Radio Star – Narsha | It’s You – Super Junior

Music Ficlets

Pairing: JJP | Genre: Romance


“And that was a request sent in by YBear for JBoo, his message for JBoo ‘I know we’re going through something right now, but remember you’re always someone that I will always treasure,’ now isn’t that sweet?

If you have just been tuning in to 2Bam Radio, this is DJ BamBam on FM 95.3 accepting requests for tonight. Also, tonight we will be letting the 10th caller to say their message live, stay tuned we will be accepting calls soon. For now we have a request for Mandu from Dimsum, ‘Yom Dom Cha by MC Jin.’ "


“Congratulations! You’re the 10th caller for tonight, as well as tonight’s last request. What’s your name?”

“Hi, my name is Jr., and I like to request Super Junior’s ‘It’s you.’ ”

“Lovely choice, and your message?”

“…JB-ah. We have been seeing each other for 4 years now. I’m not scared any more, I don’t care what other people think or say anymore. They can point, they can judge but my heart won’t waver anymore. I want to thank you for staying with a coward like me, and staying strong for us both. You’ve always been my rock and continue to be my anchor, but now I want to start being yours, where you can lean on me when you’re tired or sad, I want to let you know you can always come to me; I want to become what you are to me. JB-ah, I love you, I love you so much. I know how much you wanted me to say these three words to you. You’ve been so patient and never complaining nor wavering. I love you Jae-…JB-ah, I’ll say it a hundred, thousand times; because I do JB-ah, I love you.”


"I really hope you get Jr.'s heartfilled message JB. I hope you two can show your love with the world and you two will last for a long time. I hope Jr.'s message inspires everyone to appriciate your own loved ones that are by your side, whether they are your lover, friends or family. This is DJ BamBam signing off for the night, leaving you with Jr.'s request; 'Super Junior's It's You.'

Good night everyone, sweet dreams."


It’s you (It’s you)
It’s you (It’s you)
It’s only you for me (It’s you)
It’s you

I don’t need anyone else, it’s only you for me
When you ask again, it’s only you for me
Even if you already love someone else
I can’t forget you, I can’t turn back around

The moment my eyes began to burn
The moment my heart was deeply pierced with a nail
Without regrets, I chose you
That’s right, it’s you for me

Oh, I
Whatever anyone anyone says
It doesn’t matter to me
Whoever whoever curses me
I’ll only look at you
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you for me
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by

Oh, I
When I tell you I love you
When I tell you thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets aflame, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you for me
(Tic toc tic toc) Even as time goes by




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Firewish #1
Chapter 36: Omg that was amazing! Loved it~
Cisoon93 #3
Chapter 35: OH MY GOSH!!!! Such angtsy and trashy chapter!!! Way to go woman!!! CLAP!CLAP!CLAP!!
Cisoon93 #4
Chapter 33: No apologies needed with such a cute and romantic fic!!! THANKS!!!!
Leena-shi #5
Chapter 33: This was so cute!! Thanks :)
chenbaek461 #6
Chapter 33: This is sooo cuteee >______<
Minnietmy #7
Chapter 28: Oh my gosh!Can this have a sequel?Love the storyline!Wondering how will JB take take care of Jinyoung when he touch down~~~
chenbaek461 #8
Chapter 32: WHY SO CUTEEE ㅠㅠㅠ