⬖ rainbow sherbet

C A R I N A « chapter layouts »

chapter one
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla in risus pulvinar, condimentum nibh ac, feugiat lorem. Maecenas id augue nulla. Morbi aliquam malesuada gravida. Curabitur semper erat dolor, vitae congue sem viverra eu. Sed rutrum eleifend diam et interdum. Vestibulum adipiscing dapibus lorem, vitae bibendum ligula lobortis sit amet. Mauris ac fermentum dui. Nulla eget massa rutrum, porta diam quis, sagittis justo. Praesent vulputate fringilla blandit. Aliquam at auctor lacus, in posuere enim. Curabitur tristique nisl ante. Nunc consequat, leo non commodo feugiat, ipsum nisi sollicitudin eros, nec egestas ante neque eget odio. 


author's notes
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to skip one line. Thank you! <3 Purchase here.

layout credit.

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swaglord #1
kissmemore #2
Chapter 5: i bought like everything here xD
anyway,nice layout~
Chapter 5: I bought this layout! :D
Chapter 5: I bought this but how do I get the code. And yes it's my first time buying a layout ^^
bought the first one! ^^ :D
Chapter 4: I bought this layout ^^
Chapter 4: So i bought his layout but I dont understand how i actually get it...how do i use it? (new to this 'buying layouts' thing sorry)
Chapter 4: I just bought this layout, thank you so much!
Chapter 4: I'm going to buy this layout, thank you!