
The little demon spawns


"Stop moving!!!" Taehyung whined as he kicked at Jimin's shin under the blanket.


"No you stop moving!" Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hair and yanked it with his best shot.


"OW! That hurt!" the other boy teared up and slapped Jimin's hands away from his face.


The two of them have been bickering for the last 20 minutes and Yoongi was getting tired of it.


"Would you two please just stop?" He almost cried out as he rubbed his eyes.


It was 11pm which meant they already passed their curfew by two hours and Yoongi himself was in need of some serious hibernation after taking care of two toddlers and a baby all day. At least Jungkook was already asleep in the other room, he thought.


There was a crying sound coming from across the hall and Yoongi almost wanted to kill himself.




He ran to the other room and picked Jungkook up from his cot, being careful with his head.


"See what you guys did? You woke your little brother up." Yoongi scolded Jimin and Taehyung as he tried to usher the little baby down.


"He's a baby he doesn't know anything!" Jimin stated and Taehyung nodded furiously beside him.


"Yeah! All babies do is eat, sleep and poo."


"Isn't that what you guys do too?" Yoongi said sheepishly and the two boys were wailing in response to the older's statement. "Okay okay I'm sorry." Yoongi surrendered and mentally slapped himself in the face. I can't believe I just apologized to these idiots. "Now can you guys just please go to bed?" He begged as Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other, mischief glinting in their eyes.


"I WANT STORY TIME!" Jimin yelled out.




Yoongi tried to muffle their sounds out with his one free hand and whispered hastily: "Alright alright I'll tell you a bedtime story just please keep it down." The two boys finally settled down and were now tucked under their blanket looking up at their hyung. Yoongi sighed as he sat down on the bedside chair, Jungkook still wrapped in his arms.


"Once upon a time..." He started.


"Boring!" Jimin cried out.


"I haven't even gotten to the story yet." Yoongi snapped and looked at the boy. Jimin was definitely his least favourite.


"Every story starts with that hyung!" Taehyung chanted out in response and Yoongi rolled his eyes.


"Alright fine... A long time ago..."


"That's the same thing!"


"As legend has it..."


"You at story telling hyung!"


"Then how would you start it huh Mr. Smarty pants?" Yoongi finally asked.


"I'll do it." Taehyung cleared his throat. "Ummmm...." he scratched his head,"Ahhhhh.... Mmmmhhh.... Well...."


"Well? Not so easy now is it?" Yoongi smirked when he saw the slight embarrassed blush now grazing Taehyung's cheeks.


"You're older you're supposed to know how to start it!" The younger cried out and Yoongi had to beg him once again to keep quiet.


"Hyung maybe you should sing instead." Jimin piped up with a huge smile on his face and Yoongi's just about had it enough with this kid.


"No way am I singing Jiminnie." He dead-panned and the look on Jimin's face dropped.


"But hyung..." Jimin's lips quivered and his eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to give Yoongi his best "puppy-dog" face.


Oh no not this again anything but that look. Yoongi bit down on his lower lips.


"Fine." He sighed and just wanted to cut off his own tongue at that moment. "But please just please go to sleep after this?"


The two toddlers bounced up and down on the bed as they eagerly waited for Yoongi to sing them a song. Thankfully Yoongi's mother had always sung this song when he was a child so the lyrics came to him easily. It was a Korean folk song, he doubts that any of them even knew what he was singing but it seemed to be working because Yoongi's low voice was slowly helping the younger ones drift off the sleep. Even Jungkook was quietly asleep on his shoulder now. Yoongi smiled at how peaceful they all looked in their sleep.  


Kinda makes you wish they were sleeping all the time. Maybe I should just put sleeping pills in the food. Yoongi laughed quietly under his breathe and gently sneaked to the other room to put Jungkook in his cot again. 


"Sleep tight you little demon spawn." He told the younger and kissed his forehead. He did the same with Taehyung and Jimin. "Goodnight demon spawn 2.0 and 3.0. May you sleep in peace."


Yoongi fell down onto the black couch of the living room and let his head hit the cushion. He didn't care if there were legos all over the floor or juice spills on the table, all Yoongi wanted to do right now was  go to sleep and forget about the monstrous day he's just had.


The next morning Yoongi jolted up and looked at the clock: 8:45am.


The kids should be still asleep.


He listened for any sound and was met with silence.


"Thank god." He sighed and went to the bathroom.


The moment Yoongi looked into the bathroom mirror though he could feel anger boiling up in him and the snickering coming from down the hall was now prominent to his ears. He ran out of the bathroom, face graffitied with various marker colours and finger paints.






once again not my best writing forgive me TTATT



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BangtanIsland486 #1
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHA!!! Daebak!
Chapter 1: Children are great, but if I had spawn like Jimin and Taehyung I'd want to throw myself out the window too. Poor Yoongi :P but at least his life is never boring
ruccrys #3
Chapter 1: OMGOMG theyre cutee><