild I doubted if I would even survive but I did when you pulled away after planting a light kiss on my forehead. I remember hearing your family saying how red my face was but all I could see was you. After that kiss you had started to walk into the kitchen brushing off your family’s words of how innocent that kiss was. That was when I finally confessed to myself that I was in love with you.


“Pia, it’s time” I hear someone say as the doors open before me. All I see are tons of people but as I continue walking I smile widely as I see you. You were the living example of perfection standing straight at the altar in your black tuxedo and purple bow tie. You have the widest smile amongst all your best men and your eyes shone as you stared straight ahead. It was as I walked to the side that I saw that you were becoming teary and my smile fell. I followed your gaze to her. The other living example of perfection. She looks so beautiful in that white wedding dress she wore. Every curve she has was highlighted in her dress and her smile was just like yours. As she got closer I saw how her eyes shone while staring at you. I could see how much she loved you and you loved her. You two were the perfect match and I was just the girl who fell in love with her best friend. I stayed throughout the whole ceremony despite how much it hurt but it wasn’t as painful as when the I hear the priest say, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Amongst all the loud cheers around me, all I could hear was a cracking sound, as if someone had stepped on a small glass object. Maybe someone had dropped something or it was the sound of my heart as I watch you walk down the aisle with her.

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