bass and keyboard.

shut up! and let's run

So I am deciding to continue this verse and will be writing oneshots for it, each oneshot revolving around how the group was formed, the boy's friendships/relationships with each other, and how they get closer to their dreams. This verse does follow the drama 'Shut Up! Flower Boy Band' so some things will be similar to that drama if you have watched it, but many things will be different as well. 

Most oneshots will probably be written in the perspective of Jaebum, but once Mark is introduced, I will start branching off into writing some of the other members' perspectives instead, especially Jinyoung and Yugyeom. Mark will also get his fair share of oneshots as well, as his character does play a bit part in this, but he won't be introduced until the fourth oneshot or so.

Oneshots aren't exactly stand alone as they do follow a timeline, but they are not going to be written like a chaptered fic either, so while I'm sure many of the oneshots can be read alone without reading the others, it's probably best to read all of them to get the whole picture anyway.

However, the second oneshot for this verse can be read here:

bass and keyboard

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I love this so much (and I've been meaning to watch SU!FBB but I never have the time ;;)
Chapter 2: Awww I love this!
JB wanting to protect Youngjae.. Swoon! My 2JAEEE~
Chapter 1: i really like this! 2jae is the best!
Chapter 1: oh nice I really want to know what happened next
dragomir #5
Chapter 1: Interesting story....please continue the story..i wanna know what happen to the band
Arashika #6
Chapter 1: Oh my god this looks so interesting! I havent read flower boy band but I might have to if its anything like this! Ahhh I really want to see more of this universe~ :D
I can't wait!