New life...

New start...

He was her obsession. It was like he was everywhere she went. At first it made her happy, then it made her tired and in the end it made her dull. The " love" he was giving her was selfish and manipulative, but she held on to the hope of him changing. Huh, how stupid right? Chaerin was a strong woman but every woman has a weakness. Her weakness is called Jiyong. He loved her... Of course he did, who wouldn't love Chae? But with time it lost the rush, the lust. And the only person who still believed was her... 
Chaerin found it funny and kinda stupid that people get tattooed "believe" on themselves . " How can you believe in something that isn't there?!" she thought. Or maybe she was just bitter and would convert it into sarcasm or " not giving a ". It was easier like that. Pretending became her religion. Fake it till you make it, they say. Well Chae took that to heart. Even pretending cant keep you from replaying that one scene in your head. 
Him leaving you
Him cheating on you
Him ripping every vein out of your heart with those 4 words.
Those 4 beautifully painful words...

I never loved you.

When that scene replayed in her head like a broken cassette she wouldn't cry.  She wouldn't think about where she went wrong. 

No, she could just feel the little baby kicking her tummy. And that was her new start.

 Hyomi, was her new life...




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