
Come Back

I wish you would love me...

Just for a day, for a hour.

Just for you to love me back.

I will always remember your face that night.

That night when you turned me down.

We were at the studio.

It was late at night and i remember being so nervous.

I was preparing all day to confess. 

" I am sorry, Bo-Ra... I cant love you. I love Dara." he said. 

" I am sorry too Oppa." I whisper. 

I am sorry for my stupid heart.

I cant help my stupid heart.

I wish i was you. 

I wish i could let go so easily.

Move on so easily.

" I wish you two luck." I say.

And i meant it. 

I really did. I wish he makes her happy.

Just like he made me. 

My heart hurts allot and i cant breath.

The pain made me breathless. 

" Goodbye, Bo-Ra." he said. 

I listened to the door close and i am left here.


Again, in a empty room. 

"I miss you, Oppa.

Please, come back to me..."

I whisper but nobody hears. 



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Chapter 1: sequel pleaseeeeeeee! hahaha