
Sunbae's Secret Admirer

Youngjae ran into his living room and hid behind the sofa. His hair was in a big mess because it was uncombed, and his shirt was wrinkled because he just woken up. Crowd in the terrace made Youngjae was startled from his dream, and he couldn’t help but went to see it. When he saw three people were chatting with his parents, goosebumps made his hands trembled uncontrollably.

“Himchan hyung, emergency! Please come to my home!” Youngjae whispered on his phone. He looked around and said again, “I have no idea why my parents still do it. I did your advice to talk to them, but they didn’t listen to me. Do you know…?”

“Okay, okay. 10 minutes. Go change your clothes and I will definitely come to your house. We can talk about it later,” was a sound that Youngjae heard from his phone, from his bestfriend, Kim Himchan.

“No!” Youngjae’s eyes popped when his sound echoed inside the room. He just realized that he was too afraid until he couldn’t get back to his sense. “5 minutes. Please Hyung, your home is just meters from mine. The guesses already come, and… and…”

The chubby guy peeked from the sofa’s side. Not far from him, he saw two men with really nice white vests. A woman near them was wearing a semi-formal dress which looked casual and glamour in a same time. Looked like everything they wore weaved from diamond-like fabric. “I’m pretty sure they are my parents’ colleague’s family. If you don’t come immediately, my parents will force me to prepare for a date! You already know about my parents. No rejection will be accepted if they have commanded something.”

“Aish, why your life is so complicated?” Himchan wagged his tongue. “Well, okay. 5 minutes. And please take a note that I don’t wanna waiting for someone who’s take forever to take a bath, pick his own clothes, or…”

“I won’t! I promise! Let’s meet in 5 minutes.”


Youngjae was like a child when he was walking across the city’s park. His wide smile, his strengthen away arms, his legs that kicked small stones and cans on the street… it was really different with his expression several minutes ago.

“Thanks for kidnapping me.” Youngjae grinned.

“I feel guilty with your parents.” Himchan rubbed his forehead. “Jae, it’s not bad if you agree with the dating. Just for once. Do dating doesn’t mean you must be your dating partner’s boyfriend, after all. It’s okay if both of you can be friends.”

“Well, if I agree, my parents will introduce me more boys. They won’t stop before I’m officially having a boyfriend. But… it’s hard for me to date or being someone’s boyfriend, while my mind always land on Daehyun.”

Himchan nodded. “I see. By the way, do you still doing your mission?”

“What mission? Being Daehyun’s ex-secret admirer?”

“Yeah. Better if you act more quickly and intensely. His fans increase in quantity. You’ll probably feel uneasy just to see him at school. I suggest you to confess your feeling and be his boyfriend soon. So, like the main purpose that you’ve arranged, his fans will not around him again and your parents won’t force you to date random guys again.”

“If everything comes that easy, I will do it without a think, Hyung. I'm not sure he will accept my feeling. We’re not close enough. And I think he probably feels sorry or thinks that I’m weird, since my sound often cracked and my hands usually started to tremble when I’m with him. In the other hand, he has many fans who are more good-looking than me.”

Himchan murmured a bridal song, which made Youngjae a bit frustrated. Actually, his parents wanted him to have a boyfriend and get married soon. Don’t ask him why, because Youngjae also didn’t know. Maybe… they were worrying his future? But Youngjae thought it was excessive. Yeah, he was their only child, but he was too young for being a husband… or wife.

“Hey, look!” Himchan stopped. His slim fingers pointed at the basketball field not far from them.

The area was a bit smaller than Youngjae’s school’s had, the bleachers and rings were full of graffiti, and there were many boys in here.

“I wonder why you look so-so…” Himchan said.

“Should I look like a crazy fangirl?”

Himchan rolled his eyes. “Let’s look closer.”

Himchan brought Youngjae to step to the area. Youngjae thought they would be greeted with awkward or cynical stares, but luckily, they didn’t. The noisy Himchan melted them as fast as the speed of light. Started with a shriek, continued by funny conversations, and then the total strangers came as their new friends. Youngjae was amazed by how easy Himchan to make friends.

And then he knew what Himchan told about minutes ago. A tiny boy was running in front of him. His cute smile made Youngjae’s eyes widened. He insensibly left the conversation with Himchan and his new friends and frozen on his seat. Daehyun. The boy was in here for real?

“Uhm, Youngjae is pretty good at basket. He should join the game,” Himchan suddenly said. He couldn’t get back his laugh when Youngjae suddenly looked surprised and shook his head in panicity.

“Really? He should, then,” a pale boy said. “Jongup Hyung, do you mind to change with this Hyung?” he screamed while pointing Youngjae’s hair.

Youngjae shook his head, but no one saw him.

“Oh, I don’t mind. Hey guys, stop for a while!”

Everyone stood on their position when the Jongup boy left the basketball area. Not wanting a time, Himchan pulled his bestfriend to change him.

Youngjae was going crazy when a ball thrown on him. He didn’t lie that he was not good in basketball! He knows the basic theories, but he didn’t know which one that he must did first. What should he do right now? Throw this in the ring? But the rings are too far from his place. Uhm, what about throw this to his teammates? Was Daehyun his teammates?

“Don’t you wanna start the game?” a voice heard by him. When he looked back, he felt his heart pumped so hard until he thought his body would run out of blood in 5 minutes. Youngjae shook his head, both in confusion and amazement. Himchan must be laughed at him right now.

“You… better you… start this,” Youngjae handed the ball to Daehyun. His face was all-red, like usual.

Although Himchan was playing around him, he felt thankful to him. If Himchan didn’t, he would not have a chance to talk with Daehyun or had a rare experience like drinking from Daehyun’s tumbler.

Youngjae played like a total amateur, but he was happy because he could take an advantage from his unskilled body. That guy taught him the whole of basketball rules and tricks. How to do lay up shoot, how to score three points, things that he must do’s and don’ts, and any other stuffs that Youngjae didn’t completely understand and he just could respond by a nod (Himchan didn’t believe when Youngjae told him that. He was kind of person who quickly understand anything. But after Youngjae shyly confessed that Daehyun’s face was more attractive than the topic, he just could laugh at him.)

And for god’s sake, Youngjae couldn’t believe that he fell for Daehyun harder.

Maybe… Himchan was right?



Thanks for the subbies! *gives you guys cupcakes* Daejae couple must be really popular, isn't it?

I decided to post the prologue today. I hope you all enjoy reading this. Please let me know your thought by comment :D



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Chapter 1: Please update soon!
Diinah #2
Chapter 1: hey upd8 pweaaassseeee!!!!
DaeJaeGyu #3
Chapter 1: Aigoo .. youngjae is like a cute shy fangirl .. plz update and put more details