
Best Friends

Everything he's ever done, he's done for him.


When they were younger, he protected him from bullies – backed him up when he needed it. Scared away those who threatened him. Because he was fragile. Himchan was always a little bit weaker. Yongguk had realized this and made sure he was always strong enough to fend for his friend. To be able to look mean enough to scare away those who threatened him or tried to harm him. Yongguk made sure – that Himchan was okay; safe – and happy.


They had met at a young age. Yongguk had witnessed the small pale boy get his toy taken away by kids in a higher grade. So Yongguk stepped in and yelled at him – his voice deep even then; had scared the children and Himchan quickly declared Yongguk his best friend.


That made Yongguk happy.


They grew up together, learning things like riding bikes and things like that. Things kids learned. At the age of 15, Yongguk helped Himchan go out on his first date. Telling him what he looked good in, and what wouldn't work out so good. He supported Himchan and when the other called him that night saying he had a girlfriend. Yongguk congratulated him earnestly.


Because Himchan's happiness had always outweighed his own.


At 16, when Himchan and the girl broke up – Yongguk was the one who held his crying friend in his arms, telling him she didn't deserve him; that he was wonderful and could do so much better. Himcha, being the fragile and self conscious person he was. Didn't agree, so Yongguk decided to spend an hour naming off things that were great about Himchan. His laugh, and love for good food. His smile, and dimples. The way he could pull off almost anything he wore – he could make a sack look amazing. Because Himchan himself was amazing.


Himchan broke down and said Yongguk was the best friend he could ever had; and Yongguk felt his heart swell with pride.


When Himchan turned 18, he told Yongguk he had for the first time with a stranger at a party the night before – and that stranger was a man. Yongguk told him he wouldn't judge, and asked him if he was okay. He nodded, and said it was actually pretty amazing – and he wanted to see if he could find out who the stranger was again. Yongguk had agreed to help him.


They found out his name was Jongup, and he was only two years younger than Himchan. They were surprised to find he went to their school, and Himchan was happy to note that Jongup remembered him as well. The two hit if off right away, and Yongguk couldn't have been happier for his friend, because Jongup made Himchan smile wide and laugh loudly. And Yongguk thought that Himchan deserved all the happiness he could get.


Jongup had a best friend too.


His name was Junhong. Junhong; was tall and had fair skin – his eyes were a soft brown and he had this little mole on his eyebrow that Yongguk found really cute. Junhong as bright, like the sun and his voice was a tad nasally – but that was cute too. Junhong loved the fresh air, and the cool winds and he liked to rap –


Yongguk did too.


Junhong asked him out, about three months after Jongup and Himchan began dating. Though Yongguk was 18 and Junhong was 15. he said yes. Because, for a split second – he didn't think about Himchan's happiness and thought about his own.


They dated for a year before Himchan began to yell at Yongguk.


It had been after one of their double dates. Himchan and Jongup had invited him and Junhong to go out to dinner. Himchan had been happy, seeing as he and Yongguk didn't spend to much time together lately as they were both wrapped up in their relationships.


The dinner started off fine, Yongguk was laughing at Junhong's jokes – along with Jongup. And Yongguk had told HImchan about how his father had gotten a raise – and that his older sister was now in Collage and happy in Japan. Jongup had commented about how he wanted to visit Japan, and Himchan agreed.


Things didn't start going down hill until Junhong went to go wipe off some food on Yongguk's cheek, and Yongguk had sent him a warm smile.


You're awfully close now, huh?” Himchan laughed lightly, causing all attention to go toward him. Yongguk nodded, and gave a small shrug. “After a year together – I'd like to think so.”


Does he know your favorite color?” Himchan cut in – Yongguk blinked a few times, and was a little happy to hear Junhong's voice.


Hyung's favorite color is red.” he grinned, Himchan was quiet a moment.


Favorite snack?”




... Least favorite thing?”




Yongguk laughed and threw an arm around Junhong's shoulder, and the younger sent him a grin. Himchan though, had looked a little paler than usual.


The dinner was a little tense afterward. Himchan didn't speak as much after, and you could tell that upset Jongup a bit. But Junhong had filled in the conversation with what he and Jongup were doing in their dance team and how they were going to finals.


Afterward, Yongguk drove Junhong home and they parted with a sweet kiss – and Yongguk drove back to his house.


He wasn't expecting to see Himchan there.


His best friend was standing in front of his house, arms crossed and a hard look on his face. Yongguk parked his car, and walked up.




Are you replacing me?” he muttered. Yongguk was a bit taken back. “... Replacing you?” he repeated, “What made you – “


Junhong.” The other muttered, cutting him off. “Sure knows a lot about you.”


He's my boyfriend, of course he knows a lot about me – I know a lot about him too.”


Does he know more than I do?”


Yongguk was sent into a state of confusion, “Himchan, what are you talking about?”


Himchan gave a huff, and dropped his arms. “All of a sudden he knows all these things about you! I thought I was the one who knew everything. “


Himchan... You're still my best friend, Junhong is my boyfriend. He has a right to know about me.”


