Stuck deep in that goddamned friendzone

Oops...i'm friendzoned
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Friendzone should be a relationship status on facebook

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"When will my fb status change from 'single' to 'in a relationship'?" Hyukjae complains moodily, resting his chin on his hand, as he scrolls through his facebook profile.

"Probably when friendzone becomes a relationship status on fb, " Donghae mutters under his breath.

Hyukjae tilts his head puzzledly. "Did you say something?'

"No." Donghae shoots him a brief glare and resumes tugging the fur out of his stuffed bear. 

"Ooh! Look at this girl!" Hyukjae smacks Donghae excitedly and points to the laptop screen. "She's totally my type!"

"You've been saying the same for every girl you saw in the past hour, " Donghae replies grouchily. A tuff of fur came off his teddy bear.

"No, this one's different!" Hyukjae protests. His eyes follows the line of cleavage and his mouth drops open. "Wow."

Donghae tore another handful of fur. "When are you going to return me my laptop?"

Hyukjae ignores Donghae, pressing his nose closer to the screen. "Ooh, and look at her friend, she's really hot too!"

"You know, " Donghae starts, looking around for a new victim now that his teddy bear was pretty much furless. "I can't really see what's the big deal."

Hyukjae gasps, and twists around to look at his best friend. "Are you feeling unwell, Hae?" he asks worriedly, fumbling to feel Donghae's forehead.

"No." Donghae coughs as he accidentally ate some fur. He dodges the hand. "I meant I can't see literally," he says, jerking a thumb towards the front.

Hyukjae blinks. "Oh." He wiggles h

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LeeEunhae93 #1
Chapter 10: This is so awesomeeeee!!! When will you update this author nim??
ficsluv #2
Hi there ^^ just wondering, are you gonna continue updating this story?
Chapter 10: Hahahaha of all names Kyu could give.. why Soonhee though? These two idiots are just a pain in the neck hahaha! And Ming and Kyu too....start confessing people! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Author-nim don't leave me juseyo ~~~ ^^
Chapter 10: seriously these two!!! hahahaha!!
i just can't stop laughing while i'm reading it and add Kyu too.. hahahah!!

and oh!!! who's HyukJae's love of his life??

can't wait for the mext update :D
Chapter 2: Lol hyukkie, like seriously.. I can feel u donghae.. Aigooo ah.. So funny.. I can imagine them.. Thanks for the story.. Hope I'll update soon.. :)
Chapter 10: gyahahahahahaaa!! My tummy hurt XD!!!
ecargebeohp_10 #7
Chapter 10: They are so funny.. Haha.. Who's the lucky one that hyuk will confess to?? pls update authornim. ♥♥
Chapter 10: So funny
Poor kyuhyun,,,
He have to deal with two idiots
Hyukjae and donghae are soo stupid
Just love this fanfic
I want to know, to whom hyukjae will confess his love :3
Chapter 10: THEY'RE CRAZY!! XD this is so funny<3<3
Lonlytear #10
Chapter 10: It's been very looooong time since I read this ...but it still awesome and funny
Really hae ..are you there to try to get hyukkie or get on hyukkie lol
Poor kyu thou hehe
But finally hyuk is going to confess
Thanks for updating ^^