Chapter Four


“ Wrath ”

Mark searched around the hospital corridor for the familiar face of his close dongsaeng. Spotting the blonde headed BamBam at the corner of the place, Mark ran and called out for him. " Hyung! " BamBam exclaimed as soon as his puffed eyes met the older male's face. 

He examine the Junior high schooler with an intense gaze. He had a few plasters on his face and a few bandages in his arms and legs. Then, he looked around the place and stare at a translucent glass door on his left.

" Is Yugyeom in that room? " Mark asked as he nodded his head to the door beside him. " Yeah, " BamBam nodded. 

Mark looked at BamBam with worried eyes, lowered his head, dug his nails into his palms and his expression change into wrath.

" Who, " he inhaled deeply. " Who did it? "

BamBam lifted his head, opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again with his eyebrows closely knitted together and closed it again, shaking his head.

Sighing, Mark ran his hand through his hair. " But why? What do they want from Yugyeom and you? " 

" I don't know for sure, " BamBam's voice came out soft. " But I had some guesses. "

A nurse exited the door beside them and they bowed politely in habit. Eyeing the door, BamBam walked toward it and nodded at Mark. " Let's visit Yugyeom first. "

Nodding back in respond, Mark walked slowly toward the air conditioned room. 

As the cold gust of wind hit his face, Mark searched the room for his other younger friend.

He couldn't help but smile when he saw Yugyeom greeting them with a beaming smile. " Hyung, you shouldn't skip school. " Yugyeom scolded, waving his index finger. 

For some reason, Yugyeom's smile have the ability to ease any wavering hearts and the other two men in the room can assure you that it's true.

" How are you, Gyomie? " Mark greeted. " I broke a few bones, but other then that, I'm feeling fine. "

BamBam smiled at his friend's cheerfulness. Thank God someone was still smiling genuinely in a situation like this. " So, " Mark stopped smiling. " What were you saying about the bastard behind this? "

" We joined this talent competition, " BamBam started. " and we receive this text telling us to withdraw from it a few days before the audition.  "

" Oh yeah, we did. " Yugyeom nodded. 

" I think the person who send us that text is the same person that beat us up. " BamBam stared at his bandaged arm.


" So, your saying that two of your club hobaes are knocked out right after knowing that they are through to the next round of some competition? One of them was badly injured and that's why you skipped school? " Jackson concluded after Mark explained everything to him.

" I don't know man, but it seems like they are the same person to me. " Mark nodded and took another sip of his fizzy drink. " Isn't it a very cowardly thing to do? " 

" It is. " Mark replied, recalling the everything that happened. Then he stopped walking. " I heard that our class president is joining that competition too. "

" Oh yeah, Jaebum and that junior he always hangout with. What's his name? Hm... was it Youngjae? Choi Youngjae? " Jackson stopped and turned at Mark. " They're through to the next round too. "

" Oh, he told you about it? " Mark asked.

" I overheard his conversation with Junior this morning. Didn't you see how happy he was? " Mark looked at Jackson with a serious expression. " Do you think they're going to end up the same way? "

Mark scratched the back of his head and took another sip of his drink. He frowned and started walking again. " Ah, damn it. Now I'm worried for them. "


Jinyoung, Jaebum and Youngjae was hanging out on a restaurant after school to celebrate. 

" But let's be honest,  my voice is the reason we're still in the competition.  " Youngjae boasted, receiving weird stared from his two older friends. 

Jaebum put down his chopsticks and shoved the guy beside him. " What? It's true! " Youngjae wailed as he snarled at Jaebum.

" Yeah, right. If I were a part of your group, you guys will even win! " Jinyoung laughed. Jaebum grunted and shook his head. " I'm surrounded by idiots. "

" Hey, we're not idiots! " Youngjae exclaimed. " I have one of the highest grade in the school. " Jinyoung argued.

" Well unfortunately, our Jinyoungie only excel in education. " Jaebum leaned in and ruffled Jinyoung's hair. Youngjae put a piece of meat in his mouth and spoke after chewing it, " it's okay hyung. I'm here to teach him how to survive this heartless world with flying colours." 

" Then you should start by making him talk to Mark. " Jaebum said as he put a piece of meat on his own mouth. Jinyoung fixed his hair and stared at his meat. " I wonder what happened to him. "

" Oh yeah. Their lunch table was missing one member. " Youngjae said. " What member? " Jinyoung asked. 

" Wow. I guess you do only have eye for Mark. Don't you know about his usual group of friends? They're always a four but Jackson spend more time with him because they're in the same class. " Youngjae explained. " If I'm not wrong, the other two are called Kim Namjoon and Song Mino. "

Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head toward Youngjae. " I just realised something. You know a lot of stuff, don't you? "

Jaebum took Jinyoung's meat and ate it. " Of course. This kid is our school's 'news provider'. Just ask him anything and he'll know every single information about it. " 

" I wouldn't say that wrong but they way you said it is just... " Youngjae stopped when he felt his phone vibrates in his jeans pocket. 

He put down his chopstick and took it out. It was a text from an unfamiliar number. Without much thought, he touched the phone screen to open it. 

After reading it, his expression tightened. " Hyung... "

He didn't mention which hyung he was calling out for but something in his voice made it clear that he was calling for Jaebum. Putting his full attention on Youngjae now, he asked him what's wrong. 

" Look. " Youngjae showed his phone screen toward Jaebum. With a frown, Jaebum crocked his head in confusion. " What the hell... "

Jinyoung leaned in to see the text as his curiosity had be provoked by them. " Withdraw from the competition while we're being nice... ? " he red the text out loud. " What... Who would even do such a thing? What is this joke? "

" I don't know but I have a bad feeling about it. " Jaebum whispered.

author's note

☈ Here you go! Another short chapter. I want to hug all of the subscribers and commenters because, well, I'm very thankful.  



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Chapter 5: Whoa there, hope they wouldn't get into another trouble for that. But anyways, now I can hope for more MarkJin interactions ;)
Chapter 5: AH . Why stop there ._.
Chapter 5: update please :))
Baravois #4
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next update:)
At least Jinyoungie got some sort of action...
Love-rocks #5
Chapter 5: asdfgjkl

ic ant feel
my heart
lastjjuliet #7
Chapter 5: omo-- can someone tell me why WHY am i shipping jackjae right now? cx

i'm so proud of my bbys < 5
Chapter 5: Yes, well done Jinyoungie! I love the brave Youngjae! ;)
kwangsang #9
Chapter 5: and the culprit has been beaten up by our famous martial art master ~ <3
Chapter 4: Ooh some sugar honey ice tea is about to go down