Chapter 1 - Not a Dream

Bloody Vows

Not a Dream



Family is defined as the fundamental social unit consisting of two parents and their children living together.

You don’t have a family, and nor will you have one in the future.

No mother, no father, no siblings or grandparents.

You are alone, and forever will be.”


The little boy opened his eyes, his irises were a dark, ominous brown and his long lashes black. He glanced at the clock beside his bed; 7AM. The last time he looked it was 9PM so he was almost sure he had slept, because time never past that quickly whenever he was conscious. Yet it felt like he hadn’t, as though someone was chanting throughout the entire night, repeating the same passage over and over, and he had heard every single word.

A short woman dressed in a white, ghostly uniform entered the windowless room. “Soo Hyuk, let’s begin.” Her voice was soft, but a sinister tone underlay her deceivingly gentle voice. The boy rolled up the left sleeve of his oversized hospital gown while she took his temperature, followed by his blood pressure.  “Did you have any dreams last night?”


“And did you hear a voice in your dreams?”


“Now tell me Soo Hyuk, what is the meaning of family?”

“Family. Family is defined as the fundamental social unit consisting of two parents and their children living together.”

“Who told you that?”

“I... I don't know.”

“And do you have a family?”

“I don’t have a family, nor will I have one in the future. No mother, no father, no siblings or grandparents. I am alone, and forever will be.” Soo Hyuk’s answer was immediate, there was no sign of hesitation or reluctance. To him, the answer was straightforward, and he spoke it naturally.

“Well done, Soo Hyuk.” The woman said, an excited undertone amidst her praise. She then handed Soo Hyuk an opaque, blue pill, which he obediently swallowed down. “Go back to sleep now. We will begin your next phase of training.”

The woman exited the room, a triumphant smirk pulling at the ends of her lips. She paused in front of a dual monitor and ran her index finger across one of the screens. A long list of names appeared, most of which had a single line running through them. As she scrolled down the list, she tapped on several names and a line would instantaneously appear to rule them out. She repeated this motion until she reached the name ‘Lee Soo Hyuk’, holding down her finger until the name disappeared. It re-emerged onto the other screen and joined only one other name in the list titled ‘Pass’.  

Meanwhile, Soo Hyuk took a final side glance at the clock before sleep took over his consciousness, and that chanting voice in his dreams gradually became louder and more distinct.



Love is defined as an ardent and profound feeling of affection for someone else,

But love is an illusion in which you will witness many people around you mistaken as real.

Love is definitely not real; it is a fantasy, one that is useless and potentially dangerous.

Love is non-existent,

And you most definitely will not succumb to it, not now, not ever.”  

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Chapter 6: Great story!!
Hope you update it soon..
Chapter 4: Are you not going to update anymore? ㅠ ㅠ I was really coming to like this story, but I realized you kinda cut it off. Come back!!!
Hello i just read this story and i love it
Im looking forward to the next chapter. ^^
Chapter 5: this is the first time i read this kind of killing thriller story . you managed to attract me girl *hats off to you* . will be waiting for your next update ^^
Chapter 5: this is the first time i read this kind of killing thriller story . you managed to attract me girl *hats off to you* . will be waiting for you ^^
Chapter 5: this is the first time i read this kind of killing thriller story . you managed to attract me girl *hats off to you* . will be waiting for you ^^
Mazzii17 #7
Chapter 5: I so agree with you on this i try to find bad boys in fanfics and its just impossible well ive exaggerated there lol but its quite hard to find :/ and i love the idea of lee soohyuk being a bad boy omg it suits him so well hehehe :3 im thinking of soohyuk kidnapping the girl hits her here and there yet slowly fonds it hard to do the mission and falls for her but hes still a bad boy omg i dont know lol im rubbish at suggesting what should happen lol i bet when people read this they'll yhink im crazy :/ lol
janetar #8
Chapter 4: This is actually getting quite interesting. So glad I read this. Can't wait to see what happens next:)
byeolin #9
Chapter 4: Omo, Soohyuk be careful with her, jerk. I doubt he'll kill her, since she's the female-lead, but still, being a mindless assassin puppet and all... I'm rather curious about Woobin too; I hope he isn't a bad guy for too long. I'm excited about this fic, it's really good so far. We need more Soohyuk fics! ^^