The Meeting, and The Cute Maknae

In The Practice Room

annyong haseyo here's the first chapter i hope you all enjoy


“Yah min…Minnie, you can’t do that.” Jinki the leader of SHINee said as he looked at taemin SHINee's maknae, the five members were practicing in a new room it was much bigger than theirs but it also wasn’t in the SM building. They needed a bigger room because it wasn’t just the five of them this time this album was a special compilation album with two other bands from two other companies. The other two bands also had five members and they were to meet today, the meeting room was actually one floor up but since they were there so early they decided to look around and found the enormous practice room and started to mess around in it. At the moment they were going through ring ding dong and taemin had messed up but instead of stopping he turned his mess up into a y type dance it made Minho and Jonghyun laugh but Kibum and Onew blushed at him rutting his hips "why not hyung don’t you think i look y doing it" taemin said with as much innocence as he could muster smiling at the group 'leader' and 'umma' "that’s not the point baby" key said glad the other bands weren’t here he can’t let them Lear at his son like they wanted to rip his clothes off and deflower him "Kibum is right tae please don’t do that again" Jinki said using his leader voice but at the same time a soft tone he used on taemin a lot taemin looked at the two for a second before he burst out laughing and nodding "ok hyungs i wont" he said with one of his sweet smiles that melted the shawols "yeah, as funny as that was we should probably get going to the room the meeting should be starting soon and i want to get a look at the other two bands coming in." Jonghyun said as he got up off the floor where he had fallen laughing so hard the other four agreed and walked out the room and to the elevator after a short ride they walked up to the door of the large meeting room, it was all set up with a large table to fit at least 25 the fifteen of them, the three labels heads the three bands main managers the company funding this albums' head and one other person there were cameras everywhere and they knew a few cameramen were coming in to film this, the members of SHINee walked over to the window to watch and wait for the others to arrive the first to arrive was a long white van, the driver stepped out the second bands manager then all the doors opened and five guys stepped out they all looked young probably younger then all of them one of them looked like he wasn’t even 21 yet there was a red head a dark brunette a blonde and two with jet black hair one longer than the other the five of them were showing an impressive amount of skinship with their arms around either shoulder or waist and they were laughing only really paying attention to each other as they walked into the building a few minutes later they walked into the room smiling at each other and sat down with their main manager SHINee turned their attention back on to the window in time to see another van pull up this one was black and as everyone stepped out they gave the impression of older people maybe the same age as Jinki perhaps older they were also close there was a short one with black and almost white blonde hair in the style of a Mohawk another that was really tall and he had short black hair jelled up another with short swiping blonde hair another with really short jet black hair and the last with his hair braided back into two long braids with something attached on the end of them they were also smiling and laughing as they walked in, it took them a second to realize it was BIG BANG a second later SHINee’s main manager walked in a smiled at them they smiled back and took their seats next to him when they did the other band came in and did the same. One of the managers spoke up “the heads of the three companies have been held up so they told us to start without them, so as soon as the head of the company funding this shows up, we’ll began.” As soon as the man finished some cameramen came in from a side room with a tall man he was the man whose company was putting this whole thing together “hello everyone, I received the message from the companies heads, so let’s begin with introductions then shall we.” He said as he introduced himself (a/n: i don’t really know of someone who would do this or at least I don’t feel like thinking of a name and since this story is focusing on the three bands were just going do their intros kk’s.) “hello my name is Kang Insoo.” one of them said his dark brown hair was pulled back into corn rolls he bowed low and sat back down the red head next to him stood up "hello my name is Kang Junkyu you can call me JunQ." he also bowed and sat back down a tall blonde stood next he gave a low bow first then spoke "hello my name is Lee Gunwoo, it's nice to meet you." a small kid with jet black hair stood next gave a small bow and spoke with a smile "hello my name's Chae Jinseok you can call me Chaejin though, it’s very nice to meet you all" when he sat with a bright smile the last member of the first band stood as he bowed his jet black hair swayed slightly "hello my name is Kim Seyong" he smiled and sat back down gunwoo stood again and once again bowed "we are MyName" he said with a small smile on his face. a man with a black and blonde Mohawk stood he gave a bow and smirked "hello my name is Kwon Jiyoung, you can call me GDragon." he sat back down and a tall man with jelled up black hair stood next he gave a short bow then he smiled "hello my name is Choi Seunghyun, please call me T.O.P, it’s a pleasure to meet you all." he gave a small smile and sat back down a guy with really short jet black hair stood gave a low bow and said "hello my name Lee Seunghyun but you can call me seungri." he smiled brightly as he sat back down the next one to stand had his hair held back into two braids on either side of his face with some kind of hook attached to the end he was also wearing a bandana he bowed "hello my name is Dong Youngbae call me Taeyang." he sat back down and the last guy to stand was kind of short with black hair that swept into one of his eyes he smiled big and bowed low "hello my name is Kang Daesung, its very nice to meet all of you." he sat down and GDragon stood back up and bowed then spoke "hello we are big bang" he sat back down then a guy with