Very Merry Xmas – TVXQ

Music Ficlets

A/N: this was suppose to be a very quick comedy type fic...but I tend to ramble on to set a scene and it turned into something here you go... Hope you all enjoy this one.

Also props to anyone that can guess the song at the end XD

And, I really like to thank all my subscribers/commenters/and silent readers =) 


Pairing: JJP, Markson, OT7 | Genre: Fluff-galore, Romance


At 10pm the door of Got7’s dorm opened and harmonies of voices flooded into the dark apartment flat. Flipping the switch, light filled the apartment flat, as 7 boys sloppily toed off their shoes. With tired eyes all 7 boys collapsed in the living room.

JinYoung sighed from where he was before sitting up, “I’m ordering food, what do you all want?”

“It’s Christmas Eve, Hyung. Nothing’s going to be open at this hour.” YoungJae mumbled into his arm.

Sighing once again, JinYoung started slapping himself awake, “Ok then I’m cooking, and you’re all going to have to eat whatever,” before walking towards the kitchen.

The two youngest then turned to JaeBum, “Can we start decorating the tree?”

JaeBum grunted a yes, and the two then sprung up on their feet (like they weren’t half dead a second ago) and started tugging at the other 3 members to get them to help decorate. JaeBum rolled onto his side to look over at the scene of his ‘kids’ sorting (& fighting) over the tree ornaments. Getting up, he walked into the kitchen to help JinYoung.

Upon reaching the kitchen, he saw JinYoung already in the middle of making his 3rd plate of food. “Korean and American food?"

"Yeah, I think Mark really misses his family, it's his first Christmas without his family after his debut."

JaeBum nodded in agreement, "I agree, I think the rest really miss thier families too, first time they can't see them on Christmas." 

JinYoung sighed as he dumped in some seasoning into the pot of soup.  

"Need any help?”

JinYoung looked up at the pot of instant vegetable soup he was stirring, taking a spoon, he dipped it into the soup and blew on it before holding it out for JaeBum to try. “Do you think it’ll be too spicy for Jackson?”

JaeBum came closer behind JinYoung, holding his waist as he tried the soup before shaking his head, “Nah, its’ good, needs a little bit more salt though.” JaeBum then stepped closer to JinYoung and reached over him for the salt shaker. Handing it to the younger boy, JaeBum let go to start washing the fruits for the Christmas cake.

The two worked in silence to finish dinner quicker. Finishing the cake, JaeBum opened the fridge to chill the dessert.

Once the table was set, the two ‘parents’ settled onto the middle of the couch before calling to the other 5 boys. Once everyone surrounded the table, all 7 started to dig in. Finishing the meal, JaeBum went to grab the cake, YuGyeom started clearing the table, JinYoung grabbed the eggnog in the fridge that has been chilling since yesterday, Mark was making hot chocolate and the other 3 were sorting out the presents.

As everyone settled in front of the decently sized Christmas Tree and in front of the gift that was addressed to them (they decided go with Secret Santa this year), JinYoung started handing out mugs of eggnog & Mark was handing hot chocolate to the younger members. Once the 2 settled onto the ground, the 7 boys opened their presents in order, starting from the youngest.

By the time presents were open hugs were exchanged, drinks emptied, the members were too tired to leave the living room. The 3 youngest members already sleeping in a messy pile, Mark leaning on the couch was skyping his family as Jackson rest his head on Mark’s shoulders slowly falling asleep.

JaeBum walked with JinYoung into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around the younger male as JinYoung put the dirty dishes into the sink. Cleaning and drying his hands, JinYoung turned around in the older boys’ embrace and wrapped his own arms around JaeBum. Snuggling into each other the two men sighed and swayed to a silent rhythm as the Christmas Tree lights shone into the kitchen.

“Thank You.”

JinYoung hummed before looking at JaeBum, “How’d you know it was from me?”

JaeBum smiled gently towards the male, “Who else would think to buy a camera for me?”

 “The person you love~,” JinYoung grinned at the elder when he felt the grip on his waist tighten.

“Yeah, I love you alright. ...I got something for you too.”

They both let go of each other and JaeBum reached into his pockets to pull out a necklace with a ring attached, blushing he held it to JinYoung. “It’s a little cliché but when I saw it in the shop, I thought of you. I know I can’t often openly show my affection to you…but this ring…I promise you that I will always be by your side, and love you from now, and till the future. My promise to you, to love you and to never part from your side.”

JinYoung looked teary eye at the  present before slipping the necklace onto his neck, and hugging JaeBum. “Thank you. I love it. I love you.”

JinYoung looked at his lover and leaned in to give the male a deep passionate kiss. Running out of air, the two broke the kiss, and the younger snuggled his head into the crook of JaeBum’s neck, JaeBum hummed a very familiar tune and whispered into the younger’s ear “As time passes by, we will always be together,” then he laid a gentle kiss on the crown of JinYoung’s head. 


Picture Source: 1 Optimized PiXel

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Firewish #1
Chapter 36: Omg that was amazing! Loved it~
Cisoon93 #3
Chapter 35: OH MY GOSH!!!! Such angtsy and trashy chapter!!! Way to go woman!!! CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!!
Cisoon93 #4
Chapter 33: No apologies needed with such a cute and romantic fic!!! THANKS!!!!
Leena-shi #5
Chapter 33: This was so cute!! Thanks :)
chenbaek461 #6
Chapter 33: This is sooo cuteee >______<
Minnietmy #7
Chapter 28: Oh my gosh!Can this have a sequel?Love the storyline!Wondering how will JB take take care of Jinyoung when he touch down~~~
chenbaek461 #8
Chapter 32: WHY SO CUTEEE ㅠㅠㅠ