
Royal Love
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Jiyeon… Jiyeon… Have you ever thought that she has the royal name? Well, she is indeed from a royal family. She is soon to be a queen, but she still doesn’t want to be a queen because she wants to know what life looks like if she’s not known a princess. She wants to earn some trustful friends and see who trusts for whom she was and not what she is. She really tried her best to persuade her family, but her family won’t just let her. Later that night, Jiyeon sneak out quietly with only her own credit card which is filled with money. After that night, Jiyeon’s family didn’t find where Jiyeon is hiding at because they didn’t know that Jiyeon went to a place where they add acnes on your faces and had a plastic surgery. That plastic surgery wasn’t really a plastic surgery, the people who work there only have to massage her face to make it chubbier/slimmer. Now that Jiyeon has her face done, she was walking alone in the busy streets of Seoul and tried to see if there are any hotels. Of course, a person that didn’t go out of a castle won’t be able to know if they have hotels, in fact, she is lost. As soon as she was tired walking around, she then found a hotel shining on her face. She jumps around like crazy.
“YES! Finally found you hotel.”
She was smiling so creepy when she walked in the hotel. She looks around the hotel and look at it with a nod, saying it was fine for her and comfortable for her to live there. The hotel has gold designs with white walls that have an amazing design. She wasn’t amazed though because she actually has better design in her castle.
“Hi miss, would you want to have a room because it looks like your just standing here.”
“Then come here and sign this miss.”
“Oh sorry. I was just looking around.”
The paper has that information that you have to put name, birthday, how many days you’re going to stay, and would you want a room service that gives clothing, etc. Of course, she didn’t lie about my name and birthdays. She’s sure they don’t know about her yet because she’s still not important to them. Once she becomes a queen, she’ll be important to them and act so friendly. She said that she’ll be staying for only one month and she wants a room service. After signing that, the worker then handed her the keys for her room. Her room was like the most biggest and luxurious out of all of the room. Yes! She paid hundred thousands of dollars, but she still has lots of money left in her credit. She went to her room and went straightly to her bed and went to dreamland.

When she woke up next day, she called her room service for a piece of clothing. After 10 min or so, the clothes have arrived and Jiyeon went to take a shower. She realizes that there’s already toothpaste and toothbrush placed there. She brushes her teeth and then grabs the hair brush and brushes her hair. She went out afterwards and went to take a look around, then suddenly bumps into a person that has a strong built body. She turns to that person and found a handsome looking guy. But the guy looks at her in disgusted face.
“Eww… Don’t touch me ugly!”
She was shock with his attitude. He sure is handsome, but his attitude is way rude. She was about to say something to him, but he just turned away and walk cool. Then, another boy swings his hands to his shoulder and they fist pump and walk in a place called Woolim High School.  I went inside and turn to see lots of pretty girls and handsome boys, but the way they look at her makes them look uglier than she is. They were gossiping about how bad she looks. She didn’t realize that she was walking into the office.
“What can I do for you?”
“um.. Was wondering if I can study here”
“You really want to? You don’t look like you’re not in the right place.”
“That’s kind of rude for you to say. Would you want me to report you to the principal?”
“Never mind about what I said. Sure! You can study here, but you have to fill out something in the principal’s room.”
She’s also way too rude. But after Jiyeon threatened her, she turned so nice. She didn’t notice that there are lots of fake people here. She went inside to where she was pointing at and Jiyeon nicely and gently knocks on the door. An old man’s voice was soon heard
“Come in.”
She went inside and saw an old man with white hair on the sides while there’s still black hair on the top. She bowed to him in a royal way and that seems to catch the old man’s eyes
“May I ask you some question?”
“Are you from a royal family?”
“How’d you know?! Please don’t tell anyone about this.”
“Why don’t you not want to tell anyone about this?”
“Because I’m soon to be a queen and I want to taste what real life tastes like.”
“Oh.. So would you want to use your real name or we can just make you another real name, your princess?”
“No need to call me princess. We have to make another name because I bet right now, my family are looking everywhere.”
“Okay. Would you want a name called Rian? Kim Rian? You can intro yourself that you are a transferred student from U.S. A.”
“Sure! Thanks uncle!”
She smiled at him and hugs him. The principal was her first friend. She learned that his name was Kim Jung Yu and his 39 years old. She didn’t know that the principal would know that she was a royal by just her royal bow. She thought that no one would know that kind of bow. She opened her bag to see some nerd glass and she put it on her eyes before going off the principal’s room. She looks at the girl again with a disgusted look looking at her. She just went off and looks at her schedule.

1st Period
2nd Period
3rd Period
4th Period
5th Period
6th Period


Wow. She looks at it again and thought they were all easy. She went to Math class and knocks on the door to not be rude to the teacher, but she found out that the teacher was ruder. Jiyeon looks at her to only see her looking at her with disgusted face like what others see her. Her voice was mean and straight-forward.
“I’m new here.”
“Come in and intro yourself then!”
The teacher said with an annoyed face. She went in front with Jiyeon following behind.
“Class, we have a transferred student who’s stupid yet ugly called Kim Rian.”
“Hi everybody! My name is Kim Rian. Please be nice to me.”
She said with cheerful voice but only found people not paying attention to her. Except three people. One is a girl and the other two is boys. The girl looks so pretty, She think she’s even prettier than me. One of the two guys was looking at me attentively, while the other was looking disgusted at her face. She then realizes that she was seeing the same guys from earlier morning.
“Go seat way back t

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jiyeonsoo #1
royal love im so curios
byeollakookie #2
im exciting to read your story, from the title so interisting,royal love
Retsel_ #3
Chapter 1: Hihihi... nice ending...
Love MyungYeon.!! :))
linhkju #4
Chapter 1: So cute :-D myungyeon<3
Hara0105 #5
Chapter 1: cute, jiyeon's parents is myungyeon's shipper too hahaha...