Himchan gave him a look – a look that would have had Yongguk pulling him into a hug – but; he couldn't bring himself to do so.


But – … You're my Gukkie.”


...Himchan.” Yongguk started. Himchan looked like he was a kid who got his favorite toy taken away. .. Was Yongguk just a toy?


... I have my own life, Himchan. I have a boyfriend – my world... Doesn't revolve around you.” he saw Himchan sniffle, and sighed. He reached forward and pulled Himchan into a hug. He was reminded of the small pale boy he had befriended as a child.


You're always going to be my friend, and you know I'd do anything for you – but I'd also do anything for Junhong. Just like you'd do anything for Jongup.”


... I'm being selfish aren't I?”


Just a bit.”


Yongguk had thought that the conversation they had, ended all the sour feelings Himchan felt.


But it didn't.


They graduated high school in the fall and went off to Uni together. Meaning that they spent less time with their boyfriends, and more with each other as an affect. Himchan was glad, Yongguk noticed that he was a bit too glad to have Yongguk's time to himself. Of course, Himchan would talk to Jongup almost non stop, but whenever Yongguk would go to talk to Junhong – the other would suddenly feel homesick and need his friends support.


Junhong started to notice this as well.


He went to Yongguk's campus, to visit. And Yongguk was pleasantly surprised. He wrapped his arms around his lovers waist and nuzzled his head into Junhong's shoulder. The younger muttered happy words and Yongguk whispered them back.


Himchan came into the dorm room to see them like that – and he dropped his bag with a thud.


Himchan hyung!” Junhong had waved, separating himself from Yongguk.


Junhong,” the elder muttered, “You're here?”


Yeah, I decided to spend the day with Yongguk hyung. I missed him.” he grinned, his fingers lacing together with Yongguk's. Yongguk gave a grin and squeezed his hand back. This didn't go unnoticed by Himchan.


I see, is Uppie here?”


No just me – sorry but I'm going to steal my boyfriend for the day.” He hummed, and tugged Yongguk out of the room. Yongguk' caught Himchan's stare before they rounded the corner.


At this time, Junhong was 18 – he was legal. Which mean that the they had at Junhong's home was fine, and the they had in the shower later that day was perfect too. Yongguk loved Junhong's body. His pale sink, his long legs that would go on forever. He worshiped it, loved the sounds that came from Junhong's lips as they rutted against each other almost desperately.


Later that night, after sweet kisses and promises to see each other soon. Yongguk made his way back to his dorm.


Himchan was waiting for him.



Yongguk rose a brow, and the younger narrowed his eyes.


You were out pretty late.”


I was,” He shrugged, and walked over to his bed. Yongguk flopped down and sighed, Himchan huffed.


You're covered in bites.”


I know.” Yongguk grinned, eye's fluttering closed.


... did you two ?”


I'd like to say, ' make love.' but yes. We did.”


I see.”


Yongguk glanced at him, and rolled his eyes.


I know for a fact you and Jongup do it often, you even let him come here and I have to leave to go study – so don't get your in a twist.”


I am not, it's just Junhong is young!”


18, he turned 18 this weekend remember? You were there for the party.”


... “


Goodnight Himchan.”


The younger seemed to drop the case. And for that Yongguk was happy.


Things got better.


Himchan, became a tad more distant for a while – but that changed when Junhong had a long talk with him.


... Himchan hyung,” Junhong began, “Yongguk hyung is my boyfriend. I love him, he loves me. I'm hoping that we can stay together for as long as possible. I know Yongguk hyung has been in your life for so long – but I'm not stealing him away. He's still your best friend just like Jonguppie is mine. It's okay. To share someone you care about with someone else. “




You must hate me,”


I don't.”


Then why... why won't you get over the fact that I'm important to Yongguk hyung too?”


Hmchan bit his lip, “...I'm trying, it's hard. He's always been my Gukkie, my protector. I guess I have to let Jongup take over most of those aspects I found in Yongguk but I'll always... always love him you know?”


... I know, like I love Jongup. He's my best friend.”


And best friends are for live.”


The two, are now on good terms.



They became friends and Yongguk and Jongup were glad for that. They were worried that their tense air would cause a rift in their relationships and now that they had seemed to be on good terms, and everything was well. They wouldn't have to worry.


Yongguk would still catch a glance of Himchan staring his way, and if they caught eye's. He'd grin, and Himchan would smile.


Because, Best friends – were always close.


No matter what.



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Joycielein #1
Chapter 1: I still wanted the Banghim to happen though
Chapter 1: no but i am litterally in this exact situation except im the y and selfish one god damn it UGH PEOPLE ARE SO HARD TO DEAL WITH
Chapter 1: Awwwww. This was really cute. I'm glad that Himchan was able to accept Junhong and Yongguk's relationship and know that Yongguk wasn't going to abandon him.
Chapter 1: is so sweet really thank you, i like it so much!