Chapter 4

Hey Idiot, I think like you.

✖Finally Convinced

Happy Reading ^0^

Zin followed me, "Babe, Babe, Babe."

I turned around, "What?!"

He smiled, "You're cute when you're mad."

Yupp, you guessed it. We were on another 'date.'

"Does it look like I care?" I said pointing to my face.

"Noo, but -- LOOK!" Then he pointed to the sky.

I turned to look at the sky; Nothing.

I turned back to Zin, and he was long gone.

"ZIN! GET BACK HERE!" Then I ran off to chase after Zin.

"Catch me if you can Babe."

I stopped to catch my breathe, "Argh, when I catch you .... I'm going to ... oh forget it!"

I smirked," I'll play even with you."

Then I pretended that I twisted my ankle, "Ow, Ow. My ankle, ow. Zin, it hurts." I whined, as I fell down.

Zin ran towards me, "Babe, what happened? Are you Oka--"

"HAH! I got you! You're so dead." Then I grabbed Zin by his ear."



"Babe, I'm sorry."

I ignored him.

"Babe, I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

I still said nothing.

The next thing you know it, Zin lifted me off of the ground.

"Yah! Put me down!"

"No, you were ignoring me!"

"Aish, Put me down!" I yelled, hitting his chest.

Then he kissed my nose, "Why are you so cute?"

I sighed, "Please put me down."

"Aww, alright Babe."

Then he set me back on the ground.


He chuckled, "No problem Babe."

"Babe, you want to go clubbing? You could meet my friends too." Zin said hugging my waist.

I thought for a while, "S-sure, it can't be that bad."

Zin jumped in happiness, "Yay, then go get pretty Babe. Even though you're already pretty." He said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and nodded.

I changed in to a pink dress, it hugged my body perfectly.

[[ ]]

Zin smirked, "Babe, why are you such a tease?" Then he pulled me closer to him.

I laughed, "How am I, a tease?"

He leaned his forehead against mine, "You just are, trust me."


The club was loud and packed with people.

I grabbed onto Zin's hand so that I wouldn't get lost.

"Oh, so now you want to hold my hand." He said smirking.

I shook my head, "Aniyo! I just don't want to get lost! You're my ride home, remember?"

He chuckled, "I'm kidding Babe, now let's go meet my friends."

Then we walked over to a group of guys.

"Zin! What's up Bro? Woah, who's this?" The eldest said.

"Is she a keeper?" Another one said.

I rolled my eyes, 'Of course, they're all jerks.'

"Hey Hyung, I'd like you guys to meet Lee Sunhee." Zin said smiling at me.

I smiled, "Annyeong, It's nice to meet you guys."

They all smiled, "Wow, she's pretty." A guy with pretty eyes said.

I giggled, "Thanks."

Zin glared, "Yah, she's my date." He said hugging my waist.

"Who ever said I was your date?"

"I did." He said smirking, "Now let's go dance Babe."

Zin brought me to the dance floor.

He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist, so I put my arms around his neck.

Zin smiled, "I bet I already told you this, but you look so amazing tonight."

I looked at him, "Actually, it's your first time and thank you."

He pulled me closer to him, making our faces closer.

"Babe, I'm going to make this easier for you. Just let me be your boyfriend."

I pouted, "Why, Why do you want to be my boyfriend in the first place?"

He sighed, "Fine, I'll confess. It was like love at first sight."

I was shocked, "Really?"

He smiled, "If I really didn't love you, then would I have done this?"

Then he brought his lips to meet mine, then he pulled me closer to him making the kiss deeper.

I broke away, panting, "Zin, I really don't know what to say."

He smirked, "Then why don't you just say yes."

I thought, 'Yes? Should I really? Aish. My head hurts too much to think. He's actually a nice, sweet, caring guy. I guess I could give him a chance.'

I smiled, "Sure Zin."

He eyes widened, "W-what?"

"I said sure, do you want me to change my mind?" I said giggling.

He chuckled, "Babe, you're mine now."

"I guess you could say that."

He pouted, "Say that you love me, since I'm your boyfriendd."

I laughed, "Zin, my handsome boyfriend, I love you.

He hugged my waist, "Babe, I love you too."

My stomach flipped when he said those words.

He smiled, "So, since I won the bet, I won't have to shave my head right?"

I laughed, "No, you don't have to."

He kissed me quickly, "Thanks Babe, you wouldn't like my head bald anyways."

"I like you just the way you are." I said, poking his nose.

"Aww, Thanks Babe. I like-- No, I love the way you perfectly are."

I giggled, then I kissed his sweet lips.

"EWWW! GET A ROOM! GEEZ!" Ghun said as he was fake puking.

We both laughed.

'Maybe being his girlfriend isn't so bad after all. But one thing I noticed, was that after I said yes, the fighting stopped. It's weird how love can control almost everything.'

[A/N] Awwehh ~ They are finally dating xD

But don't think that everything will be all like Happily Ever After, Nope.

Things are just heating up, Thanks for reading


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fallendrops #1
Oh my god.. this is sweet!
zin you're a jerk at the beginning haha
Stalker! Lmao xD
oh god gracious... new reader here ^^v ... i your story... you make me fall in love with zin over and over and over again..... and yeah, zin is my ultimate bias so i was imagining sunhee is ME ! haha.. anyway, update soon !
phagirl #3
update now or else!!!!! lolzz
shinee4ever2012 #4
phagirl #5
aghhhh please update!!! update update update!!! i love it!!!
Hurm , when are you gonna update this fic ? Seriously I'm missing this fic . :( . Please update soon !
Jelokan #7
i would love to see Zin in a movie like this .. he is a romantic guy ~
SOO ! You update this one !! BUT NOT WHERE IS THE LOVE? XD lmfao (: Its K (: still lovin it ^^ Update soon my love :"DDD
BubblyPabo #9
@fairyna978 - Trolol ~ Ikr D: <br />
Yupp, it is a good thing xD
Omg , I almost got an heart attack when I read the part where Zin is yelling at her . Is a good thing that now they are back together . So sweet . Update soon ! ^^