So What If I'm An Idol

[2PM] Junho: Major Fight

8:30 pm, he was suppose to come home at that time. You check the clock hanging above the T.V and see it’s 2:27 am. “Forget this, I’m going to bed.” You said groggily rubbing your teary eyes. Half way upstairs your phone starts to vibrate, reaching into your pajama shirt pocket you pull out your phone and see it’s your boyfriend. “What do you want?” you tell him robotically. “Jagi… open the door…” Junho slurs. Junho was sitting on the porch swaying back and forth humming “Hot” as he talked with you. Rubbing your temples sighing heavily, you walk back down stairs to open the door for your wasted boyfriend. Seeing Junho standing there with his head lowered you shake your head in disappointment “Yah! Lee Junho! What the hell is up with you!?” You exclaimed. “______, drunk look I do, hm?” He hiccupped as he stumbled in closing the door with his back. 

"Why didn’t you show up for dinner!? I waited 6 hours for you! I thought you were in trouble or hurt! I was worried about you Junho!" you raised your voice at him. "Oh! It looks like I… forgot ______  But don’t worry! I was with the guys and some of their… girlfriends… so it’s…. okay." He slowly explained to you. "Girlfriends? You mean their girlfriends or friends that are girls?" You asked suspiciously. "Uhhhh, the… second one." he answered. You slowly glared looking at the floor trying not to get overly jealous but what he said next didn’t help at all. "You know _______, I had to walk home. They left me… with the girls at the… the….the bar! Yeah, the bar…for the rest of the night. But… it’s okay jagi, we were laughing, and uhhhh…. talking a lot." He happily said as he leaned backwards and forward at you. "That’s not okay Junho!!! Who knows what they did or asked you at the bar! Or if they took pictures or took things from you! How the is that okay to you!?"  You had enough, waiting for hours to have dinner with him, seeing him drunk unexpectedly, and now finding out he was left with women at a bar late at night. You really didn’t expect s to leave him there all alone with girls, so you really don’t know what to think of them now." Calm down _______  it’s not like… they took advantage… of me. You’re just… jealous!" He bluntly told you. It hit you, that’s all it took. He just had to use that word against you. "Yeah! I am! I’m very jealous Junho! You responded sarcastically. "OF COURSE I WOULD BE JEALOUS TO BE HONEST!!! BUT I’M MORE WORRIED AND MAD THAN ING JEALOUS!!! You yelled at him. "Just because you’re "an idol"doesn’t mean every lady you date will automatically become jealous of other women that hang out with you! You hollered at him more. 

"SHUT UP _______!!! Don’t you ever say that! So what if I’m an idol _______  That doesn’t mean anything!! There are guys out there that are far more handsome than me and they get tons of girls so don’t try and use that for an excuse! He shouted back at you. “Junho, I understand that but you’re famous, you have money that girls want to take from you. An image they want to trash, take advantage of you, or just ruin your career! I don’t why you can’t see that! You explained. “You know what; forget this I’m done…” You headed to your room shutting the door behind. Junho stood in the hallway then leaned on the wall staring down at his keys that had fallen out of his back pocket from earlier.

After a few hours of sitting on the couch sobering up he walked up to the room and knocked twice. He slowly turned the knob and peaked in the dim lighted room. He saw you laying on the bed not moving thinking you were sleeping until he saw a bright screen light in your hands. You were watching 2PM videos giggling to yourself about how handsome Nickhun was that day but Junho was funnier. Junho sat next to you watching you smile. You knew he was there but you were more interested in the interview at the moment. As soon as it finished you took off your headphones and sat up next to him. Junho hugged you firmly as he your head. “Jagi, mianhae… forgive me please?” Junho cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead. “I’m sorry for saying those ugly words to you.” You looked at him for a few seconds and looked down at his and your hands intertwined. “I’m sorry too Junho.” You apologized. “So since we’re both sorry can we sleep now?” He childishly asked. You laughed silently and nodded. “Yes, let’s go to sleep Junho.” Getting into the warm covers, Junho hugs you from behind as you feel his warmth. “Junho” you quietly say. “Ne, _______ ” “I-I love you…” you shyly whisper. He blushes in the dark and smiles. “I love you too, _______.” 


Thank you for reading! ^▽^) 

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Chapter 1: He is really too cute even when he's drunk kkkkkk