Chapter Two


“Go For Him”

“ Jinyoung, snapped out of it. It’s only Mark. “ said Jaebum as he shove his bread into his mouth. Jinyoung looked up from his book and stared at his friend, giving him an ‘are you serious’ look. “ Just Mark? “ Jinyoung looked away with a smile and stared back at Jaebum in an unbelieving look, “ are you ing kidding me? How can you say ‘just Mark’? Oh my – “

Jaebum rolled his eyes and eyed the man at the opposite side of the room. “ Jinyoung, dude, how can you be so little in front of that guy? I mean look at him, he look so soft, as if there’s a sign on top of his head saying ‘once broken consider sold’. “

“ He beat up Youngah and his group by himself and I witness it with my own two eyes! Plus, he look freaking hot  – ah, he look so hot. “ Jinyoung stopped frowning and smiled dreamingly as he recalled the event from the day before. “ Ok, snapped out of it dreamer. “

“ So, what’s the plan? “ asked Jaebum. Jinyoung looked at him and crocked his head in confusion, “ what plan? “

Jaebum frowned and scratched the back of his neck. “ His your crush, aren’t he? Aren’t you going to go for it? “ Jinyoung keep staring at him with a confused expression. With a sigh and a disapproval look, Jaebum shook his head. “ You’re so helpless… What I mean by that is, don’t you want him to fall for you and start your very own cheesy love story? “

Jinyoung’s lips formed an o and nodded in understanding. Then, he smiled and not long after squealing in the palm of his hands. “ That would be great! “ But he suddenly stopped smiling and crocked his head again, “ but how? It’s not like I can just buy a love potion in a local store and pour it inside of his drink. “

“ Well no, it’s going to be more complex than that. “ Jaebum said in a serious tone. He took a glance at Mark and examined him. He looks fairly normal in Jaebum’s eyes. Don’t get him wrong, he thought Mark’s visual was above average but so was his.

“ How about you start with a simple hello and then from there, you can start a conversation. “ Youngjae suggested. The two boys looked toward the younger male who arrived out of nowhere in surprised. “ I swear, he’s going to be the end of me. “ hissed Jaebum.

Youngjae chuckled and crouched down on the edge of the desk. He rested his arm and head on it and stared up to his two older friends, “ I don’t get why you’re so puny about him. In my memory, you have always been a brave person. “

“ But Youngjae, he’s Mark Tuan! “ exclaimed Jinyoung. “ You don’t understand. “ Jaebum let out another sigh and turned toward Youngjae, “ I think Mark bewitched him. “

As Youngjae chuckled softly, Jackson nudged Mark on the opposite side of the room. “ I think Junior might have a crush on you. “

Mark averted his attention on Jackson. “ Who’s Junior? “

Jackson nodded and looked over toward the trio’s direction. “ Oh, you mean Park Jinyoung? “ Mark followed his friend’s gaze. He watched as Youngjae spoke and made the two other boys laugh. He smiled and looked back at Jackson.

“ Really? I never notice. “ Jackson looked back at his dosirak and tried to pick up a sausage using a pair of wooden chopsticks. “ Of course, that’s the whole idea of having a crush on someone; your crush doesn’t notice you. “

“ But how do you know he have a crush on me? We’ve only talked once. “ Mark said as he went back to reading his hard-covered novel. “ My eyes can see through people’s emotion. “ Jackson responded while still trying to grab his sausage.

“ Oh yeah? Then how come you’re always offending them? “ Mark mocked. Jackson smiled as he finally gets his sausage in between his chopsticks. “ Just because. “

Right before he put the food inside his mouth, the sausage jumped out of his chopstick. Frowning, he cursed and ended up stabbing the sausage. Mark chortled.

While chewing his food, Jackson asked, “ don’t you have anyone you like? “

“ I do. “ was Mark’s answer. Those two words sparked interest in Jackson’s heart. He looked up from his food and simpered. “ Who is it? “ Jackson asked in a teasing tone as he started poking Mark with his chopsticks.

“ Though, I must inform you that I’m not single. Unfortunately. “ Jackson flipped his fringes. Mark gave him a disgusted look and pushed him playfully. “ I won’t take you even if you throw yourself at me. “

With a small laugh, Jackson pointed at Mark’s book. “ By the way, is it me or have you been carrying that book around for months now? Are you that slow of a reader? “

“ No, it’s not just you. I have been carrying this book around for months, “ Mark beamed. Jackson stopped laughing and took a sip of his drink. “ What would your crush think of this when he find out? You liking a book more then you like him? “

Mark closed his book and stared at its cover with a languishing gaze. “ This book is his. “

Jinyoung bit his lower lip as he stared warily toward the two boys. “ What do you think are they talking about? Do you think they’re going out with each other? Oh no! How can I compete with Jackson! “

Youngjae puckered his lips and spins his pen around his fingers. “ Compete? Hyung, you didn’t even participate! “

Jinyoung looked over at Youngjae, “ what? Why’d you say that? “

“ You don’t even have the nerve to speak to him. Competing means you’re fighting Jackson to gain Mark’s attention. “  replayed Youngjae. Jaebum nodded, “ yeah. You should approach him. “

Jinyoung keep on stealing glances toward Mark and Jackson. “ But, but how? Look at them. They’re intimidating. “ As he looked over to stare at his crush, Mark suddenly caught his sight and smiled at him.

Taken aback, he turned his head away from him stiffly and tried faking a conversation with Jaebum. It came out awkwardly and Jaebum couldn’t stop grinning.

Mark furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Jackson. “ Did I do something wrong? “

“ See. I told you, he’s crushing on you. “ Jackson said in monotone.

Youngjae laughed out loud and stood up. “ Hyung, you’re so pitiful that it’s adorable! “ Jaebum chuckled in approval. The red faced Jinyoung glared at his younger friend and asked, “ is that an insult or a compliment? “

author's note

Hello guys! Thank you so much for subscribing to my story!!! It really means a lot to me! <3 I'm also wery sorry about the delayed update. e u e. Mianhae... But I still hope you read my story. /virtually kisses everyone and throws cookie everywhere/

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Chapter 5: Whoa there, hope they wouldn't get into another trouble for that. But anyways, now I can hope for more MarkJin interactions ;)
Chapter 5: AH . Why stop there ._.
Chapter 5: update please :))
Baravois #4
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next update:)
At least Jinyoungie got some sort of action...
Love-rocks #5
Chapter 5: asdfgjkl

ic ant feel
my heart
lastjjuliet #7
Chapter 5: omo-- can someone tell me why WHY am i shipping jackjae right now? cx

i'm so proud of my bbys < 5
Chapter 5: Yes, well done Jinyoungie! I love the brave Youngjae! ;)
kwangsang #9
Chapter 5: and the culprit has been beaten up by our famous martial art master ~ <3
Chapter 4: Ooh some sugar honey ice tea is about to go down