dark brown and dirty blonde hair stood "hello my name is Lee Jinki please call me Onew and its nice to meet you all." he said with one of his sweet smiles he sat back down then a boy with white hair almost tinted purple stood he bowed then smirked "hello my name is Kim Kibum but please call me key, it’s a pleasure to meet all of you." he sat down trade mark smirk still in place then a tall guy with brown hair stood and bowed low "hello my name is Choi Minho it’s nice to meet all of you." he gave one of his heart melting smiles and sat back down then a short guy with bright blonde hair stood gave a blinding smile and bowed "hello my name is Kim Jonghyun it’s nice to meet all of you." he sat back down the last to stand was a guy with thin long legs he bowed low his black hair falling into his eyes slightly "hello my name is lee taemin and its a pleasure to meet all of you and i can’t wait to work with you all." as he said this he smiled his sweet maknae smile that made everyone in the room swoon for him for just a second he sat back down and Onew stood bowed again and said with another sweet smile "we are shining SHINee." he sat back down then the owner of the company sponsoring all of them stood "wonderful now that the introductions have all came and done let’s get to business" he said as he straightened his tie. "Now this whole thing has been set up for several reasons but perhaps the biggest two would be one to bring YG SM and H2 together in a friendly and fun way and the second is hopefully to take a huge step forward in the fight against bullying." He finished with a smile “yes and were honored to be picked as the three bands to do that.” One of the managers said also with a smile “yes of course now I only really have two things left to say to you before I leave you to your own devices, and that would be that this whole thing will be filmed as well as the three individual bands, for the documentary on this project. And the second thing would be to have fun, and I hope you can all get along well.” After a nod of understanding that this will be filmed and bows all around the man left with his assistant the cameramen stayed behind and introduced themselves and told them to just go about their schedule. For a few minutes the room was silent with the three bands watching each other taemin rolled his eyes stepped forward and said “so for the next like two hours were supposed to be getting to know each other and there’s this really cool practice room one floor down want to go there maybe we’ll all be more comfortable there” he finished with his sweet maknae smile that got them all to agree “aigoo taebaby you need to stop smiling like that” key said only load enough for him taemin and Minho who was next to them could hear “but why key-umma I thought you liked my smile.” Taemin said his eyes looking watery for a second “no Minnie it isn’t that, we love your smiles, but we don’t want to share you with the others.” Minho said quickly when he saw the look on the maknae’s face key sent him a thank you smile as taemin threw his arms around Minho and jumped on him slightly making Minho take all his weight “min…minnie careful” Minho said eyes wide not wanting to drop him Jinki laughed at the scene as they came to the elevator “will you two calm down, I don’t remember you guys having any sugar.” He said with a found smile at the two as the elevators opened and the fifteen piled into the three elevators to go down to the practice room floor once outside Minho was no longer holding taemin but they walking close almost bumping shoulders as taemin opened the door to the room and ran in sitting on the floor in the middle of the room and dragging Jonghyun down next to him "hyung sit sit" he said unintentionally using his ayego making the ten new occupants swoon over him once again "ok ok min I'm sitting why don't you see if umma appa and minho will join." he said with a smile then an evil smirk as he looked at the other three members of the group laughing when taemin beamed and ran to the three dragging them as well "Minnie you know i don't like sitting on the floor though" key said getting free of his maknae's grip who turned to him with a pout on his lips and sadness in his eyes key gave in sitting next to taemin "don't cry Minnie of course i'll sit" all this happened with MyName and BIGBANG watching with interest "hm hes got you all whipped" Youngbae said with a smirk Jinki glared for a second before he leaned over and whispered something into Taemin's ear who smiled big and nodded he got up and dashed to the ten grabbing GD's and JunQ's hands "hyungs come join us so we can get to know each other better please" taemin did this with full on ayego making all of them obey as if in a trans of some kind as they sat down they blinked realizing they gave in almost instantly "yeah looks like were not the only ones under our maknae's spell" Minho said with a smirk as taemin settled next to him with confusion in his eyes "what spell hyung what are you talking about" no matter how old or mad he got at being treated as the youngest sometimes taemin didn't realize how he would slip into innocent maknae mode "nothing baby, Minho's being silly again." Jinki said as they made room for the other ten when they sat down in a huge circle GDragon spoke up "so how are we going to do this" he said with his famous smirk. taemin jumped up in his seat "we can play an ice breaker." he said with a smile everyone looked confused but then Chaejin jumped up as well "oh I've heard of those its an American term its just little games you play at parties kind of like things to get to know each other or get close." he said with his baby smile and everyone smiled at him he was adorable taemin smiled as well "neh, neh I've read about them" now both taemin and Chaejin had hopeful looks in their eyes and with both maknae's with those looks it was hard to deny them top sighed "they seems fun lets try one" he said with a smile.


A/N: ok so yes this is technically a cliff hanger but i wanted to do the ice breakers in the next chapter i really hope you liked this one and that you'll like the next one please comment what you thought and if you think I've messed something up i know the characters are a little ooc I'm sorry I'm working on it for now annyong

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kimminseok96 #1
Nice story ^-^ keep writing chingu ^-^